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Cruz: Biden must face prison, not just impeachment.

This is the message Republicans need to keep pounding all the way to Election Day.

While Democratic prosecutors aim to⁢ disable former President Donald Trump and corrupt the ​U.S. system of justice from local courts to​ the nation’s capital, the 800-pound gorilla⁣ of⁢ American politics keeps getting bigger.

And in an appearance on Fox News’⁤ “Hannity” on Friday, Texas Sen. ‌Ted​ Cruz put it perfectly.

If President Joe Biden is as‍ guilty⁤ as ⁢he increasingly appears — of selling out his ‌office and ‍his country for millions of dollars — he deserves much worse than impeachment.

“Neither the corporate media nor any congressional Democrat cares at‍ all⁢ about whether the ‌president of the United States ‍received‍ millions of dollars of bribes from foreign nationals,”‍ Cruz told Hannity.

“The allegations are bribery: It wasn’t just ‌Hunter Biden selling ‘access.’ ⁢It was Hunter selling official favors from his‍ father, Joe Biden.”

There⁤ was a‌ time not too long ago that an allegation like⁢ that against the sitting United States president would have inflamed the national media.

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Anyone who’s followed ‌politics for the past decade knows⁤ Cruz is as partisan as a politician can come — the last man left standing to challenge Trump in the 2016 GOP primary, he’s ‍no John Kasich.

But this is no partisan issue — and Cruz wasn’t speaking as ⁤a Republican. ‍He was speaking as every‍ American — regardless of ‍party affiliation — should ‍be feeling.

Thanks to the Republican House majority and the ⁤efforts of Iowa Republican Sen.⁢ Chuck Grassley, evidence is accruing ⁣that Joe and Hunter Biden and numerous family members were engaged in the kind of racketeering​ and ⁣bribery‌ that was worse ⁢than anything Democrats tried to⁢ manufacture to destroy the Trump presidency.

As former⁢ Hunter Biden⁢ business⁢ partner Devon Archer testified to⁤ the House Oversight ⁢Committee in July, then-vice President Joe ‍Biden was a regular part of meetings with his son’s business benefactors, available⁣ via telephone or in-person when Hunter needed to show off his sway with the government of the most ​powerful nation on earth.

But as Cruz pointed out, there is more than just “influence,” at‍ stake now.​ Biden ​stands​ accused — ​as Americans‌ who don’t rely on ⁢the establishment media for news already know — of taking millions of dollars from⁣ foreign ⁤nationals.

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And in at least one​ case,‍ when the Ukrainian energy company Burisma​ needed to get rid of a prosecutor investigating its executives for ⁤corruption,‍ those Burisma suits ⁣ knew where to turn — the son of the vice president, whom they employed at the ⁤ludicrous salary of at least ⁤$50,000 a month.

Joe ‍Biden himself has bragged about using U.S.‌ taxpayer dollars to get the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, fired.

There is no question that Biden did so. He’s ⁢on video literally bragging about it at a Council‍ on Foreign Relations seminar in 2017.

The establishment media narrative ⁢is that Shokin was actually the corrupt one, and that Biden was standing for all that is good and beautiful and true (USA⁤ Today’s take in 2019, citing ​“sources ranging from the Obama administration to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine”).

But Archer told a different story — under oath.

Archer’s story is backed up by ⁢statements a confidential source gave the FBI — memorialized on a document the FBI calls an FD-1023 form — who said Joe⁣ Biden and Hunter Biden were each paid $5 million “presumably to ‘deal ⁣with Shokin.”

And that, Cruz told Hannity, could be enough ⁣to send ⁤both Bidens to prison.

The Texas senator then cited the FBI’s 1023 form and its‍ allegation of⁣ $10 million‍ changing hands.

“The essence of ⁤bribery is a quid ‍pro quo. We remember ‍from the first Trump impeachment … ‘quid pro ⁢quo’ is Latin for ‘this for that.’

“Bribery⁢ is ​paying someone something of​ value in⁤ exchange for an official favor.

“The ‘quo’ we know happened ⁣because …‍ Joe Biden has⁢ confessed to ‍it in a video interview where he said he went to Ukraine, ⁤he held hostage⁢ $1 billion⁣ in U.S. loan guarantees, and ⁤demanded of the⁢ Ukrainian government ‘fire⁤ the prosecutor that is investigating Burisma and investigating‌ the oligarch.’

“We know⁢ the ‘quo’ ⁣happened. The only question was whether, ‘did the quid happen.?”

“Did they pay ⁢$10 million⁤ for [Biden] to do so. ⁢If so, Joe‍ Biden is guilty of bribery. Hunter is guilty of selling bribes, selling official favors from ⁣his father.

“And ​if that is the case. Joe Biden should be impeached. He should⁣ be removed from office. He‍ should be‌ prosecuted, and he should go to prison.”

Cruz had plenty of conservative support:

Of course, there were also skeptics, tired of hearing conservative officeholders ‌threaten Democrats in high places with what amount to ​empty words. But there’s no denying ⁢that ‌the ⁢pressure is building — even Attorney ⁤General ‌Merrick Garland’s farcical appointment of a special‌ prosecutor​ with a documented record of covering up for the Bidens is a signal ⁢that not everything is going according to the Democratic⁣ playbook.

And ​the reason for that is ‌simple.

Nothing in the so-called “Steele‌ dossier” ever came ‍close​ to accusing Trump ⁤of something so serious, but the establishment media organizations that pursued every jot of that hoax have no interest in finding out⁢ if the now-president ​of the United States had used taxpayer money for⁣ an international shakedown that added to his personal wealth by $5 million and⁢ his⁣ son’s‍ by another $5 million.

This isn’t a spurious fantasy from anonymous sources about Trump cavorting with prostitutes, the kind ​of ​salacious story that titillates the degraded‌ press corps.

It’s an ⁢accusation, on the record in the Archer case, by ‍a credible FBI informant in ​the FD-1023 case, that​ the man who’s currently in the Oval Office betrayed both the office of the vice presidency and the country he was‌ supposed to be serving.

It’s also an implicit ​accusation that ⁤the party‌ he leads, the political party that holds a majority in the United States Senate and ​a substantial⁤ minority in the House ⁢of Representatives, literally ‌ does not care if the ‍man who’s now the president has sold his soul to foreign crooks.

The⁢ Democratic Party has spent the first decades of the 21st century ⁢proving — more palpably every year — that it has nothing but thinly veiled, cynical contempt for the United States of America as‌ an idea, and open, bottomless ⁤contempt for Americans who still ​believe in ⁢their country.

Whether that party will continue to drive the‌ country on ​a course of philosophical and ⁤practical suicide is at stake in 2024, from school board⁣ races to the presidency.

If⁣ Biden is guilty — as increasingly seems to be the case — simple impeachment is too good for him,‌ and his⁣ son.

And ⁣his political‍ party needs to pay the price, too.

That’s the message Republicans need to hammer. And on Friday, Ted Cruz ⁤hit​ it on the head.

The post Ted Cruz Says Biden Shouldn’t Just⁣ Be Impeached – He Should Go to Prison ⁤If He Did This appeared first on⁢ The Western Journal.

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