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15 groups demand Energy Secretary’s resignation over alleged ethics violations.

Nonprofits Demand Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s Resignation

A coalition of 15 nonprofits dedicated to promoting ethics and integrity in government has written a letter to President Joe Biden, demanding the immediate resignation of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. The group accuses Granholm of repeatedly violating federal ethics laws and regulations, while⁤ also ‍setting a poor example for her subordinates.

“We request the immediate ⁢resignation of Secretary‍ Jennifer Granholm based⁣ not only on her actions – her repeated apparent violations of​ federal ethics laws and regulations – but also⁣ on the ethics failures⁢ and legal missteps of her subordinates resulting from‍ her poor example,” the group wrote in their letter to President Biden.

One of the first ethics concerns surrounding Granholm arose in⁤ 2021, shortly after she assumed office as energy secretary. During her⁢ initial ⁢months as a cabinet‍ member, the Biden administration​ promoted‍ the electric bus ​company Proterra, despite Granholm still holding Proterra stock options⁤ due to her previous position on the company’s ⁤board. She eventually sold her stock for $1.6 million, just before ⁣an ethics deadline required her to do‍ so.

Granholm ‍was also ​able to defer paying capital gains taxes on the $1.6 million, as cabinet ⁢members are not ‍obligated to pay taxes on ⁢stocks they‌ sell⁢ to assume office.

Last year, Granholm admitted‌ to paying $400 in late fees for failing to disclose up to $240,000 in stock sales. Initially,‍ her⁣ aides claimed she had not broken the law, but later referred to the issue as an⁤ “inadvertent clerical oversight.”


“The planet ‌is warming faster than ever, the cost and​ impact of extreme weather events are⁤ intensifying, and yet what some people are spending their time on is a $400 late fee that was already paid on a clerical oversight,” responded ​Energy Department spokeswoman Charisma Troiano ​when questioned ​about the situation.

Last month, Granholm admitted that her husband owned shares in Ford ‍Motor‌ Company, which she had not​ previously disclosed. She claimed to have⁣ only become ​aware of the shares in May ​and stated that her testimony to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources‍ Committee in April was a “mistake.” Her husband sold the shares⁣ for $2,457.89⁢ on May 15.

Before her husband⁤ sold the stock, ⁤Granholm filmed a video promoting electric ‌vehicles, in ⁣which​ she rode⁣ an electric Ford Mustang. This raised⁢ concerns that she was ⁣promoting Ford, a company falling⁣ under her authority as energy secretary.

“It’s one of two things at this point. She’s ​either incompetent or lying,” said Representative Kelly ​Armstrong (R-ND), a member of⁢ the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

In addition to the alleged ‌stock violations, Granholm also violated a​ law that⁣ restricts ⁣political speech by‌ federal employees, according to⁢ a government watchdog.

Nonprofits Call for Accountability

“Since Ms. ⁢Granholm’s responses to‍ these allegations have often relied on‌ some variation of ‘it wasn’t my fault,’ this has left the American public wondering where exactly ⁤the buck‍ stops ‌in your administration,”​ the group of 15 nonprofits wrote in their letter ‍to‌ President Biden.

The coalition demanding Granholm’s resignation⁣ includes the following nonprofits:

  • 60 Plus Association
  • AMAC Action
  • American Accountability Foundation
  • Conservative Caucus
  • Cornwall Alliance for​ the Stewardship ⁤of Creation
  • Eagle Forum
  • Energy & Environment⁢ Legal⁣ Institute
  • David Bozell of ForAmerica
  • Heartland⁢ Impact
  • Heartland Institute
  • L. Brent Bozell III, ​founder and‌ president of the Media Research Center
  • Project ​21 Black Leadership Network
  • Protect the ​Public’s Trust

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