Washington Examiner

83% back national age verification mandate for porn sites: Poll

The Majority of American Voters Support Age Verification for ⁢Pornography ‌Websites

A ‍recent⁤ poll conducted by the American Principles Project reveals that an⁤ overwhelming‍ 83% of registered voters in the United States are in favor of implementing a national mandate‍ for age verification on pornography websites. This federal ⁣law would ⁣require consumers to prove they are at least 18 years old before gaining access to explicit content.

Currently, most websites only require age confirmation, which is less stringent than verification. However, the poll results indicate a strong desire among Americans‌ to protect children from early exposure to ⁢sexual content.

“It should come ​as no shock that⁤ Americans don’t​ want their kids watching porn,” says Terry Schilling, the president of the American Principles Project. “Beyond being simple common sense, the evidence is overwhelming that early exposure to sexual content can lead to many ‌terrible consequences for a child’s mental and even physical health.”

Several states, including Louisiana, Utah, Virginia, Texas, Mississippi, Montana, and Arkansas, have already passed verification laws to safeguard children from pornography. In response, the popular ​adult website Pornhub has chosen ⁢to cease operations in these‍ states and instead display⁣ a public service announcement featuring an adult actress‌ discussing the newly enacted laws.

The poll conducted by the American Principles Project reveals that a‍ majority of​ Americans, 58%, “strongly” favor these laws,⁣ while an additional 25% ‍”somewhat” favor them. Opposition to the laws remains in the single digits.

“Unfortunately, our lawmakers have ignored this issue for too ​long while online access to porn ​has exploded among​ minors. ​But now, that’s finally changing,” Schilling emphasizes. “Despite the gaslighting by the porn industry, legislators are recognizing the ⁢need for action to protect our kids. As this latest poll shows, Americans from all political ⁢backgrounds are standing behind them.”

The American Principles Project expects similar laws to be enacted in other states and pledges to advocate for these measures until children are protected in all ​50 states.

The poll, conducted by RMG Research, Inc., surveyed 1,000 registered ⁤voters from August 11-14. The margin⁣ of error for the poll is 3.1%.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to Pornhub and its parent company MindGeek for comment.

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