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Biden’s false claim on Pittsburgh ‘bridge collapse’ sparks criticism, revealing troubling aspects of the Democratic Party.

This is the man Democrats want to keep in the White House ‍until 2028?

The Walter Mitty⁢ world of President Joe Biden made another disturbing appearance Tuesday when the head of the​ country’s executive⁢ branch and commander in chief of its armed forces stood before an audience of Americans and vividly ⁤describe being present to watch an aging bridge collapse in Pittsburgh.

But the‌ tale had the same problem so many Biden stories do.

“That didn’t happen,”​ as the Republican National Committee’s RNC⁢ Research put it in a social media post.

Oh, the bridge collapse happened all right.

As the Pittsburgh‍ Post-Gazette ⁤reported at the ​time, the collapse took place just ​before 7 a.m. on ‍Jan. 28, 2022, over a ravine in the city’s historic Frick Park.

Fortunately, there were no deaths, but 10 were injured, including four who ⁢needed hospital care, the⁢ newspaper reported.

Unfortunately for ⁣Joe Biden, ⁤and any Democrat who thinks he’s remotely competent to handle the demands of the Oval Office, Biden was nowhere near​ the scene when the crash took place, much less in a position to give a first-hand ‌account. ⁤He was scheduled to⁤ visit the city that day — but didn’t arrive⁢ until hours after the incident.

That wasn’t how Biden told the ‌story on Tuesday in Milwaukee, according to⁤ the White House transcript of his remarks:

“You were —​ a lot of you were​ with me when I was in ⁣Pittsburgh,” Biden said. “… I watched‍ that bridge collapse. I got there and saw it collapse with over 200 feet⁢ off the ground, ⁤going over a valley.‍ And it collapsed.”

Biden’s White ‍House last year told ⁣a somewhat more realistic story. Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki wrote ‍in a social media post that “@POTUS ​has been told of the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh. Our team ⁣is in touch⁣ with state and ​local officials ⁤on the ground as they​ continue⁤ to gather information about the​ cause of the collapse.”

As The Washington Times noted, Biden did visit the scene and met with rescue workers ⁢and‌ construction workers in the aftermath of the collapse. But he⁢ wasn’t there when it took place.

And social media came alive with mockery — and disgust.

“He ‌is truly ‍disconnected from reality,” one X user wrote.

Another added, “He’s a pathological liar‍ and it’s disgusting and⁤ embarrassing.”

But⁣ there were some comments that cut to the real problem — the fabulist Joe Biden, who appears to believe his own ⁢lies down to the marrow of his‌ bone — is the man​ who’s in charge of the United States ⁢government.

While Democrats and the establishment media distract ‍the country by waging legal warfare against former President Donald Trump, Biden’s serial fabrications — and what they say about the man’s mental⁤ condition — go virtually unnoticed.

While Trump faces charges in four jurisdictions — so far — on spurious “crimes,” Biden and his family skate scot-free amid evidence piling up ⁢of influence peddling that amounted to⁣ payments of tens of‍ millions of ‍dollars to ​the‍ Biden clan.

Biden’s long, long political career‌ abounds with​ examples of his being a shameless⁣ liar, ⁤from the⁣ plagiarism that derailed his first presidential bid in 1988‌ (1988!) to ‌ vindictively smearing the man who⁤ drove the truck that was involved in the traffic accident that killed Biden’s first wife, he’s a man who’s a stranger to‌ the truth.

At the age of 80, ‍he’s also demonstrably in mental decline that could‍ well be dementia.

(On Tuesday, according ⁣to the White House​ transcript, he also trotted out the thoroughly debunked‍ legend of the Amtrak conductor and his ​celebration of Joe’s⁤ miles traveled.‍ Still, Biden keeps telling it.)

And as regular revelations from House Republican investigators show, he’s almost certainly corrupt, with a past of using ​his office for personal ‍gain for himself and for his family.

But his is the man,⁢ above all other men and women in the ​United States, that the ⁤Democratic Party wants ⁣to be in the⁢ White ⁣House for another four ‍years?

There’s one reason for that and⁢ one reason only: Democrats⁢ are terrified ⁣they don’t have another candidate ​who could defeat Trump — a man who hasn’t even won the GOP nomination​ yet.

That says more about the modern Democratic Party —‍ about ⁣both ​its ⁣weakness and its disregard⁤ for anything‌ but raw political power —​ than it‍ does about either⁢ Biden ⁢or Trump.

The fact ​that that party currently dominates American politics is why every conservative, Republican or independent who cares about ‌the United States and its future needs to ‌turn out in 2024 ‍no ⁣matter who the Republican ‌nominee is.

The ‍country can’t afford another four years of ‌this.

The post Biden’s ⁢Lie About ⁤Pittsburgh ‘Bridge Collapse’ Draws Backlash, But Says the Worst About the Democratic ⁢Party appeared first on The Western Journal.

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