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New revelation: Biden’s actions towards Gold Star families after Afghanistan crisis were distressing.

Family Members of Fallen U.S. Service Members Speak Out Against Biden’s Actions in Afghanistan

Heartbreaking stories of President Joe​ Biden’s selfishness and disregard for the lives of fallen U.S. service members have‌ come⁢ to light. ​These ‌stories are detailed in a new⁤ book titled “Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco ⁢and the American ​Warriors Who Fought to the End,” written by Jerry Dunleavy and James‍ Hasson.

The‍ book delves into​ the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in‍ August and September 2021, where U.S. forces essentially‌ surrendered to the Taliban after two decades of fighting. It⁢ includes accounts of how Biden treated the families of the 13 soldiers‍ who tragically lost their lives in a⁣ suicide bombing in Kabul.

One Gold Star mother, Shana Chappell, made headlines two years ago when she was censored by ⁣Facebook ‍for criticizing Biden’s role in her son’s death. Another Gold Star mother, Cherry Rex, recently shared her experience ⁤of how Biden made her son’s death about himself.

Rex recounted her encounter with Biden at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware ⁤during the dignified transfer ceremony ​of the fallen soldiers’ remains. She was shocked by Biden’s behavior just 24 hours after learning of her son’s death.

According to Rex, Biden approached her and said, “My wife Jill and I know how you feel. ‍We lost our‌ son as well and brought him home in a flag-draped coffin.” This statement left Rex shaken, as she knew ‍that Biden’s son had ⁣died from cancer and they were able​ to⁤ be by⁤ his side.

The ⁣book reveals that Biden never mentioned the names of the fallen soldiers during his conversations with the Gold ⁤Star parents. Instead, he referred⁣ to them as “your son” or “your daughter,” leading some parents to believe that he ⁤did not even know their children’s names.

Paula⁣ Knauss ⁤Selph, the mother of Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Christian Knauss, also confirmed that Biden never mentioned her son’s name ‍when they met on Memorial Day last year. She described Biden as ⁣an “empty, soulless person” who⁤ showed no deep sorrow⁢ or empathy for the situation.

Not only did the incompetence ⁣of the Biden administration result in the deaths⁢ of these ⁣brave soldiers, but Biden⁢ also managed ⁣to make their⁤ families’ pain even worse. At a time ​when comfort and support⁣ were needed, the president failed to provide⁣ it.

Some on the left have defended Biden’s decision to ‍withdraw ⁢from Afghanistan, citing a previous agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration. However, according to Townhall, the Pentagon had the ability to back out of that agreement to ensure the safety of American troops.

The book reveals that the‍ Taliban had violated the Doha‌ agreement and attacked U.S. forces during the withdrawal. Despite this, Chairman‍ of ‍the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin claimed that the Taliban had upheld their end of the bargain.

As a result of America’s leaders choosing to retreat, 13 troops ‌lost ‍their lives in a​ tragedy that could have been prevented. And when‍ the remains of these‌ heroes were returned to the U.S., Biden didn’t even‌ bother to say their names.

Source: The Western Journal

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