The epoch times

Pollster: 8 on stage ≠ Debate, it’s a Group Interview.

Do Televised Political Debates ‌Need ‍a‌ Reboot?

Televised presidential debates, like the Trump-absent​ Republican debate on Wednesday, have‌ been historically⁢ viewed as⁤ a showcase for voters‌ wanting to hear a candidate’s response to⁣ policy questions or ‍sometimes outright attacks.⁣ But the format hasn’t changed significantly⁤ since the first televised Nixon-Kennedy debate almost 63⁣ years to⁣ the day in 1960, with one exception. There are​ now more people on the stage​ than ever. But in the age of⁣ social media and instant‍ analysis, does the ​televised ⁣political⁢ debate format need a reboot?

In Search of​ True Debates

In a general election debate ‍that pits Democrat versus Republican, or ‌Democrat ‍versus ⁤Republican versus Independent, policy usually‍ is the focus. But⁤ in large primary debates, it tends to be less about ​policy⁢ and more‍ about character and personalities. This⁤ leads to the question: When you ⁤simultaneously‍ put eight people on ‌a ⁢stage, can you still call⁣ it a debate? Ryan Munce, ⁢a president and partner of the polling‌ firm co/efficient, who was​ in the audience⁢ for the Republican‌ debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday, told the Epoch Times the answer is “no.”

“It kind of ​does,⁢ in many ways, bother me that we still call them debates. They aren’t. They’re group interviews and I ‌really think people ‍would rather see a debate,” he said. “It’s an untenable exercise⁤ to ⁣have⁤ a debate ⁤with eight ⁣or 12 people and‍ a silly threshold that when you ⁤need⁢ to⁢ have⁣ only 1‌ percent support in​ a couple​ of polls, that allows you to be on the national stage. I’d​ love to see a smaller group and a true​ debate-style format.”

Nearly 12.8 million people watched the Fox News Republican primary debate⁣ Wednesday night, ‍a significant number for ‍a cable-only show‍ but well below​ the 24 million​ who watched the first of the Republican primary debates eight years ago.

Leonie Huddy, a Professor of Political Science at the State University ⁢of New York at Stony Brook ​who ​studies political behavior, told the Epoch⁢ Times that she ‌believes‌ the format, regardless of viewership size, ​has survived, and TV ratings can no longer ‌measure total audience engagement.

“There are some indications that the recent ⁣Republican debate attracted an​ unexpectedly large audience,” she said. “In many ways,‌ social media‍ makes it easier now than in the past to​ watch a televised debate. It⁢ can be watched in many different formats, diverse settings, and⁤ via ⁣innumerable online ‍sources. Of course, politics is not for everyone. It⁣ is important to remember that at least two-thirds of eligible Americans fail to vote in a presidential election and ⁤find politics incredibly uninteresting.”

At the beginning of these televised political spectacles, with limited television channels and no social media,​ these live⁣ debates were, at times, the first opportunity for a voter to meet a‌ candidate.⁣ But now, with candidates ⁤all over Facebook,⁤ Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, are‍ voters’ minds‌ already made up‍ before the ‍debates?

Post-election surveys conducted ⁤by Pew Research ⁤Center from ⁢1988 to 2020 found⁢ that in most ⁣cases,⁢ three-fifths or more voters⁤ said the debates were very or somewhat helpful in deciding which candidate⁢ to vote for. Pew⁤ points ⁢to 1992 as the⁤ outlier, when 70 percent of voters said the three-way debates that year ​between‌ Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Ross Perot were “at‌ least somewhat helpful.” That compares to the 2016 race when Pew‌ polls ⁤found only 10 percent⁢ of voters said they had definitively made up their minds.

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