Washington Examiner

Vivek Ramaswamy says Pence missed chance to be a hero.

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy on Mike Pence’s Missed ‍Opportunity for Heroism

During a ⁣recent appearance on NBC News’ Meet ⁢the Press, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy expressed ​his disappointment⁣ in former Vice ‌President Mike Pence’s actions on January 6,⁢ 2021. While acknowledging that he would⁢ have certified the election results as well, Ramaswamy ‍criticized the way in which Pence handled the situation, stating that he missed a “historic opportunity” to “reunite the country.”

The ‌Importance of a True National Consensus

When asked by host Chuck Todd if he believed Pence did the right thing by certifying the election results, Ramaswamy responded, “I would have done it very⁢ differently. I think⁢ that there was a historic opportunity that he missed,⁢ to reunite this country in that window.”

Ramaswamy ​went on to explain his perspective, emphasizing the ‍two essential elements for a ​functioning democracy in⁣ America: secure elections and a peaceful transfer‌ of power. He believed that​ when these two elements come‌ into conflict, it presents an opportunity for heroism.

A Different Approach to Reforms

If he were in Pence’s position, Ramaswamy‍ stated that⁢ he would⁣ have pushed for voting process ‍reforms‍ through Congress before the certification decision. This would have allowed‍ him to avoid the immense pressure faced by ⁢the vice president.

Ramaswamy outlined his proposed reforms, ⁢stating, “We need single-day voting on Election Day, we need paper ballots, and we need government-issued ID matching the voter file.” He believed ‌that achieving these reforms would ensure election integrity and eliminate further complaints. He also emphasized the importance of driving these reforms through the Senate.

A Missed Opportunity

Reflecting on what could have been, Ramaswamy expressed his disappointment, saying, “I think that was a missed opportunity.” He believed ‌that if he ‌had been in Pence’s shoes, he would have ​led ‌through the level of reform he proposed, certified the election results on that⁢ condition, ⁣and declared the re-election ‍campaign pursuant to a free and fair election on ⁣January 7th.

Overall, Ramaswamy’s remarks shed light on his belief that Pence missed a chance to demonstrate heroism and unite the country during a critical moment‍ in ⁣American democracy.

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