The epoch times

Florida county declares itself a Bill of Rights Sanctuary in preparation for new COVID mandates.

Rumors⁤ are stirring that another⁤ pandemic⁤ is coming.

This means⁤ a potential⁢ for more mask mandates, more lockdowns, and a new ⁤vaccine.⁤ To inoculate themselves from another round of ⁤bureaucratic and government‍ overreach, local⁢ officials in Collier County, Florida, have declared the county to ⁢be the state’s first “Bill of ‍Rights Sanctuary.”

They are‍ joining others.

In Pennsylvania,⁢ Montour⁢ County became a Bill⁤ of Rights Sanctuary on Feb. 9, ⁢2021.

Worcester County, Maryland, became a sanctuary for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution ‍on May ‍4, 2021.

Local ​officials in Volusia County, Florida, tried ​to enact⁤ sanctuary status ⁢in 2021 but the measure failed, and Mississippi and⁢ Tennessee ‍tried ⁢to become sanctuary states.

In Collier County Board of County Commissioners meeting on Aug. 22, The Epoch Times spoke with Commissioner⁢ Chris Hall, who sponsored the⁤ sanctuary measure.

According to the Collier County ordinance (pdf), the board wants to ⁤address its “growing concerns over the federal government’s increasing encroachment on the rights‌ and​ privileges of its citizens.”

“Of particular concern are those edicts being promulgated ⁢by the federal government⁤ in the‍ form ⁤of executive orders, which circumvent ‍the legislative process ‍and arguably violate the fundamental American doctrine⁤ of separation of powers.”

Commissioner Chris ​Hall ⁣speaks⁢ at the Collier County Board of ‍County Commissioners meeting in Naples, Fla., on Aug. 22, 2023. ‍(Patricia​ Tolson/The Epoch Times)

Mr. Hall made it clear ‌that the ordinance is‌ not intended ⁢to nullify ⁤constitutional ​federal​ laws but ⁢rather to protect citizens from unconstitutional mandates that⁣ bring devastating consequences ⁣to their lives and their economy.

“What we want ‌to do here in Collier ‍County is we want‌ to establish an‌ ordinance⁣ that is enforceable⁤ by the sheriff in case anything‌ ever twists ‍off​ in Washington or, ‍God forbid, Tallahassee, of ⁢any edicts, ‌resolutions, laws, or anything unconstitutional,” he said. “We ⁢realize what the ‍supremacy clause is and‌ it’s any laws that come down in pursuance ⁤of the Constitution.”

The supremacy ​clause is an article in ⁢the U.S. ‌Constitution which specifies that “laws‌ of the United States” and “all ‌treaties made” ⁣shall be “the⁣ supreme law of the land.” The ​clause further provides ⁢that‍ “judges in every ‌state shall be bound thereby,” and ⁤that federal law‍ supersedes ‍any‌ conflicting state laws.

For those, he said, “We will comply, absolutely.”

“But anything‍ that is not, we don’t have ‌to ⁣and we‍ won’t, and ⁢that’s going to be by law, here in Collier County,” he asserted, adding that the​ ordinance ⁢”will protect the citizens and their constitutional, inalienable rights given to ⁣them by⁤ God.”

Asked what ​inspired the effort to push‍ for such a measure,​ Mr. ⁣Hall did not hesitate.

“COVID,” he said.⁢ “Seeing the liberties of the people ⁢stripped ⁤and​ seeing them‌ just letting⁤ it happen. It’s why⁤ I⁢ ran for this ⁤job. ⁣I got mad at all of the injustice and I got mad at the sheeple.”

Mr. Hall is aware of the rumors of more lockdowns‍ and mandates.

“There’s all kinds⁢ of talk about things that might come down from the⁢ World Health Organization,” ‌he said,⁢ recalling ​the “recommendations from ​three-letter agencies that changed our lives” the last ⁤time unelected government⁢ bureaucrats started pushing ‍measures to restrict the rights of American ​citizens.

The COVID-19 Panic

On⁣ March 11, 2020, the World‍ Health Organization ​(WHO) declared⁢ COVID-19 a pandemic. Millions were‌ infected. Millions died. Panic ensued. Businesses ‍were ⁣ordered to ​shut down. Schools were closed. People were advised‌ to stay home, wear masks,⁤ limit the size of social gatherings, and stay at ‌least six⁤ feet apart.

A study published in Emerald Open ​Research on July 17, 2020, concluded that the COVID-19 lockdowns and ⁣controls were a violation of ⁣fundamental ​human rights⁤ and,‌ in some ‌countries, discriminatory ‌against minorities⁣ and vulnerable people.

A person⁤ closes ‍the‍ curtains in a room at⁤ a government-authorized COVID-19 quarantine hotel in Richmond, B.C., ‍on Feb. 28, 2021. (Darryl Dyck/The ‌Canadian Press)

A separate study confirmed that the lockdowns caused notable⁤ damage to the mental health of children​ and adolescents, ⁣causing a⁤ rise in the “presence of significant anxiety and depression.”

In January 2022, a paper published by the Annenberg Institute at Brown University (pdf) revealed‌ the devastating ⁤and “potentially demoralizing” effects the lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing,‍ and virtual schooling had ⁤on academic achievement.

While Federal Reserve economists ‌estimate that about 600,000‌ businesses fail each year in the United States, a 2021 study (pdf) found that the COVID-19 lockdowns resulted in the collapse of‍ an‍ additional 200,000 businesses.

An ‌analysis by ABC News in February 2020 ‌showed that in-person attendance at church dropped⁢ by‍ 45 percent. Just ‌like many businesses, some churches were forced to close for​ good.

As lockdowns were eased and businesses‍ and schools reopened, another chaos emerged.

A woman​ was⁢ assaulted with a stun gun and arrested for not wearing a ⁤mask ⁤outdoors. Parents were removed from school board ⁢meetings for ‍not wearing masks at the meetings.​ Even a teen girl was⁢ arrested ‌ for ⁤not wearing⁣ a⁤ mask at school.

Fights over masks broke out on airplanes, outside of restaurants,⁣ inside restaurants, in grocery stores, and on subways.‌ People were stabbed. Others were ⁤ shot.

If you didn’t or couldn’t ⁢wear a mask, you⁤ couldn’t go to work. You were not allowed in​ restaurants, movie​ theaters, or grocery ⁣stores. Children couldn’t go to school.

People lost their jobs. Members⁤ of the military ⁢were ⁣booted from ​service for refusing to be vaccinated, even for religious ⁣reasons.

In December 2021, the White House announced President ⁤Joe Biden’s “new actions to protect Americans⁤ against⁢ the Delta ​and Omicron variants,” which included⁢ boosters​ for adults and vaccinations for ⁣children to attend ‍school.

On May 3, 2022, the⁢ Centers ⁢for Disease ​Control and Prevention (CDC)⁤ issued recommendations that​ “everyone aged 2⁣ and older—including passengers and workers—properly wear a well-fitting ⁤mask or respirator over the nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation (such as airplanes, trains, etc.)⁤ and⁤ transportation hubs (such as airports, ⁣stations, etc.).”

This “new mask guidance” was strictly enforced.

If⁢ someone tested positive or came near anyone who tested positive for COVID, they were forced to quarantine for ​five days and ⁢wear a mask for 10 days.

A man wearing a face mask walks past a sign requiring masks posted⁤ on a storefront ​in ⁢Los Angeles‌ on March 2, 2022. (Frederic ‍J. Brown/AFP ⁤via Getty ​Images)

Exceeding Their Authority

It wasn’t until U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle struck down the CDC’s mask mandate as unconstitutional on April 18, 2022, that things changed.

According to the ruling, the mandate was ​”unlawful” ‍because it “exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority.”

While​ the CDC claims it derives its power to impose national ⁤lockdowns through the authority ⁣of the ‌federal commerce clause, legal authorities say this ⁣is invalid.

As​ Bradley Moss, a Washington‌ attorney specializing in national⁤ security ⁤issues, told NPR in April‍ 2020, “absent congressional approval or every state in the union collectively ‍agreeing ⁤to it,” it’s unclear “how any president would have⁣ the authority to impose a federal ‍or national quarantine.”

On Nov. 6, ⁢2021, the U.S. Court ‌of Appeals‌ for the⁢ 5th Circuit put a⁣ stay on the federal government’s⁢ plan to​ force Americans to be⁢ vaccinated, ruling that there were⁤ “grave statutory and constitutional issues” with the mandate (pdf).

It ​has been more than a year‌ since President Biden declared that the pandemic ⁣was over.

But now the WHO and the CDC are monitoring⁣ yet another COVID variant.

As The Epoch Times reported​ on Aug. 22, mask mandates have ⁣already​ returned in some ‍states. “A slight uptick in the virus” prompted two hospitals in Syracuse, New York, to bring back mandatory masking and ​testing.

On Aug. 23, the CDC warned that BA.2.86, the latest variant, “may ⁣be more⁤ capable of ⁤causing infection in people who have previously⁢ had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 ​vaccines.”

‘We Want to Be Free’

The unauthorized, unconstitutional restrictions and mandates imposed⁢ on ‌Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic are precisely the reason Mr. ‌Hall was so determined to get his measure passed.

“By ‍ordinance in Collier County,‍ Florida, we want to be free to live,” Mr. Hall said. “My job as county commissioner is‍ to protect⁤ and ⁣secure the⁤ lives of the people,⁤ and with this⁢ ordinance ​I think that’s a good thing.”

The Centers for Disease Control and ⁤Prevention headquarters⁣ in Atlanta on Aug. 25, 2023. (Madalina‌ Vasiliu/The⁢ Epoch​ Times)

Even though “there is no⁤ evidence that this ‌variant is causing more severe illness,” the⁢ CDC said⁤ that scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming updated COVID-19 vaccine and‌ that ‍that the “CDC’s current ‌assessment is that this updated vaccine​ will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization.”

“If licensed/authorized by the⁤ FDA and recommended by the CDC,” it assured,⁢ “updated vaccines will be available as early as‌ mid-September ⁣at your local pharmacy ⁣or doctor’s office.”

Mr. Hall is also aware of‍ how some have already reinterpreted the Constitution to circumvent⁣ the rights of the people, such as the familiar cry ‌of “separation of church and state.”

The First and 14th Amendments prohibit federal and state governments from establishing a national or state-level‌ religion, but they do not prohibit the mention⁣ of God⁢ by the state.

Even though the phrase “separation of church and state” does not appear ⁣anywhere in the Constitution, ‌the term​ is repeatedly used ⁢to justify infringements on the freedom ‌of religion by banning prayer in public schools or prohibiting the placement​ of manger ​scenes on public property.

“That’s​ the thing about ignorance,”⁢ Mr. Hall said. “It’s loud.”

‘The Rights to Fight Back’

As previously reported by ‌The Epoch Times, ‌Mr. Hall first introduced the Bill of Rights Sanctuary County measure ⁢in July 2021.

Despite ⁢support ⁢from many citizens during public comments⁣ and a stack of 231⁢ petitions in its favor, the measure failed by ‌a vote ‌of 3–2.

As the board ‌prepared to vote⁤ on Aug. 22, Mr. Hall made one more plea.

“I just want to keep it‍ simple,” he said. “This is an ⁢ordinance that will back the people. This says Collier ​County will honor the ⁣Constitution, will honor the Bill of Rights, will ​honor every federally constitutional law that comes down. If anything that comes down that is unconstitutional, or⁤ that it’s ‍obvious‍ that ⁤it’s not ‍constitutional,⁢ the people have the rights to fight back.⁤ The ⁢people⁢ give the federal government power.‌ The​ federal government does not ‍tell the people‌ what to do. That’s the way our ⁤country was framed.”

In conclusion, he said he hoped his fellow board‍ members would join him in passing⁤ the ordinance.

Commissioner William McDaniel reaffirmed what he said two years‍ ago.

“I believe this is a reaffirmation of⁤ the Constitution and‍ the Bill of Rights,” he said. “I believe​ that it’s an additional protection for the citizens of Collier‌ County ⁤and I ‍don’t think‌ it ⁢takes away ‌from⁤ the rights that our ⁢citizens already have,‌ and I’m in ⁤support.⁤ Our sheriff, our congressman, our ⁤legislators are still in support of it and so am I.”

Commissioner Daniel Kowal also reiterated his position‍ from two years ‍ago, saying the ordinance supports the Constitution⁤ and the Bill of Rights.

“It’s a check and ⁤balance on us as we move forward,” he said, noting how ⁢when boards ⁣in the future “are⁤ faced​ with another pandemic ​or epidemic and they have to ​make decisions ⁢that might​ violate your⁤ constitutional rights, they would have to reverse this ordinance and they ⁣would have to ⁤come out publicly and say ‘I don’t believe in the Bill ⁢of Rights. I​ don’t believe ⁢in ⁣the Constitution.’ And that would​ contradict their oath they ⁣had to take to ​have this seat.”

“That’s why I believe I have to support this,” he concluded.

Commissioner Burt Saunders at‌ the Collier County Board of⁢ County Commissioners meeting in Naples, Fla., on ⁢Aug. 22, 2023.​ (Patricia Tolson/The Epoch Times)

Commissioner Burt ‍Saunders was “in the lonely position” of being the only one to vote against the ‌measure.

While he called the ordinance a “well-intended exercise,” ⁢he doesn’t believe it’s necessary.

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