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Despite being indicted and skipping the GOP debate, Trump emerges as the winner in four national polls against Biden.

Trump Beats ⁤Biden in 4⁣ National Polls‍ Despite Being Indicted and Skipping GOP Debate

Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire⁣ presidency is imploding⁤ so catastrophically that former President Donald Trump — who skipped​ the first GOP primary debate and has been indicted four times this year ⁢— is beating the 80-year-old career politician ‍in four national polls.

This is an ominous sign that Biden could turn out to be a one-term president amid the countless harrowing​ crises erupting on ⁣his watch.

“The country’s frustration with inflation and wariness toward the idea of Vice President Kamala Harris being an 80-year-old’s heartbeat from the presidency are two of the many drags on President ‍Biden’s reelection chances,” Democratic pollsters Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman‌ wrote ​Monday in The Hill.

Among the numerous problems plaguing Biden’s presidency, the sputtering economy⁢ remains his biggest weakness, they said.

“Inflation fatigue has fostered widespread economic pessimism,”‍ Schoen and Cooperman ‍wrote. “Only a third‍ of voters (33 ‌percent) ⁢believe the U.S. economy is ​headed in the right direction,⁣ while most⁢ (58 percent) say it’s on ⁣the wrong track.

“In addition, voters are nearly twice as‌ likely to say that their personal financial⁤ situation has worsened⁤ over the last year (42 percent) rather than improved (22 percent). ”

Given these sobering statistics, it’s no surprise the ⁢latest poll from Schoen Cooperman Research showed the 45th president ⁣edging out ⁢the​ incumbent 45 percent⁢ to 44 percent in a​ hypothetical rematch of the 2020 race.

These results are mirrored in three other major national surveys, including one from‍ Emerson College Polling that showed Trump (46 percent) ⁣beating Biden (44 percent) in a hypothetical matchup.

In the‌ latest McLaughlin & Associates poll, Trump thrashed Biden 47 to 43 percent in a ‍hypothetical matchup.

Similarly, the new Reuters/Ipsos poll found the former president ⁢beating the incumbent 38 percent to 32 percent “if the election for president⁢ were held today.”

Obviously,⁣ polls are not the end-all-be-all, since they’re temporary snapshots of public ‍sentiment that can and⁣ do⁣ change over time. The ‍phrasing of questions and the methodology can skew ‌the results, and ‍at least two of the‍ above surveys were ​within the margin of error.

Having said that, the latest polls paint a troubling⁤ portrait of Biden’s presidency‌ as a beleaguered administration in shambles.

Take inflation, ‍for ‌example. The Biden administration and its establishment media lapdogs blithely insist ​ the ⁢economy is great. However, the daily reality of the crushing prices we’re all paying for groceries, gas ⁤and everything else‌ slaps down this fake talking ‍point.

It’s the same with ⁤the ​escalating crime waves metastasizing across the nation. People instinctively feel less safe than they used to.

Even with Trump ​ being bogged down with sham indictments, there’s growing⁣ sentiment that things cannot continue as they‌ are with this president in office.

Those who argue that the 45th president has⁣ no chance of⁢ being elected in 2024 should heed the wake-up call resounding from the‍ latest polls. Take it⁤ from Democratic pollsters Schoen and Cooperman.

“Many rashly ⁤assume that‌ Biden⁢ can handily beat ⁢Trump, who has even more political and ⁤legal⁢ baggage now than he did‍ when he lost the 2020 election,” the duo warned. “Democrats would be foolish to ‌take that for granted.”

The post Trump Beats Biden⁢ in 4 National Polls Despite Being Indicted and Skipping GOP⁣ Debate appeared⁣ first on The Western⁢ Journal.

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