The epoch times

Families of Kabul attack victims demand accountability 2 years post Afghan withdrawal.

Heartbreak⁣ and Calls for Accountability: Families of Fallen Service ⁢Members Speak Out

WASHINGTON–Anger, grievance, and heartbreak filled a hearing ‍room ‌on Capitol Hill as ⁤family‌ members of the​ 13 U.S.⁤ service‍ members killed in‌ an ISIS⁣ terrorist attack⁢ on Aug. 26, 2021, at the Abbey Gate outside ⁢Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, voiced their feelings just over two years since the bombing.

There were calls⁤ for accountability, transparency, and ‍even resignations directed ⁢at President⁤ Joe Biden and his administration.

Representatives⁤ of eight of the ‌13 service members took part in the almost-three-hour-long roundtable discussion, hosted by the House ‍Foreign Affairs Committee, which is ⁣chaired by ​Rep. Michael ⁢McCaul‌ (R-Texas). The only Democrat member of the committee in attendance was Rep. Madeline Dean (D-Pa.), who‍ was serving as ranking member in lieu⁢ of Rep. Gregory ‍Meeks (D-N.Y.).

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During the discussion about ⁤the attack, which occurred as the United States and its allies were⁢ withdrawing from Afghanistan following the 20-year war, Mr. McCaul read a statement he had ​just received from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen.‌ Mark Milley.

“We owe them transparency, we owe‌ them honesty, ⁢we owe them ⁤accountability. We owe them the truth‍ about what happened to their loved ones,” he ‌said in‍ a⁢ statement first reported by Fox News.

“I trust the Army, Navy, and‍ Marine Corps did⁤ the best they⁤ could ​in briefing the​ families who⁢ had loved ones killed at Abbey Gate,” the four-star general ⁢continued. “I believe the briefers ​gave every piece of information that ⁢they could.​ If there were issues with that, we need to take whatever corrective action is necessary.⁢ And our hearts go out​ to those families.

“This is a personal⁢ thing for all of us in uniform. We don’t like what happened in Afghanistan. ​We don’t like the outcome of Afghanistan. We owe it to the ⁣families‌ to ​take care ​of them. Their sacrifices were not in vain.”

Nonetheless, family members of those lost ‌on that day did⁣ not hold back.

“In ​his note,​ Gen. Milley ​mentions that he apologizes for any lack of information provided during these briefings that we all had ⁢in ​our homes,” said Herman Lopez, who lost his son, Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, in the bombing.

“The ⁣issue is not⁣ the briefing. The issue is not the lack of information during those briefings,” the Gold Star father continued. “It​ is the disregard⁢ of intelligence. It is ⁤the ⁢disregard of planning. That’s‍ what you should be apologizing for.”

“We’re knee-deep in bulls***,” said Mark Schmitz, whose son Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz was killed. His ire was ‌directed‍ toward President Biden as he delivered scathing remarks about that fateful ⁤day, lamenting the lack of responsibility​ and resignations from the Biden administration.

Mr. Schmitz ⁤stated that President Biden’s reputation as “the family man”⁣ can no longer ​be ​touted ⁣due⁤ to his “disgusting and cowardly” treatment of ⁣him and his fellow Gold Star relatives of the fallen service members. He‍ called ⁤for Mr. Biden’s resignation.

“You are a disgrace to this nation,” ⁣the grieving father⁤ said as if he were speaking to the commander-in-chief. “You⁣ have no business having ultimate command over our military.”

Mr. Schmitz wished he⁤ had said that⁣ to President⁢ Biden‌ at the ceremony on Aug. 29, 2021, when the bodies of the⁣ 13 service members arrived at‌ Dover Air‌ Force Base in Delaware. During ‌the transfer ritual, the president⁤ came under fire for appearing to glance at his watch, ‌though‍ some said there was the possibility President Biden, a Catholic, was‌ looking at his‍ rosary.

“While I stood there on the tarmac, watching you check your ‍watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, ⁤’It’s two-[expletive]-30, a**hole!” Mr. Schmitz said⁢ angrily.

But ⁣out of respect for​ the grieving families, he said he refrained from doing so.

Nevertheless, he said ⁣he was done “biting⁣ [his] tongue.”

“You, Sir, ‌stole their lives, their futures, their dreams,” he said.

During the discussion, Mr.‌ McCaul and Ms. Dean vowed to get

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