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Democrat Secretary of State clarifies Trump’s eligibility for ballot.

Arizona Law⁤ Supports Trump’s Eligibility for⁤ 2024 Ballot, Says Secretary of State

According to Arizona Secretary of State ⁤Adrian Fontes, Arizona law ‌is in favor of allowing former President Donald Trump to be⁤ on the 2024 ballot.

Some of Trump’s opponents argue that ⁣he is prohibited by the 14th Amendment from holding federal office again.

Originally designed to prevent‌ former Confederate officials from ⁤serving in the federal government after the Civil War, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualifies⁢ individuals who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion ⁣against” the Constitution. This amendment was ratified in 1868.

In Trump’s case, the claim is that his involvement in‍ the Capitol incursion on January 6, 2021, taints him.

Fontes initially expressed⁤ serious concern about the issue, stating that his⁤ office was taking it very seriously.

However, ​Fontes later explained that an Arizona Supreme Court case⁣ seems to limit his authority, as reported by The ⁢Hill.

“Now, the Arizona Supreme Court said that ‌because there’s no statutory ⁢process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment,⁣ you can’t enforce it,” Fontes said on a podcast by The Arizona Republic and⁣

“That’s what the Arizona Supreme Court said, so that’s the state of the law in Arizona. Now, do I agree with ‍that? No, that’s ⁣stupid,” Fontes added.

Fontes emphasized that he would follow the law, regardless of his personal opinion.

However, in a subsequent interview, Fontes clarified‌ that⁣ no final ruling has been‍ made yet, according to the Arizona Republic.

“It’s ​still⁢ an open question. Arizona law ‌is not the only law⁤ we‍ have,” he stated.

Fontes acknowledged that he ⁣anticipates the ruling and Arizona law could​ change if‍ his decision is challenged in court.

One group,‍ Free Speech for People, is determined to prevent⁢ Trump from appearing on the ballot.

“We have been clear that all secretaries of ​state and chief⁤ election officials must ⁣follow the mandate of Section‌ 3 of ⁤the 14th‌ amendment,” said Ron Fein, the group’s‍ legal director.

Michael McConnell, a law professor at Stanford ⁢University, warned that such a case would not only​ be a battle over interpreting the amendment but ⁤could also set a dangerous precedent, according to PBS.

“It’s not just about Trump. Every election ‌where someone says ⁤something supportive​ of a riot that interferes with the enforcement of laws, their opponents are going to ⁤run in and try to get them disqualified,” ​McConnell explained.

Source: Democrat Secretary of State Explains Why ⁣Trump Can’t Be Barred from Being on the Ballot

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