The epoch times

Deadly rip currents on Atlantic coast prompt rescues, claim 8 lives.

Strong Ocean Rip Currents ⁣Create Hazardous Swimming Conditions

TRENTON, N.J.—Strong ocean rip currents along the ⁢mid-Atlantic ⁤coast created hazardous swimming conditions on‍ Tuesday after several deaths⁣ were reported and ‍hundreds of other⁣ swimmers ⁣had to be ‌rescued by lifeguards during the Labor Day holiday‍ weekend.

Rip ⁢current warnings issued by the National Weather Service⁣ remained in effect Tuesday ‍from New York to North Carolina, ‌and that ​agency also was ‌urging swimmers to use extra caution and only swim in areas where lifeguards were present. Swimmers ⁢were being⁤ kept out‌ of the ⁤water in ‌some⁣ areas due to very rough⁣ conditions⁣ or ⁣lifeguard shortages, ‍or both.

The dangerous currents were ⁢spawned⁤ by the remnants of hurricanes Franklin and Idalia, officials said. They warned ‍that people caught in⁢ a rip current can be swept away from shore very‌ quickly and note‌ the best way to⁤ escape ‍is‌ by swimming parallel to ⁣the shore instead of towards it.

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At ⁢least three​ deaths were⁢ reported in New Jersey, including​ a 22-year-old man from the ​Dominican Republic who‌ began‍ struggling in the water off Beach Haven on Sunday while swimming with two other people, according to the Asbury Park Press. More than ‍a‌ dozen lifeguards formed a human chain as part of⁤ an effort to rescue the swimmers. Two of them were safely ⁣brought to land, but the third disappeared under the water and his body was found‍ a few hours ⁤later.

Meanwhile, searchers continued⁤ to look Tuesday for ‌the two other swimmers who ‍went⁤ missing in ⁤New Jersey over the weekend. They were presumed dead.

A 31-year-old Maryland man who was last seen in the ocean off ​Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,‌ was found dead early ​Monday, ⁤local news ⁤outlets reported.

Efforts to revive a ​woman who got caught in strong⁣ waves ‍along the Outer Banks in North Carolina were unsuccessful. WVEC-TV reported a witness saw the 28-year-old⁢ face down ‍in the water before she was pulled to ⁢shore ‌and later pronounced dead.

Officials also reported‌ water-related deaths including a couple in ⁢New York and a person ⁣in Virginia. Details were limited as of Tuesday afternoon, and it was unclear if those deaths were related to rip currents.

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