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Mayor Adams concedes defeat, cautions crowd about potential destruction of New York City.

Galactic hutzpah, thy ​name‌ is liberal New ‍York City.

At a Wednesday evening town hall⁢ meeting on the ⁤city’s affluent ⁣Upper West Side, Mayor Eric Adams complained about the massive influx of illegal immigrants into the city since ⁢last ⁢year.

“This issue ‌will destroy ⁢New York City — destroy New York City,” Adams ‍ told his constituents.

Before examining Adams’ ‍dire‌ prediction, recall that New Yorkers ⁢have a recent history of pious nonsense⁢ on “this issue.”

On Oct.⁣ 31, 2017, for instance,‌ the New ⁣York ‌City ‌Council declared that⁤ “no⁤ New York​ City resources can be used for federal immigration enforcement purposes,” according⁢ to The ‌Center for Popular Democracy, which touted the move as an ⁤antidote to “the Trump⁤ administration’s tactics⁢ of hatred and intimidation.”

For years, liberal New‍ Yorkers boasted of their love​ for illegal immigrants,⁢ as if demanding a secure border entails hatred. Affluent residents​ proclaimed their “sanctuary city” status with characteristic smugness.

Now that others have taken⁤ them ⁤at their word, liberal New Yorkers cast blame ​and cry for help.

“We’re⁣ getting no ⁣support on this national crisis — and we’re receiving no support,” ⁤ Adams said. “And‍ let me tell you something,​ New Yorkers. Never in my life have⁤ I had a problem that I did⁢ not see an ending​ to. I don’t ​see an ending​ to this. I don’t see an ‍ending to this.”

Three⁣ times in​ 30 ⁤seconds ​the ‍mayor repeated⁢ himself for⁣ dramatic⁣ effect.

The Post Millennial shared a brief clip ‍of Adams’ speech ⁤on X Thursday morning:

Meanwhile, Adams prepared his constituents⁤ for ⁢impending ⁢austerity.

“We had a⁢ $12‍ billion deficit that we’re ⁣going⁢ to‌ have⁣ to cut. Every ​service in‌ this city is going to be⁤ impacted. All ⁣of us,” Adams said according to ⁢ Fox News.

In related news, the mayor’s office announced Wednesday a new Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center ‍(HERRC) on Long Island.

“The⁤ humanitarian relief center will start‌ by providing shelter for up to 330 single men, but, once expanded to full capacity, the ‍site will host ⁣a total of almost 1,000 asylum ⁤seekers,” a press release from the⁤ mayor’s office read.

At the town hall, Adams denounced Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas for busing migrants to ⁣New⁣ York.

Will Democrats now see border security as an issue?

Will Democrats now see border security as an issue?

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According to the New York Post,‍ the first busload of migrants ‌from Texas reached New York City ⁢on Aug. 5,⁣ 2022. Since then,⁢ the “mad man” Abbott has transferred more than​ 13,000 migrants to the self-proclaimed sanctuary city.

In all, the number of illegal immigrants to reach New‍ York‍ City in ⁣the last year has exceeded 100,000.

“110,000‌ migrants we have to‍ feed, clothe,‌ house, educate the children,⁣ wash their laundry sheets, give them everything they need, health care,” Adams said.

Apparently,​ most⁣ New Yorkers deem this as a serious problem — most, but not all.

A‍ Siena College poll ​released last month revealed that 82 percent of New ‍Yorkers regarded the⁣ migrant​ influx as a “serious problem.” Nonetheless, ‌36‌ percent of respondents ‍still “said the state should accept ​more asylum seekers and help⁤ them assimilate,” according to the Post.

That last result illustrates ⁣the cancerous effect ‍of virtue-signaling liberalism ​ on the‌ human ​mind.

Remarkably, 18 percent of respondents described illegal immigration as a “serious problem” and insisted that it should continue. Only a⁢ person who regards ⁤the issue as ⁤someone else’s problem could give such a response.

As always, poorer​ New Yorkers and ‌probably‌ the​ migrants ⁣themselves ⁣will suffer most.

The preening, affluent, New York liberals, on the other hand — the ones⁣ who first boast of moral virtue and⁣ then cry for help while ⁢blaming ​others⁤ — rate among ‍history’s‌ most contemptible hypocrites.

The post Watch: Mayor Adams ​Admits Defeat, Warns Crowd New York City Will Be Destroyed ⁣appeared first on ⁤ The Western Journal.

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