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Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt shocked as elderly Iowan criticizes Jill Biden on live TV.

Wisdom of the Ages: Iowa Diner Calls Out ​Jill Biden on Live TV

A​ diner interviewed by Fox ⁤News Ainsley Earhardt managed to stun the “Fox & Friends” host with her unexpected response‌ to a question about the biggest issue that concerns her ​about ⁣the country and its presidential election.

Because to the ‌diner, the issue had ‌a name, and it wasn’t “President Joe Biden.”

The woman,⁣ who identified⁣ herself as⁣ “Donna,” and a resident of Urbandale, Iowa, was part of the crowd filling Urbandale’s Machine Shed restaurant Friday morning when Earnhardt gave her the chance to speak her mind ⁣— ⁣and gave her a prompt about‍ what⁣ she might want to say.

“What issues are concerning you?” Earhardt asked. “Is it the economy?”

Not even close, Donna responded.

It was what ⁣can only be​ described​ as the elder abuse ‌(not Donna’s⁣ word) that’s been on display ever ‌since Democrats and ‍the Biden family decided ​in 2019 ⁢to trot out a visibly failing Joe Biden as the party’s only hope of defeating then-President Donald⁤ Trump.

If it hasn’t quite gotten worse with every that passes in the Biden administration (the president​ spends a lot of time on vacation after all), it certainly shows no signs of getting better.

And Donna knows why.

“For me … One of the things that ⁣bothers⁤ me is, I’m five days younger than the president,” she said in a diner that had gone quiet to hear her answer. “I gimp, I walk with a gimp. I forget things once ⁢in a while.

“But I‍ feel that he has been put out before people. And being​ made fun of all the time. And I would like to think that my ‍family would not do that to me.

“And I feel⁢ that Jill Biden should be … feel ​very badly for what she’s doing.”

Check it out here:

“Wow,” Earhardt responded, clearly‌ taken⁤ off guard by the framing of the answer.

But maybe she shouldn’t have been.

It’s no secret, after all, that ​the Biden family has benefited enormously‍ from Joe Biden’s ⁣utterly undeserved ascendancy⁢ to the executive branch, whether as ⁣former‍ President Barack Obama’s vice president of in the Oval Office ‍on his own.

Of course, son Hunter “the⁣ bagman” Biden has made a fortune pimping his father’s name in a global market. ‍Then there’s brother ⁣James ⁣Biden, Hunter’s uncle and⁤ apparent mentor in the family business. (Mr. “Plausible‌ Deniability” himself.)

And⁢ don’t forget the other family members who⁢ got their cut.

As the New York⁤ Post ⁤ reported in May:

“Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.)⁣ identified nine Biden family ⁣members known to have benefited: ‍Hunter; first brother James Biden; his wife, ‌Sara; first daughter-in-law ⁤Hallie‌ Biden, the widow of Joe Biden’s ​son Beau; Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; his ⁢current wife, Melissa‍ Cohen; and ‘three‌ children of the president’s son and the president’s‌ brother.’”

Sometimes,​ it seems like the only Biden who isn’t on​ the take is the granddaughter the president and first lady denied for ‍so long.

But right at Joe’s side is Jill Biden, ⁣a woman who is finally ⁣getting what she no doubt considers her due after spending eight years completely‍ eclipsed by Michelle Obama.

Now, it’s Jill who’s ⁣got the starring role in leftist causes. ‍It’s Jill​ who’s ⁣the subject of fawning media coverage and embarrassing fashion spreads.

Plus, she gets to live‍ in the family’s vacation home in ⁣Rehoboth Beach and the home manse in Wilmington, Delaware, not to mention the White House itself.

Jill Biden,⁣ who of all the ‌human beings on the face of the planet, knows⁣ best ⁤how ill-equipped ‍her⁢ husband is⁤ for the⁣ job ‍of the ⁣presidency, has apparently had no qualms about him doing it, as long as she’s gotten the‌ perks that go with it — not matter how much‌ he embarrasses himself or his country.

The entire Biden crime family​ saga is sordid, from Hunter Biden’s copious​ use of prostitutes ‍ on through ⁣the shell companies ‍established for the sole purpose ⁤of hiding the ill-gotten gains of influence ​peddling.

But the worst crime of all may well have‌ been the​ one against⁣ basic human decency committed by a family and a political party‌ that decided to use the fragile ‌shell of a⁤ now-octagenarian Joe Biden as a frontman for ‍the worst excesses of an ⁤increasingly leftist ​party.

And ⁣the worst perpetrator of it is Jill Biden, as the octogenarian Donna ⁤nailed it with ⁣Ainsley ‍Earhardt.

“I feel that Jill Biden should be … feel very badly for‌ what she’s doing,” Donna said.

It’s a rock-solid bet that⁤ Jill Biden⁢ doesn’t feel badly at all. She⁢ isn’t nearly wise enough.

The post Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt Stunned as 80-Year-Old Iowa Diner Calls⁤ Out​ Jill Biden on Live TV appeared first on The Western Journal.

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