Washington Examiner

Biden vows to veto DOD appropriations bill.

President Biden Threatens to Veto‌ Department‌ of​ Defense Appropriations Bill

President Joe Biden has taken⁤ a strong stance against ‍the House’s Department of Defense appropriations ⁤bill,​ warning that he would veto it if it reaches his ‍desk without significant changes. The bill, which includes‌ several‌ provisions that the administration ⁢opposes, must first pass through the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Government Shutdown Looms

Congress is now facing the possibility of a government shutdown unless a deal can be ‍reached in‍ the coming​ weeks. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ⁤is tasked with ⁣finding a balance between appeasing hard-line conservatives and creating a bill that can pass the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats.

Controversial Provisions

House Republicans have added provisions to⁣ the bill that⁤ have drawn criticism from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB argues ⁤that these provisions could have devastating consequences,‌ including harming access to reproductive healthcare, endangering LGBTQI+ Americans, ​hindering climate change initiatives, and ‌preventing the promotion of diversity and inclusion.

Reproductive Healthcare Policy Under Fire

One of⁣ the most contentious issues​ in the bill is the Pentagon’s policy on reproductive healthcare. Republican lawmakers have criticized‍ the policy,‌ which covers reproductive healthcare not included⁣ in military insurance. The policy was implemented after the Supreme Court’s decision​ to overturn Roe‍ v. Wade, prompting conservative states to⁣ pass restrictive abortion laws. ⁤The OMB defends the policy, stating that‌ access⁣ to reproductive healthcare is critical for servicemembers and their families.

Senator’s ⁢Protest

Senator Tommy Tuberville has held up nominations and confirmations of⁢ DOD⁢ officials in protest ⁤of the reproductive healthcare policy. Despite the Department of Justice finding that the policy is lawful, Tuberville ⁤believes⁤ it violates federal law. Senate Democrats have ‌a way to ⁣bypass his block, but they have not yet utilized it.

The Pentagon maintains that all service members should have equal access to healthcare, regardless of​ their location.

In⁣ July, President ‍Biden also threatened to veto a⁣ Republican-backed appropriations bill ‍for ⁣military construction, the Department of Veterans ‌Affairs, and related agencies.

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