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Someone attempted to troll Trump at an Iowa event where DeSantis was also present with a ‘Missing Melania’ campaign.

An Intriguing Undercurrent‍ of Trolling at Iowa vs. Iowa State Football Game

An intriguing undercurrent of trolling became the focal point at the⁣ Iowa vs. Iowa State football game ‌on Saturday, as flyers and‍ banners⁣ seemed to imply that Melania Trump had disappeared from the political scene.

However, upon ‌closer examination, a different narrative emerges: The former first lady opted for a quiet existence by her son’s⁤ side, far from the campaign’s frenzied ⁤spotlight.

The⁢ “Where’s Melania?” campaign, featuring contact numbers for the Mar-a-Lago Security Office, seized the spotlight as former​ President Donald Trump and ‌Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis graced the game with their presence, New⁤ York Magazine ⁤reported.

The flyers raised questions about‌ Melania’s whereabouts, bearing the bold query,⁤ “WHERE IS OUR FIRST​ LADY? WHY IS DONALD TRUMP HIDING HER? WE MISS HER,” according to ‌ The Gateway Pundit.

The insinuation that Donald Trump was concealing her presence⁢ was palpable. Or, as Trump critics‌ would like to ‌believe, that the former first lady‍ had‍ abandoned her husband, potentially leading to a ‍divorce, as reported by​ Newsweek.

Melania’s Deliberate Decision to Stay Out ⁢of the Spotlight

However, Melania’s absence from the campaign trail isn’t a mystery she conceals but rather a deliberate decision, according to The New York Times.

The liberal paper reported that Melania, who “sticks to ‍a small circle,” has her “most ardent pursuit,” which is staying close ⁣to her son, Barron, while providing support to her husband’s ​campaign from the shadows.

“He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for ‍the future and leading America ‌with⁢ love and strength,”⁣ she said.

Her choice to maintain a low profile during this political season, according‌ to the Times, stemmed from feelings of betrayal experienced during her tenure in the White House, leading‌ her to confide in a select circle‌ of close family⁣ and friends.

Accusations and Declining Support

Trump ​has accused his GOP rival, DeSantis, of disseminating “Missing Melania” flyers at the Iowa football game, The Independent reported.

During the Saturday event, Trump⁤ faced jeers from some fans in the crucial early-voting state, further amplified by a plane carrying a “Where’s Melania?” banner soaring over the stadium.

Latest polls reveal that ​among Iowa Republican caucus ⁢voters, Trump’s current level of support stands ‍at 49⁤ percent, marking a notable ⁣decline from the 62 ⁢percent he ⁢enjoyed back in May, The ‌Hill ⁢ reported.

The former president subsequently posted an article on Truth Social by Trump ⁣supporter Laura Loomer,⁣ alleging that “DeSantis’s campaign staff passed out flyers attacking‌ former‍ First Lady Melania Trump,” according to the‌ Independent.

In the article, Loomer blamed DeSantis, saying he “conducted a shameless and classless political stunt.”

Speculation and Trolling Rivalry

Rachel Scott, ⁤a ⁣senior congressional correspondent⁣ with ABC‍ News, shared an ‍image of the flyer on social media⁤ and suggested the⁤ possibility of involvement from the⁢ DeSantis team.

Posting on X, formerly known as Twitter, Scott noticed that weeks ago, “the Trump campaign flew a‌ banner” bearing​ the message “Be Likeable, Ron!”

“Today, there’s scattered ‘Missing’ flyers all over the rivalry Iowa game — where Trump,⁢ DeSantis & several other candidates will both appear,” she said.

DeSantis, whose wife, Casey, has been actively⁤ involved⁢ in campaign efforts, has witnessed a⁢ decline in‌ his​ numbers, with polls showing ​a drop from 20 percent to 14 percent, as reported by The Hill.

The “Be Likeable, Ron!” banner flown at the Iowa⁢ State Fair weeks ago only added fuel to the ⁤speculation surrounding a ⁤potential trolling rivalry between the two camps.

The post Someone Was Trying Hard to ⁤Troll ⁣Trump with ‘Missing​ Melania’ Campaign at Iowa Event​ DeSantis Also Attended appeared first on The Western Journal.

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