The epoch times

Study finds cancer-linked chemicals emitted by household cleaning products, including ‘green’ ones.

Did ⁣you know that many household cleaning products, including those labeled as eco-friendly and “green,”⁤ could actually be harmful to humans? A recent peer-reviewed study titled “Volatile organic compounds emitted ⁢by conventional and ‘green’ ‍cleaning products in the U.S. market” ‌revealed some shocking findings.

As part⁤ of their study, researchers⁣ from ⁤the non-profit ‌Environmental Working​ Group‌ (EWG) analyzed 28 cleaning products ⁣and two air fresheners‌ for hazardous human-made chemicals known as‍ volatile organic‌ compounds​ (VOCs). They ​checked the air⁤ quality impacts of ‌the ⁤products and measured the number, concentrations, and emission factors of⁢ VOCs.

The cleaning products used ⁤in the study consisted of various cleaners, including all-purpose, ‍carpet, floor, glass, and wood cleaners, as well as laundry stain removers. The researchers purchased​ these items from online retailers between​ December 2019 and May 2022.

Out of the 30⁤ products analyzed, 14 were standard conventional household cleaning products, while nine were fragranced “green” items. Another seven were fragrance-free cleaning products marketed as ​”green.”

“Exposure to cleaning ‍products has been associated with harm to the​ respiratory system, neurotoxicity, harm to the reproductive​ system, ⁤and elevated risk⁤ of cancer, with greatest adverse impacts for workers exposed in an‌ occupational⁣ setting,” researchers wrote.

Health Effects of VOCs

Overall, researchers detected 530 unique VOCs ‍in all 30 of the products, including eco-friendly “green” products with and without fragrances, they said.

Of⁢ these 530 ⁤VOCs, 193 were considered ‌health ‍hazards based‌ on either‌ California’s Department of⁢ Toxic Substances Control Candidate​ Chemicals List or the European Chemical Agency’s Classification and Labeling Inventory.

VOCs are commonly found in everyday household cleaning products and can have short-‌ and long-term adverse ⁣health effects. They can cause ⁢headaches, loss of coordination, nausea, and even⁤ damage to the liver, kidneys, and central ​nervous⁢ system. Some ​VOCs‌ are also known to cause‍ cancer in humans.

According to ‍their⁢ study,⁤ researchers with EWG found ⁣that “green” products still emitted VOCs but ⁢at a lower level than their non-green⁤ counterparts.

‘Wake-up Call for Consumers’

“Greater total concentration, ⁤total emission factors, ⁤and numbers of VOCs ‌were generally observed in conventional cleaning products ⁤compared to ⁣products identified as⁢ ‘green’, particularly compared to fragrance-free​ products,” ​researchers‍ wrote.

This study serves as ‍a wake-up‌ call for consumers.‌ While “green” products​ may reduce exposure to VOC emissions, it’s important⁣ to ⁣be aware that they still emit ‍VOCs. So, when it comes to choosing cleaning products, it’s crucial to‍ prioritize ‌safety and⁢ consider ​fragrance-free options.

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