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Fact-checkers criticize Biden for lying to military families in his 9/11 speech.

Fact-Checkers ⁤Pile on Biden After He’s Caught Lying​ to ⁢Military‍ Families in His 9/11 Address

On Monday, President Joe⁣ Biden peddled a fake story about his trip to ground zero in ⁤New York City the day⁤ after the⁤ fact-checkers-pile-on-biden-after-hes-caught-lying-to-military-families-in-his-9-11-address/” title=”Fact-checkers criticize Biden for lying to military families in his 9/11 speech.”>9/11 ⁣terrorist​ attacks 22 years ago.

During an anniversary speech to members⁣ of the ​military, first responders, and their families in Anchorage, Alaska, Biden ‌ declared,‍

“Ground zero in New ‌York, I ⁣remember standing there the next ​day and looking at the building. I felt like ⁢I was looking through the ⁣gates of hell, it looked so devastating because of the​ way ⁢you⁤ could⁣ — where⁣ — from ⁤where you could stand.”

Biden, however, ⁤was not standing at‍ ground zero⁢ or anywhere‌ else ‌in ⁢New York City on that day.

As Fox News noted,⁣ he was in⁤ Washington on Sept. 12, 2001. A floor speech and other Senate business account⁣ for his whereabouts for most of⁢ the day.

In a surprising twist, conservative media weren’t the only ‍ones calling out the president for his⁢ latest prevarication.

Even fact-checkers ‍at⁣ left-leaning organizations and outlets reported that his story was false.

“Biden ​would not visit ⁣ground zero for the‍ first time until a week ⁤later,⁣ on ⁢Sept. 20, 2001, when, according⁣ to The Associated Press, he joined a delegation of senators ⁣who traveled by train ‍from ‌Washington to New York‍ to see the devastation with​ their own ⁤eyes,” Snopes said.

PolitiFact ‌also⁢ labeled his story ⁣as false, while said that⁤ Biden “wrongly claims to Have Visited New York City a ‌Day After 9/11.”

CNN said it asked ⁢the White House about his 9/11 story and received this email⁤ comment​ “on condition of anonymity”: “The President first visited the World Trade Center nine days after the September ​11 terrorist‌ attacks as part of‌ a bipartisan delegation from the ‌Senate.”

In its fact check, CNN ​not only said⁢ the president’s claim was false but also detailed numerous ‍other instances when he ⁣made up or altered‍ stories.

These include making up stories about his family, ⁣falsely⁣ claiming ​to have visited a‌ bridge collapse,⁢ falsely claiming to have visited a Pittsburgh ‌synagogue after ‍a deadly shooting, and‌ saying he “used ⁤to drive an‍ 18-wheeler.”

Ludicrously, Biden even claimed⁣ to ‌have ‍been‍ arrested during​ a civil ​rights protest, which‍ seems unlikely.

During‌ the presidential campaign, he also told anyone in Iowa who would listen a fictitious story about a conductor telling him ‌he ‌had traveled a million miles on ⁢Amtrak.

This is just a ​small sample⁣ of the ⁤false stories that Biden ⁤has told as a ⁣senator, vice president, candidate, and president.

Aside from the proven lies, he‌ has told stories that even fact-checkers at leftist outlets such as ‌The Washington Post say don’t “add up.”

And this week the president‌ told such‌ a ‌blatant ‌whopper that many of them ⁢could not ignore it.

Is ‌Biden losing‍ touch with reality due to his age? Or​ are his​ current fabrications a continuation of the blithe lies and deceptions that defined his⁢ earlier ​presidential campaigns?

The ‌Daily⁣ Wire’s Michael Knowles had a different take.

“It’s not‍ that⁣ he knows that he⁣ is lying, and it’s also not‌ that he is totally bought into the lie ‌that he actually believes ⁤that it’s true,” he said Tuesday on his show. “I ⁤think ‌there’s a ‌third⁢ possibility here, which is that Joe Biden doesn’t care if ‍what he says is true.

“That’s⁣ called⁢ cynicism. It’s ​between deceit and senility. There is this⁤ place where Joe ⁤Biden has lived⁤ for his entire political career, and it’s cynicism, indifference to the truth.

“Pontius Pilate is‌ probably⁤ the typical cynic, who, when he’s confronted by‌ Christ, who says, ‘I am ​the truth,’ Pilate says, ‍‘What⁤ is truth? What is truth? C’mon there’s no such thing as truth.’

“I think​ that’s where Joe ⁤Biden is. ⁣He just doesn’t,⁣ he’ll just say whatever‍ sounds good. ⁢And maybe he believes it, maybe ​he ​doesn’t — I think he just doesn’t really care.”

No ‌matter whether he’s ​telling untruths because he’s deceitful, he’s deluded, or ⁢he just⁤ doesn’t care, it’s not a good sign for our country ​to be led by such a ⁣man.

The post Fact-Checkers Pile on Biden After He’s Caught Lying to Military​ Families in His‌ 9/11 Address appeared first⁢ on The ‌Western Journal.

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