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Bill to Prevent Deportation of Vietnamese Refugees Set for Reintroduction

House Reps. ⁣Lou Correa and Michelle Steel Propose Bill to Protect Vietnamese Refugees

House Representatives Lou Correa (D-Calif.) and ⁢Michelle Steel ​(R-Calif.) have joined forces to introduce a bill aimed at safeguarding certain Vietnamese refugees​ from detention‌ and deportation. This groundbreaking ⁢legislation marks the third⁢ attempt in⁣ Congress to address the issue since the​ Trump administration overturned a 2008 ​agreement with Vietnam ‌that provided protection for⁤ many of these refugees.

The proposed bill, known as the “Honor Our Commitment​ Act,” seeks to prevent the deportation of Vietnamese refugees and immigrants who arrived in the United States prior⁤ to July 12, 1995. This date signifies ‍the re-establishment of ⁣diplomatic relations⁤ between the ​two countries following the Vietnam War.

According to Ms. Steel, the‌ bill⁣ will be officially announced after September 30. Both Representatives⁤ Correa and Steel ⁣serve as co-chairs of the Congressional​ Vietnam Caucus and represent districts ⁢in‌ Orange County, which is‍ home to ⁢a significant Vietnamese population. Their close ties to this​ community have greatly influenced their advocacy for the protection‍ of these vulnerable groups.

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The Honor Our Commitment Act was initially⁣ introduced in 2020 following an agreement between Vietnam and the Trump administration that allowed for the deportation of Vietnamese refugees who arrived before‌ 1995.⁤ This contradicted a 2008 Memorandum ‍of Understanding signed by the Bush administration, which stated that‌ these‌ individuals were not eligible for deportation.

A ‌similar bill⁢ with the same name was introduced in 2022 ⁢but failed ‌to pass.

“After the fall​ of Saigon, thousands of men, ‌women,‌ and children came to the United States in⁣ search⁢ of ‌freedom,” stated Ms.‌ Steel. “It is our duty to ⁣honor our promises to these ⁢Vietnamese ⁢Americans,​ who⁢ hold democracy⁤ and liberty above ​all else. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation and protecting our⁣ fellow Americans.”

Rep. Lou Correa with Rep. Michelle Steele ‍in Washington, D.C. (Courtesy of the Office of Rep. Michelle Steel)

Ms. Steel, whose parents fled North Korea during the Korean War, draws parallels between her family’s experience and the plight of the ⁢Vietnamese community following the communist takeover during the Cold War.

“I’m passionate about this. We cannot‌ send someone who sought freedom ⁢and ⁢democracy in this country back to ⁤Vietnam. It would be a death sentence,” emphasized Ms. Steel. “Having witnessed the ‌workings of communism through my parents’ escape from North Korea, I understand the persecution ​that occurs under ⁤such regimes.”

Ms. Steel highlights the⁤ religious and political persecution faced by minority groups, ⁢particularly⁣ Christians, who are likely to be targeted and imprisoned by the ​Vietnamese government upon‍ deportation. She warns that over 7,000 Vietnamese refugees ⁤in ‌Orange County are currently at risk of being deported.

Flowers with messages of gratitude are ‌left⁤ at the⁣ Vietnam War Memorial where a‍ statue depicting an American⁣ soldier‌ and a South ‌Vietnamese soldier are surrounded by American and old-style Vietnamese flags⁣ near​ the‌ Little Saigon⁣ section in Westminster, Calif., ‌on April 28, 2005.⁤ (David McNew/Getty Images)

According to Ms. Steel, Vietnamese leaders bear responsibility‌ for severe human rights violations⁣ against their perceived adversaries, resulting in the imprisonment ⁢of over 170 religious and political minorities.

Mr. Correa echoes these sentiments,‌ emphasizing the importance of standing by the Vietnamese community and upholding U.S. protections for such groups. Orange County is home ​to the largest Vietnamese population outside‍ of ‍Vietnam, with approximately 200,000 Vietnamese residents, as stated by the Congressman.

“This ⁢is not a Democrat or ​Republican​ issue. It goes beyond that,” Mr. Correa expressed. “This is about demonstrating to our allies and future allies that​ America stands with⁢ those who stand⁣ with us. It’s as simple as⁢ that.”

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Congressman Lou Correa is a longtime Orange County resident, with​ deep local roots. Keover in South Vietnam. ⁣She emphasizes the importance of‍ upholding the United States’ commitment to protect those who sought refuge and⁢ a better life in our country.

Similarly, Rep. Correa, whose family immigrated to the United States from Mexico, understands firsthand the challenges faced⁢ by​ immigrant communities. He believes that supporting and ⁤standing up for the Vietnamese refugees is an essential ‌part of maintaining the values of ‍freedom⁢ and opportunity that our nation stands for.

The proposed bill has garnered support from ⁣various advocacy groups and community organizations, including the Vietnamese American‍ Community of Southern California (VACSC) and the Orange County Asian and ⁢Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA). These organizations have actively fought for the rights of Vietnamese ⁢refugees and are hopeful that‍ this new legislation will finally provide them with the protection they deserve.

In addition⁢ to preventing the detention‍ and ​deportation of Vietnamese⁣ refugees, the Honor Our Commitment Act also seeks to grant legal status to those who have long been contributing members of our society. It acknowledges their contributions to our economy, ⁤culture, and community and provides them with the opportunity to continue building ⁤their lives in the United States.

The bill is expected ⁢to face challenges and opposition in Congress, but Representatives Correa and Steel are determined to champion the cause and push for ‍its passage. They recognize ⁢the urgency of the situation,⁢ as many Vietnamese refugees face the ⁤constant fear of being separated from their families and forced to return to a country where they‍ may ‍face persecution or hardship.

The bipartisan nature of this bill highlights the importance of ‍investing in the well-being and protection of our‍ immigrant communities,⁤ regardless of political affiliation. It sends a ‌powerful message ⁤that our nation is committed to honoring‌ its promises ⁢and standing up for those who have sought refuge on our shores.

As the Honor Our Commitment Act makes its way through Congress, ​we encourage Americans to support this crucial legislation and reach out to ⁢their representatives to express their support.‍ Together, we can ensure that the United States remains a beacon of hope ⁤and opportunity ⁤for all, ⁢regardless of their backgrounds⁤ or the circumstances‍ that led them to our shores.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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