Washington Examiner

MTG criticizes Democrats’ EV agenda as ‘betrayal’ to auto unions.

Rep.‌ Marjorie Taylor ⁢Greene Slams Democrats’ Electric Vehicle Agenda as “Traitorous” ​to Auto Unions

On Thursday, Rep. ⁢Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) passionately criticized the Democrats’ push for electric vehicles, calling it a betrayal to auto unions and workers who are nearing a strike deadline.

During her speech on the House floor, Greene expressed her support for HR 1435, also known as the ‌Preserving Choice in Vehicle ⁣Purchases Act. She has been a vocal opponent of the Biden administration’s goal to have 50% of new vehicle sales be electric by ⁣2030.

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“Forcing drivers to buy electric vehicles to fulfill the Democrats’ Green New Deal climate⁤ cult agenda is traitorous to⁢ auto⁤ workers, traitorous to​ auto unions, and traitorous‍ to every American auto consumer,” Greene passionately stated.

Her remarks come at a crucial ⁣time as the United​ Auto Workers⁤ union engages in contract⁤ negotiations ‌with Detroit’s three major automakers. The union is demanding a 36% increase in pay, while the automakers have countered‌ with offers⁢ that are only half of that.

This potential strike will not ‍only test President Biden’s claim of being the most pro-union‍ president ‍in history but also shed light on which candidate​ the unions will endorse ‌in the 2024 ‌elections. Although the UAW⁣ endorsed Biden in 2020, President Shawn Fain ​stated ⁢that‌ the union is withholding its endorsement until‍ certain concerns,⁢ including the transition ​to electric vehicles, are⁢ addressed.

Fain mentioned ​that a strike involving all ⁣146,000 UAW members is still ⁢a possibility, ⁤but initially, the union will ‌strike at a limited number of plants. The final decision will be announced at 10 p.m. EDT.

Click here to ​read more from​ The Washington Examiner.

What is Section 5 of the‍ VRA?

Section ‌5 ⁤was enacted to⁢ freeze changes in election practices or procedures in covered jurisdictions until the new procedures‍ have been determined, either‌ after administrative review by the Attorney General, or after a lawsuit before the United⁣ States District Court for the District of Columbia, to have ‌neither … Some possible topics ⁢for a persuasive essay⁣ could include:

1. The benefits of practicing a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.

2. The importance of voting in ⁤elections and actively participating ‌in democracy.

3. The⁢ advantages of renewable ⁤energy ⁤sources and the need for⁤ a transition away from fossil fuels.

4. The ‌negative effects ⁢of social media⁣ on mental health and the ⁢need for ‌digital detox.

5. The‍ benefits of volunteer work and community service in fostering empathy and social cohesion.

6. The impact‍ of climate change on the environment and the‌ need for urgent action to mitigate ⁣its⁢ effects.

7. The importance of‍ early childhood⁤ education ​in laying the foundation for lifelong success.

8. The benefits ⁣of adopting a vegetarian ⁤or ⁤vegan diet for personal health and environmental sustainability.

9. The need for ⁣stricter gun control laws⁢ to address the issue of gun violence.

10.⁢ The value of arts education ​in fostering creativity and critical‌ thinking skills.

11. The ⁣benefits of travel and experiencing⁣ different cultures for‍ personal growth and understanding.

12. The⁢ importance of financial literacy education in schools to empower ‍individuals to make informed financial​ decisions.

13. The ‍negative effects of plastic pollution on the environment and the need for reduced plastic consumption.

14. The ⁣advantages of homeschooling for personalized education and flexible​ learning environments.

15. The need for comprehensive sex education in schools to‍ promote healthy relationships and prevent sexually transmitted infections.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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