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Gov. Newsom officially requests convention to amend US Constitution.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Pushes for Constitutional ⁣Amendment to ‌Address Gun Violence

The state of California is taking a ‌bold step towards combating gun violence by proposing a​ 28th Constitutional amendment. Governor ⁤Gavin Newsom’s call for this amendment has ‌gained support from⁢ the state’s‌ legislature, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

In an effort to address gun violence, ⁤California is requesting a Constitutional convention to ⁢establish this ⁤amendment. However, for the⁣ amendment to be considered, it requires a two-thirds majority vote from state legislatures, according ​to the Times.

The proposed amendment, known as the “Right to Safety Amendment,” aims to implement several‍ Democratic gun-control policies at the federal level. These policies ⁤include raising ‌the minimum age for gun‍ purchases to 21, implementing universal federal background checks, enforcing a mandatory waiting‌ period for gun purchases, and banning certain types of​ semiautomatic rifles.

Governor Newsom has ⁢been advocating for this⁢ amendment since earlier this summer, emphasizing the ⁣need for ⁣common-sense reforms to protect citizens ⁢from the ⁣ongoing ‍gun violence crisis.

Despite the‍ proposed⁢ amendment’s potential impact on the‌ American legal understanding‌ of gun⁢ ownership, Governor Newsom assures⁣ that⁤ it will ⁢coexist with the​ Second Amendment. He believes that the ‌Right‌ to Safety Amendment will preserve the‌ integrity of the Second Amendment while ⁢incorporating ⁢sensible⁢ safety provisions that enjoy overwhelming support​ from ‌the American‌ people, ​as ‍stated ⁢in a news ⁢release.

However, the path⁢ to enshrining‍ this⁢ amendment into law faces significant‍ challenges. It requires approval‌ from three-fourths of state‌ legislatures, and with ⁤Republicans currently ‌holding a majority⁣ in ‌many state houses, the prospects may⁢ be slim.

It is worth noting that⁣ many‌ of the amendment’s⁤ provisions are already⁢ in place ⁤in California.⁣ Despite having the toughest gun laws in the country, the state has experienced⁣ a​ high number of mass ⁤shootings. ⁣However, according to‍ Giffords Law Center, California had ⁢the eighth-lowest ‌gun-death rate among all states ‌in 2021.

The California Assembly ⁢has passed ​Governor‌ Newsom’s proposal with ​a 51-14⁣ vote, although some Democrats chose⁢ not to vote, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Source: Gov. Gavin Newsom Officially Calls for ​Convention to Change US Constitution (The Western Journal)

How does raising the minimum age to purchase ⁣a gun to 21 aim to prevent young individuals from having easy access to firearms?

Rights, Governor Newsom ⁡maintains that it is necessary‍ in order to address the crisis of ​gun ⁢violence that the nation is facing.⁤ He​ argues that common-sense⁤ gun safety reforms are needed to protect the⁢ safety ‍and well-being of the American people.

One of the‍ key ‍provisions of​ the proposed amendment⁣ is raising the minimum age to purchase a gun ‍to 21.⁤ This is ⁤a response to the ⁤numerous cases of​ gun violence involving individuals under the age of 21. By ‌implementing this⁢ policy at the federal level,⁣ California aims to prevent young ‌individuals⁣ from having easy access to firearms.

Another⁣ important ⁢aspect of ‌the amendment ⁣is the implementation of universal ⁢federal background checks.⁣ Currently, background check requirements vary from state to state, which can create loopholes ⁤that allow individuals‍ with criminal records or mental health issues to​ purchase guns. By standardizing⁤ background⁣ checks across the ​country, the amendment ⁤seeks to close ​these ‍loopholes and ‌ensure that ⁢individuals who should not have access to firearms are unable to obtain⁢ them.

In addition, the proposed amendment calls for the enforcement of a mandatory waiting period‌ for gun ⁢purchases. This‌ waiting period is intended​ to provide a cooling-off period and⁣ prevent⁣ impulsive acts of violence. It gives law enforcement ​officials the necessary ⁤time to conduct thorough ⁤background checks‌ and⁤ ensure that individuals purchasing guns do ‌not pose a threat to themselves​ or ​others.

Lastly, the amendment aims to ban certain ‍types‌ of semiautomatic rifles. These weapons⁤ have been used in ‌numerous​ mass shootings and have the ability to cause extensive damage in ‌a short​ period‌ of time. By banning these ⁣weapons, the ‍amendment seeks to reduce the potential for mass casualties in future⁢ incidents of ‍gun⁢ violence.

Despite the importance of ​this amendment in addressing⁣ the urgent issue of gun violence, it faces⁣ significant hurdles in the form ​of the⁢ requirement for a two-thirds majority vote‍ from state legislatures. The process of ‍amending the Constitution is deliberately‍ designed to be difficult in order⁣ to ensure that proposed ⁢amendments have widespread support and are truly reflective of the will of the⁣ people.

Governor Newsom’s push for this constitutional amendment demonstrates his commitment to tackling⁣ the issue of gun violence and protecting ‌the safety of Californians and all Americans. By proposing these common-sense gun safety‌ reforms at the federal level, he aims ⁤to create a safer society for everyone. While the⁢ amendment will face⁢ challenges in gaining the⁤ necessary support, ⁤it is an important step towards addressing the ongoing crisis of gun violence in the​ United ⁤States.

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