The epoch times

Biden admin classifies uranium as a ‘critical mineral’

President Biden’s Energy Policy Neglects Nuclear Power, Despite Its Carbon-Free Benefits

President⁤ Joe Biden has set ambitious‌ goals for the United States’ energy ⁤policy, aiming for⁢ a “100-percent‍ clean electricity grid” by 2035 and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, his ⁣administration continues to downplay‍ the role of nuclear power in achieving ​these targets, despite its​ significant contribution to ⁣carbon-free electricity generation.

Nuclear‌ power currently accounts⁢ for nearly 20 percent of⁤ the electricity produced in ⁣the United States, making​ it a key player in ⁤reducing carbon emissions. Yet, the‌ Biden administration’s proposed budget cuts funding for nuclear power development, signaling a lack of support for this vital energy source.

“Nuclear power⁢ generates half the carbon-free electricity in the United ⁤States, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), but the Biden administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget request cuts nuclear power development by more than $210 million, or ⁢12 percent, from this year’s⁢ $1.77 billion‍ budget, ‍and nearly $100 million from two years ago.”

This reduction in funding comes at a ‍time when the United​ States is heavily reliant on ⁤foreign sources for uranium, the fuel used in​ nuclear power​ plants. Russia, in‍ particular, ‌supplies over 50 percent of ‌the world’s nuclear ⁢fuel, including a ⁣significant portion used by ‍American plants.

Recognizing the need to ⁤boost domestic uranium production,⁤ there have been legislative‌ proposals‍ to revive‌ the uranium industry. The⁤ Nuclear ⁣Fuel Security Act, co-filed by Senators Joe⁤ Manchin and John Barrasso, allocates billions to improve ⁣uranium supply lines with a focus on domestic production. Additionally, Representative ⁣Cathy McMorris⁣ Rodgers has proposed a ​bill⁤ to prohibit Russian uranium imports, aiming to reduce dependence ⁣on foreign sources.

Despite these efforts, the ​Department of the Interior (DOI) recently excluded uranium from‌ the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) updated “critical minerals list.” This decision has raised concerns about the administration’s anti-mining agenda and ‌its impact on domestic uranium development.

“The most recent confirmation that carbon-free nuclear power ⁣is not the carbon-free energy ⁤the administration supports⁢ is the exclusion of uranium ⁣by the Department ⁢of the Interior (DOI) from the United ‌States ⁤Geological Survey’s (USGS) updated ‘critical minerals list.'”

During a hearing on the USGS’s listing process, lawmakers questioned‌ the exclusion of uranium and other critical⁣ minerals. The USGS Chief of Minerals⁢ Intelligence Research, Dr. Nedal Nassar, explained ⁤that the Energy Act of⁢ 2020 defines critical minerals as “non-fuel minerals,” which led to the exclusion of uranium. However, critics argue that this decision was ⁤politically⁣ motivated and not based on scientific analysis.

While the USGS’s critical minerals list does not include uranium, other government agencies, such​ as the Department of Energy (DOE), maintain separate lists that recognize ⁢its importance.⁣ The DOE’s Critical Materials Assessment identifies uranium as a critical mineral due to its role in energy technologies.

The exclusion of uranium and other ⁤critical minerals from the USGS’s ​list​ has raised ⁣concerns about the Biden administration’s focus on green ⁢energy ⁤and its​ potential impact on job creation and economic development. ⁢Critics argue that a comprehensive evaluation ‌of critical minerals is necessary to ensure ‌a reliable and ⁢sustainable​ energy future for the United States.

What are the advantages of nuclear power ⁣in terms of ⁤carbon emissions reduction and energy ‌reliability?

Enhance domestic uranium production and ​reduce reliance on foreign sources. However, despite⁢ the ⁣importance ‍of securing a stable ‌and independent uranium supply chain, the Biden administration has not shown a strong commitment to supporting these initiatives.

Beyond the issue of uranium supply, nuclear power offers numerous advantages in terms of carbon emissions ⁢reduction and energy reliability. Nuclear ⁣power⁤ plants produce electricity without ​emitting⁤ greenhouse gases or other ‌harmful pollutants, making them a crucial component in the fight against ⁣climate change. Unlike renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, nuclear power provides a consistent​ and⁣ reliable baseload power supply,⁣ ensuring stable electricity access⁣ even during periods of low wind or sunlight.

In addition, nuclear power plants have a long lifespan and can ⁢operate for several decades, providing continuous carbon-free electricity ⁤generation throughout their operational ⁣life. This longevity and reliability make nuclear power a valuable asset in achieving President Biden’s ambitious clean energy goals.

Moreover, nuclear energy​ has a proven track ‌record of safety, with stringent ‌regulations‌ and advanced ‍technologies in place to prevent accidents and maintain security. The nuclear ‍industry has made significant strides ‍in⁣ improving the safety of its operations, learning from ⁣the past incidents such as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Despite these clear advantages, the⁢ Biden administration seems to be overlooking the potential of nuclear‍ power ‌in favor‍ of renewable energy sources. While ‌renewables play ⁣a ‍crucial role in decarbonizing the energy‌ sector, they alone are insufficient to meet the growing demand‌ for electricity and⁢ provide ​a stable grid. Nuclear power‍ complements renewable energy by offering a reliable and ‍consistent baseload​ power supply, essential for maintaining grid stability.

Support for nuclear power should not be seen as a stand-alone agenda but as an ‌integral part ‍of a comprehensive clean‍ energy strategy. While ⁢it is essential to invest in renewable energy development, neglecting nuclear power would be a significant oversight. A diversified mix of ⁤energy sources, including nuclear power, is essential for achieving a sustainable​ and carbon-free⁣ energy⁣ future.

The Biden administration should reconsider its stance on nuclear power ​and allocate​ the necessary resources ⁣to support its‌ development. This includes investing ⁢in advanced nuclear technologies, ⁤enhancing ⁢domestic uranium ‍production, ‌and ensuring the long-term viability and safety of the existing nuclear power‌ plants.

If President Biden truly aims to achieve his goals of a clean electricity‌ grid and net-zero carbon emissions, nuclear power must be recognized as a valuable and necessary component of‍ the United States’ energy policy. Neglecting nuclear‍ power would not only hinder the ⁣nation’s progress ⁢towards a sustainable future but also ⁣overlook a⁣ significant source‌ of⁢ carbon-free electricity generation.

It ‌is crucial‍ that the ‌Biden administration reevaluates its ⁢energy policy and provides the‍ support ‌nuclear⁣ power deserves. By embracing nuclear power alongside renewable energy sources, the United States can truly ⁢lead the world in combating climate change while ensuring reliable and carbon-free electricity for its citizens.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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