Conservative News Daily

Video: Joe and Hunter Seen Socializing Despite Denials of Involvement in Son’s Affairs

Recently Discovered Video Clip⁤ Sparks⁣ Renewed Interest in Biden’s Business ‌Dealings

Contrary to the claims of the Democratic establishment and the liberal media, a‍ video clip from 2005 has emerged, casting doubt ⁣on President Joe Biden’s ⁤repeated denials of involvement in his family’s business dealings. The footage, which has gained attention on social media, ⁣shows then-Senator Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, engaged in‌ a discussion about a business arrangement at a Democratic event in South Carolina.

The video, originally aired​ on Newsmax, captures ⁢a ‌seemingly unguarded moment between the Bidens, providing substantial evidence of Joe Biden’s direct involvement in his family’s ​business affairs long before he became president. The ⁢clip, which was part of the annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, shows Biden ⁢mingling with attendees⁤ and suggesting the possibility of an arrangement. Hunter, who Biden ‍referred to as “the smartest guy I know,”​ also joins the conversation, highlighting their close relationship.

This video is significant because it⁤ contradicts Biden’s ‍previous claims‍ of being unaware of his son’s business dealings. It also adds to the controversies surrounding Hunter Biden, who has faced numerous allegations‍ related to⁤ his business activities in Ukraine and China.

House Republicans have responded to these revelations by presenting a dossier detailing 22 instances that they argue demonstrate President ⁢Biden’s involvement in his family’s alleged “influence peddling schemes.” This‌ move directly challenges the claims made by Democrats ⁣and their media allies that ⁤there is no evidence supporting Biden’s impeachment.

The mounting evidence of⁤ Biden’s involvement in his family’s business affairs has prompted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to initiate an impeachment inquiry, citing a “culture of corruption” surrounding Biden and his ⁤family. The GOP-dominated House Oversight Committee⁢ has also‍ emphasized ⁤Biden’s connection to these influence peddling schemes.

Despite‍ Biden’s previous denials, a compilation of footage released by The ‍Washington Post shows him categorically ⁣claiming ignorance of his son’s investments. This⁢ resurfaced video has‍ further fueled the debate​ surrounding Biden’s ⁢involvement in his son’s dealings.

As this video clip continues to circulate, it raises questions about ​Biden’s credibility⁤ and the extent of his involvement in his family’s business affairs.

The post ⁣ Watch: Resurfaced Video Shows Joe, Hunter Working the Room Despite Claims He Was Never Involved in Son’s Dealings appeared ​first on The Western Journal.

What does Joe Biden’s declaration about his son‌ Hunter being “the smartest guy I know” suggest about their relationship and potential conflicts of interest?

E and China. The emergence ‌of this video clip is likely to reignite debates​ and investigations into the Biden family’s business ⁢dealings, ​which ⁢were heavily scrutinized during the 2020 presidential campaign.

President Biden has consistently maintained that he had no knowledge or involvement in his son’s business ventures, particularly⁤ those in foreign countries. However, this newly discovered video clip poses a challenge to that narrative. In the footage, Biden can be heard discussing a potential business arrangement, indicating his awareness and potential​ involvement.

The video clip also sheds light on the close relationship between Joe Biden and⁤ his son Hunter. Biden’s declaration that Hunter⁣ is⁢ “the smartest guy I know” suggests ⁤a level of trust and reliance on his son’s capabilities. This‌ further raises questions regarding Hunter Biden’s business ventures and whether they benefited from his family’s political connections.

The significance of‌ this video clip lies in its potential to ‍disprove Joe Biden’s denials and expose inconsistencies in his narrative. If it ‍can be proven that Biden was indeed ⁢involved in⁣ his family’s business‌ affairs, it raises concerns about conflicts of interest and potential abuse of power. ⁣It also calls into question the ⁣credibility of his previous statements and‌ promises of transparency.

This discovery comes at a time when the ⁢Biden administration is facing numerous challenges, including a struggling economy, escalating inflation, and a controversial withdrawal ‍from Afghanistan. The resurgence of scrutiny on the president’s business ‍dealings could further erode public trust and confidence in his ⁢leadership.

It is important to note that investigations into the Biden family’s business dealings are not‍ new. The laptop scandal‍ involving Hunter Biden’s alleged emails and his involvement with Ukrainian energy company Burisma attracted significant attention during the 2020 election. ⁣However,⁢ the emergence of this video clip provides fresh evidence⁤ and amplifies ​the need for further inquiry.

As with any political controversy, it is crucial to ⁣approach this newly‌ discovered video clip with skepticism and objectivity. While it raises legitimate questions, it is essential to‌ wait for more information and thorough investigations‍ before drawing any conclusions. The public deserves clarity and ​transparency, especially when it comes‌ to the actions and integrity of those in positions of power.

In conclusion, the ⁣recently discovered video clip featuring Joe Biden and his son Hunter discussing a potential business arrangement casts doubt on the president’s repeated denials of involvement in his family’s business dealings. ​This video provides significant evidence of Joe Biden’s direct ‌involvement and contradicts his ⁢previous claims of unawareness. The clip is likely to renew interest in the controversies surrounding the Biden family’s business activities and could potentially impact public trust in the president’s leadership. Further investigations are needed to ascertain the full extent of Joe Biden’s involvement ​and its implications for his presidency.

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