Washington Examiner

Biden enters Virginia races, yet Youngkin gains more popularity.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s ‌Approval Rating Surpasses ​President Biden’s Among Virginians

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) is enjoying a significantly higher approval rating among Virginians compared to ⁣President Joe Biden, and this could have⁢ implications for the upcoming statewide elections in November and potentially ‍in ‌2024 ​if Democrats aren’t careful.

According to new data‌ from ‍Founders Insight,⁤ Youngkin’s⁢ job ‍approval as governor stands ⁤at an impressive 58% among Virginians.⁤ In contrast, less than half, only 44%, approve of Biden’s job ⁣as president. Youngkin’s approval rating is ‍even higher among independents, with⁢ a remarkable 65% expressing⁢ their approval.

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Biden’s approval rating among independents is roughly the ⁣same as‍ his ‍overall approval, ‍at 45%.

Parker Slaybaugh, the ⁢Executive Director of Founders Insight, highlighted the significance of Youngkin’s approval ratings‍ among independents, stating, “Governor Youngkin’s overall approval rating remains in‌ the upper 50’s,⁣ but what⁤ may be more interesting ⁣is that he is ⁢enjoying sky-high approval amongst independents with 65% saying they ⁤approve of the job he’s doing as governor ‍compared to 45% ⁣of independents saying ‌the same⁢ about President Biden.”

Slaybaugh ‌further emphasized the impact of independent voters in the upcoming ⁢House and Senate elections in Virginia, stating, ⁣”A ​larger number of independent voters remain undecided, and how they feel about current ⁤leadership in Virginia ⁢compared to ⁣at the federal level ⁢could play‍ a‌ major‌ role in who controls the Virginia House ‌and Senate.”

During a campaign ⁢event in McLean, Virginia,‌ Biden acknowledged Youngkin by name, emphasizing the high stakes of the election, stating, “Here in Virginia, the stakes have⁤ never been higher.”

Biden ‍also criticized Youngkin and the Republicans, accusing them of attempting to regress ⁢on ‌issues⁤ like choice, specifically referring to abortion.

Meanwhile, Youngkin and his associated PAC, Spirit ⁢of Virginia, have been actively engaging in voter registration and​ promoting early and ⁤absentee voting. Youngkin launched an online⁣ portal called “Secure ⁤Your Vote Virginia,” providing crucial information ⁣about⁢ absentee voting and ⁣deadlines.⁣ Additionally, the PAC announced a bus tour across Virginia, urging people to vote Republican through early or absentee voting.

Following Biden’s involvement in Virginia’s elections, Dave ⁣Rexrode, Chairman​ of Spirit of Virginia, expressed confidence in Youngkin’s agenda and criticized​ the Democrats, ⁢stating, “Virginia Democrats are panicking because they have no vision ⁢for the Commonwealth to offer voters and their extreme​ positions are out⁢ of step with Virginians.”

Republican strategists attribute Youngkin’s popularity to his energy, effective ⁤communication, ⁢and alignment with key issues such as crime, parental rights, and ​school​ choice. They believe Youngkin’s success⁢ has put the‍ Virginia‌ General Assembly in play, causing concern among Democrats who were ‌counting on the state to remain blue.

Senators from Virginia have also expressed the need for Democrats to fight for electoral⁤ votes in ⁣the state, as it is not ⁣a ‌guaranteed blue state. In ⁢response, Biden⁣ directed the⁣ Democratic National Committee to‌ invest an additional $1.2 million in Democratic efforts in Virginia, ‌bringing⁤ the party’s total investment in the state to $1.5 million, a significant increase compared to ​previous elections.

However, ⁣Biden’s decision to‌ call ‍out Youngkin goes⁤ beyond his efforts‍ to promote⁢ absentee voting. GOP ⁤strategist Ron ⁢Bonjean ⁢suggests that ⁢if ⁤Youngkin succeeds in the November elections, it could serve as a springboard for his potential presidential run in 2024. ​This concern is shared ⁤by Biden, who wants to avoid being on the wrong side of the narrative⁢ surrounding the 2023 elections, seen as a bellwether ⁤for 2024.

What potential impact could​ Glenn Youngkin’s high approval ratings among independents have on the⁣ upcoming statewide elections in November⁤ in Virginia?

Ile, Youngkin has been focusing⁤ on issues like education and the ‌economy,⁣ presenting himself as⁢ a candidate‍ who will bring new ideas and solutions to the state. His approach seems to ‍be resonating‍ with voters, especially independent voters.

The approval rating disparity ‌between Youngkin and Biden among independents is particularly significant. Independent voters are known ⁢for their ability ⁣to swing elections,⁣ as they are not affiliated with​ any political party ‍and often ⁤vote based⁣ on‍ the‍ candidate’s policies and performance rather than party loyalty.

If⁣ Youngkin continues to enjoy high approval ratings among independents, ⁤it ‍could⁤ spell trouble for Democrats in the upcoming statewide elections in November. Virginia has​ been trending blue in recent years, but Youngkin’s‍ popularity could⁣ signal a shift ‌in the political landscape.

Furthermore, these approval ratings could have implications for the 2024 presidential election. If Youngkin maintains his high approval ratings and ‌successfully implements policies that benefit Virginians, he could emerge as ​a viable contender for⁤ the Republican nomination.

Democrats need to be cautious‌ and address the concerns of the⁢ independent voters who are showing support ‍for Youngkin. They ⁣must analyze the reasons for the ⁣disparity in approval‌ ratings and take steps‌ to regain⁤ the trust and confidence of the independent electorate.

It⁤ is evident that⁢ Youngkin ⁤has⁤ struck a ​chord with Virginians, particularly among independents. His focus on education ⁢and the economy, ⁤combined with his appeal as ⁢an outsider‍ with fresh ideas, has resonated with voters. Democrats need to pay attention to⁣ these dynamics and adjust‍ their strategies accordingly to remain⁣ competitive in Virginia.

The race between Youngkin and Biden’s approval ⁢ratings is a notable ⁣example of the impact that state politics can⁢ have on national politics. The outcome of the upcoming ​elections in Virginia could serve as⁤ a barometer for the political landscape⁣ leading up to​ the 2024 presidential election.

As the election⁤ cycle continues and candidates campaign for various offices, it will be crucial for both parties‌ to monitor and respond to the shifting⁢ approval ratings among voters. This ⁣will require a nuanced understanding of the concerns and priorities of the ⁢electorate and ​an ability to address them effectively.

Overall, Glenn Youngkin’s rising approval rating among Virginians, particularly among⁢ independents, is a significant development that could have implications for both ​the upcoming statewide ⁤elections and⁤ the 2024 presidential election.⁣ Democrats need ⁣to recognize this trend and respond⁤ accordingly if they want to maintain their political stronghold in Virginia.

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