
Lott: Biden’s ATF seeks ‘secret’ scheme for national gun registry.

OAN’s John Hines
3:00 PM – Monday, September 18, 2023

The president of the Crime Prevention Research Center speaks out​ in a new op-ed to warn⁢ that Biden’s ATF has put forward a plan that is intended to be a ‘back door’ way to assemble a national gun registry. One America’s ⁤John Hines has more ‌from Washington.


The‍ president of the Crime‍ Prevention ⁢Research Center speaks out ‍in a new⁢ op-ed to warn that Biden’s ATF has put‌ forward a plan that is intended to be a⁤ ‘back door’ way to assemble a national gun registry.

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How does the proposed plan utilize a “back door” approach to⁣ inch closer to a national gun registry

⁤ Title: Biden’s ATF Proposal Raises Concerns ​of⁣ a National Gun Registry


The president of ‌the Crime‍ Prevention Research Center has recently voiced his concerns regarding the Biden administration’s proposal‍ for the Bureau⁤ of Alcohol, ​Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). In⁤ an op-ed, he‍ warns that the plan⁣ could⁣ potentially lead to the creation of a national ‌gun registry, using⁣ a “back door” approach. This article delves ​into ​the details of the proposed ⁢plan and its possible implications.

Proposed Plan and Concerns:

The ‌Biden administration’s ATF has put forth a​ plan that⁢ has ​raised alarm bells for individuals passionate about the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. The plan, in essence, aims to require the recording ⁤of multiple ‍sales of semi-automatic⁢ rifles, often ‍falsely referred to as “assault⁣ weapons.” This requirement, although seemingly‌ innocuous, has raised concerns ‍that it could pave‌ the​ way for the establishment of a‌ national gun registry.

The Concerned ‌President’s Warning:

The president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, respected for ‌their extensive⁤ work in studying ⁤crime prevention and firearms regulations, believes the ⁤proposed plan is ⁢a calculated move towards a national ⁣gun registry. The ⁤president stresses that a gun registry would undermine the rights of law-abiding ⁣citizens and‌ potentially lead to⁤ privacy breaches and targeting by the government. This warning serves as a wake-up call for ⁢those who value personal freedoms and ‌the preservation of the Second Amendment.

The Back Door Approach:

The op-ed highlights the fact that the proposed plan utilizes a “back door” strategy to inch⁢ closer to a national‍ gun‍ registry. By mandating ⁤the recording of multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles, the ATF can accumulate a vast amount ​of data on individual gun owners. While the plan might seem ‌aimed at ⁣enhancing gun control measures, it raises concerns​ that this data could easily ⁤be compiled, consolidated, and eventually used to create a​ comprehensive national gun registry.

Implications and Potential⁤ Risks:

The establishment⁤ of a national gun registry would have far-reaching consequences. It not only poses⁢ a‌ threat‍ to the privacy and‌ personal safety of law-abiding citizens but could also undermine⁤ trust between gun owners and the government. ⁢Additionally, a national gun registry would not ⁤necessarily⁢ lead to reduced crime rates, as criminals are unlikely ⁤to comply with such regulations,⁣ leaving law-abiding citizens‌ unfairly targeted and potentially disarmed.


The proposed plan by Biden’s‌ ATF has sparked concern among those dedicated to ⁣protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners. The ⁢potential​ establishment of a national gun registry through a “back​ door” approach raises red flags regarding privacy, personal freedoms, and ‍the erosion ‍of trust between citizens and the government. It is crucial for‌ individuals⁣ who value their Second Amendment rights to stay informed, engaged, and to resist any measures that may infringe upon their constitutional liberties.

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