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9 Teens Who Fled Pennsylvania Detention Center Now Caught: Police

MORGANTOWN, Pa—Teenagers Overpower Staff and Escape ‌Detention Center,‍ but Are⁢ Quickly Captured

Nine teenagers made a daring escape from a detention center ‌in Pennsylvania, overpowering ⁢staff and ‍crawling under a⁢ fence. However, ‍their freedom​ was short-lived as they were captured less than ‌12 hours later, according to state police.

“It probably was planned, but poorly planned,” said Pennsylvania State Police ‍Trooper David Beohm.

Trooper Beohm revealed that ⁣the first four escapees were apprehended after seeking refuge in a nearby home. Cold and tired, they turned themselves in. ​The remaining five were caught after a stolen⁤ pickup truck and trailer were reported. Four were found inside the vehicle, while the ‌last⁣ one was captured⁢ in a field after attempting to flee‌ on⁣ foot.

Escape from ‌Abraxas Academy

The escape occurred at the⁣ Abraxas Academy, a residential treatment program for delinquent male youth. Located​ in Morgantown,‍ about⁣ 50 miles northwest⁢ of Philadelphia, the facility was taken over ⁢by state and local police following the incident.

According to Trooper ‍Beohm, the escapees, aged between 15 ⁢and 17, managed to obtain the keys​ from two staff ⁣members. They then ​made their ⁣way‌ to the recreation ‍yard, where they found a ​gap under‍ the fence to crawl through. Remarkably, all of them⁤ were captured ⁤within a five-mile radius of ‌the detention ‍center.

Not as Resilient​ as a Murderer on the Loose

Comparing the teenagers’ escape to ⁤that of a murderer who eluded authorities for two weeks, Trooper Beohm expressed confidence in‍ their capture.

“I figured we’d catch these kids​ because they are not⁤ as resilient” ​as Mr. Cavalcante, Mr. Beohm said at a press conference.

The reference was made to Danilo Souza Cavalcante,⁣ who escaped from a Pennsylvania ‌jail and ⁤evaded law ⁤enforcement before ⁣being apprehended on September 13.‌ Cavalcante’s escape involved scaling walls topped with razor wire and jumping from the roof.

Escaped fugitive⁣ Danelo Cavalcante, 34, a Brazilian who escaped from Chester County​ Prison, is taken into custody by law enforcement officers‌ in Chester County, Pa., on Sept. 13, ‌2023. (Pennsylvania State Police/Handout ‍via Reuters)

The escaped teenagers at Abraxas Academy were detained for​ various offenses, including firearms possession,‍ robbery, and⁢ auto theft. They will all face‍ charges ​for escape, and some may face ‌additional​ charges.

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How did law enforcement agencies collaborate with the detention center to swiftly apprehend the escapees?

E fence that they were able to crawl through.‍ With the element ‍of surprise on​ their side, they overpowered the staff members and quickly made‍ their escape.

The escape raised concerns about the security measures in place at the Abraxas Academy. Trooper Beohm acknowledged that‍ there were some lapses in security that allowed the teenagers to carry out their plan. Investigations are underway to determine how the escape ⁤was possible and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the⁣ future.

Fortunately, the escapees were apprehended within a short period of time.‍ Trooper ​Beohm credited the collaboration between state police ⁢and local authorities for the swift capture of the teenagers. The first four escapees sought⁤ refuge in a nearby home ⁤where they eventually turned​ themselves in, showing signs of exhaustion and surrendering to the authorities. The remaining five were caught after a⁢ stolen pickup truck and trailer were reported, leading to their discovery and subsequent arrest.

The Abraxas Academy is a residential treatment program designed to rehabilitate delinquent male youth. It aims ⁣to provide support, education, and guidance‌ to help teenagers​ turn their​ lives around. The escape incident has shed light on the challenges faced ⁣by such facilities in maintaining a secure environment while also providing necessary assistance to troubled teenagers.

Authorities are working closely with the Abraxas Academy to review and enhance its security protocols. The ⁣incident serves as a reminder of the importance of continuous evaluation and improvement of ⁤security measures within detention centers. It also highlights the dedication and vigilance of law ‍enforcement agencies in swiftly apprehending those who attempt to evade justice.

As for ‌the teenagers involved in the escape, they will face serious consequences for their ⁢actions. Legal charges will ⁣likely⁢ be filed against them, further emphasizing the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations of the detention center. Parental involvement and support will also be crucial in guiding these teenagers towards positive paths and ensuring they learn from their mistakes.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for facilities like the Abraxas Academy to reassess their security⁣ measures and take necessary‍ steps to prevent future escapes. It is imperative that the safety ⁣and ⁣well-being of both staff members ⁣and residents are prioritized to maintain a secure and effective environment for rehabilitation and growth.

In conclusion, the daring escape from the⁣ Abraxas Academy by‌ nine teenagers highlights the challenges faced by detention centers in ensuring security while ​providing support to troubled youth. Although the escape was short-lived and the teenagers were swiftly captured, it calls ⁤for ⁤a thorough evaluation of ⁣security protocols ‍to prevent similar incidents ⁤in the future. The ⁤collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the detention ‍center ​is⁣ commendable in ensuring the capture and legal consequences for the escapees. The incident serves as a reminder ⁤of the​ importance ⁤of continuous improvement in security measures and the need for parental involvement and support in guiding troubled teenagers towards a positive path.

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