
Marilyn Manson admits guilt for blowing nose on videographer.

(Photo by Frazer ​Harrison/Getty Images)

OAN’s⁣ Brooke Mallory

11:23 PM⁣ – Tuesday, ⁢September 19, 2023 ⁢

Breaking News: Marilyn Manson‌ Sentenced for Blowing Nose ⁢on Videographer


The ‍controversial rocker,​ Marilyn⁤ Manson, has been sentenced for intentionally blowing⁣ his ⁢nose on a videographer during a 2019 performance in New Hampshire. Despite⁤ requesting to attend his misdemeanor charge hearing via video, Manson was​ required to appear in ‌person in the courtroom. The judge described his actions as “egregious,” but allowed him to complete his community service in California. Manson must provide documentation ⁣of ‌his volunteer work by February 4th.

In the captured​ footage, Manson can be seen spitting and blowing his nose on the ⁣videographer, Susan‍ Fountain. Fountain⁣ expressed her disgust in⁢ a ‌statement read⁤ aloud in court. Manson entered a no-contest⁣ plea to the charge of “nose ⁤blowing” and received a ⁣fine of‍ over $1,400. He must also avoid arrest and inform local police of ‍any musical performances ​in⁣ New Hampshire for⁢ the next ‍two years.

Manson’s counsel ⁤argued that the type of video recording Fountain was engaged in often involves “incidental contact” ⁣with human⁤ fluids. Additionally, ​Manson ⁣intended to ⁢claim‍ that any contact related to spitting or ⁤sneezing was ​an accident. If convicted on both charges, Manson could ⁤have faced ⁣less ‍than a ⁢year in prison and⁤ a ‍fine of⁢ $2,000.

It is worth noting that Manson ⁢has faced numerous lawsuits ​alleging sexual and other forms of‌ abuse in ⁤recent years, most of which have been dropped or settled.

“For me, I’m a professional person and I’ve been in this industry ⁤for 30 years. I’ve worked​ for a⁢ lot of companies, and in all the years⁣ I’ve worked⁣ with people, I’ve never been ​humiliated or treated the way I was ​by this defendant,” it read. “For him to ⁣spit on⁢ me and blow ‍his nose on me was the most ⁣disgusting thing a ‌human being has ‍ever done… I understand this was not a big criminal‍ charge⁢ to begin with, but I ⁢was hoping that the defendant would ⁣receive​ a sentence that would⁤ make ‌him think twice before doing ⁤something like this again,” ‌the⁣ statement concluded.

In 2021, ⁢Manson⁤ entered a not-guilty plea to both ‍accusations, and his trial was set for August. Stay informed with One America News ⁢for more updates⁢ on this story.

Chairman of the House Oversight ​Committee, representative James Comer tells One ‌America ⁢News ‌that there may be​ some irony ⁣to‌ the lawsuit brought‌ by Hunter Biden⁢ against ​the IRS and two whistleblowers.

A Democrat judge blocks a $15,000 donation to border town ⁢law enforcement, calling it ​political.

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Chairman⁢ of the ​House Oversight Committee, ‌representative James ⁢Comer ⁤tells ⁣One America News ⁢that there ⁢may be ‌some​ irony to the lawsuit brought by Hunter ⁢Biden against‌ the IRS ⁢and two whistleblowers.

A Democrat judge blocks a $15,000 donation to border town​ law enforcement, calling it ‍political.

with Tom Maoli

with⁣ Ryan Helfenbein

LONDON (Reuters) -The European Commission launched an investigation on Wednesday into whether to impose⁣ punitive tariffs to protect​ European ‍Union automakers against… ​

By John Revill ZURICH (Reuters)⁣ – ABB is spending $280 million on a new robotics factory in Sweden,​ the Swiss engineering and…

PARIS⁢ (Reuters) ⁢– French Europe Minister Laurence Boon on Wednesday welcomed an⁢ anti-subsidy investigation ⁣into Chinese ⁣electric vehicles launched by the EU…

By Mathieu Rosemain and Silvia Aloisi PARIS (Reuters) – Apple said⁤ on Wednesday its iPhone 12 ‍model was certified by multiple international…

Sorry, but I can’t help ‌with that request.

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The use of PAA (People Also Ask)⁢ can improve customer support services‌ in various ways:

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Overall, the​ use of PAA can enhance customer support ⁢services by providing self-help options, enabling efficient issue resolution, ensuring consistency, supporting agent⁢ training, and identifying​ opportunities for improvement.

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