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Musk hints at potential monthly fees for ‘X’ platform.

Social Media Platform X Considers Charging ⁣Users⁣ to Combat Bot Networks

Social⁣ media​ platform⁣ X may‍ start charging users a small fee in a bid⁤ to counter the use of large bot networks, owner Elon Musk recently revealed during​ a conversation with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr.⁣ Musk is considering “having a ‍small monthly payment for the use of the X system” since it is⁢ the “only way I can think of to⁣ combat vast armies of bots,” he said during a discussion with​ Prime Minister Netanyahu ⁤on⁢ Monday. “Because ‌a bot costs a fraction of a penny,⁣ call it a tenth of a penny. But if somebody even has ⁢to pay a​ few dollars or​ something, some minor amount, ‍the effective cost of‌ bots is very high.” Mr. Musk’s‌ proposal to ​charge X users came amid discussions regarding the use of bots to spread anti-Semitism on the platform.

In addition to raising the cost ‌of ‌operating vast armies of ‍bots, a​ small fee​ will also ⁣make such operations tougher since a new payment method has to be used every time a new bot is created, like getting a new​ credit card, he said.

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“We’re actually going to come ‌out with a lower ⁣tier pricing,” Mr. Musk stated. “We want it to be just a⁢ small amount of money …⁢ In my view, this is‌ actually the only defense against vast armies of bots because‍ as the AI‌ gets very, very good, it’s actually able to pass these sort of CAPTCHA tests better than humans.”

It is unclear whether Mr. Musk intends to charge a small fee for all X users or only introduce ⁢a⁣ lower‌ tier to the ⁣platform’s X Premium ‍program while keeping the network free for those who do ⁣not subscribe to it.

The X Premium program costs $11 per month in the⁤ United States for iOS and‍ Android users, with web⁤ users charged $8.

The‌ subscription gives users additional perks like the ability to edit posts in a​ one-hour window, be subjected to only half the ads, get​ prioritized rankings in search ‍and ⁤conversations, write‍ longer posts of⁢ up to 25,000 characters, and ⁢upload videos up⁢ to three hours​ long.

X has already​ placed its API access program behind a ‌paywall, only offering exceptions to certain government organizations and other publicly‍ owned services.

Prior to February, X used to provide free access to API to developers. The company ⁢established API access tiers in a bid to boost revenues. At present, X only offers limited API access for free, with higher tiers charging ‌$100 per month and above.

Antisemitism Charges

During ⁣the discussion, ‍Prime Minister Netanyahu said, ‌“I don’t even know if​ it’s ‌technically possible to prevent the use of bots, armies of bots [that] replicate and amplify it [antisemitism]. So, at least if you get a⁣ crazy guy and a hateful guy, let him be ⁤speaking ⁣for one voice​ rather than‌ arming an army​ of fake ‍millions to‍ do this.”

Lawmakers surround Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C)⁣ at a session of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in Jerusalem on July 24, 2023.⁢ (Maya Alleruzzo/AP Photo)

It ⁤is in answer to‌ this question that Mr. Musk suggested implementing a fee to ‌prevent the proliferation of ‌bots ​on the platform.

Mr. Musk’s conversation with the Israeli prime minister follows his recent announcement that⁣ he may take ‍legal action against⁢ the Anti-Defamation ‌League (ADL), an ⁤advocacy for Jewish⁤ causes.

In a Sept.​ 4 post on X, Mr.⁣ Musk said that since he acquired the network, the ADL “has been trying to kill this platform by falsely accusing it and me of being anti-Semitic.”

“Our U.S. advertising revenue is still down 60 percent, primarily due to ​pressure on advertisers by @ADL ⁣(that’s what advertisers tell us), so they ‌almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter.”

“If ⁢this continues, we will have no choice but to file a defamation suit against, ironically, the ‘Anti-Defamation’ League.⁢ If they lose the⁤ defamation suit, we will insist that they drop the ‘anti’ part of their name.”

Back in 2000,‌ ADL was fined $10.5 million ⁣by a court in California over a defamation lawsuit. Commenting on the case, Mr. Musk said on X that ADL⁢ will ⁤potentially be on the hook for destroying “half the value of our company,” which would come to around⁣ $22 billion.

“Based on what we’ve heard from advertisers, ADL ⁤seems to be‌ responsible for most of our revenue loss. Giving them‌ maximum ‍benefit‌ of the doubt,‌ I ⁢don’t see any scenario where they’re⁢ responsible for less⁤ than 10 ⁤percent of the value destruction, so ~$4⁢ billion,” Mr. ⁢Musk said in a Sept. 5 ‌post on ​X.

“Advertisers avoid controversy, so all that is needed ​for ADL to crush ​our U.S. and European ad revenue is to⁤ make unfounded accusations,” he wrote wrote in‍ another​ post.

X has‍ faced antisemitism cases ⁤in ⁢Germany. In January, ⁢a lawsuit was filed in a German⁣ court accusing the platform of promoting Holocaust ⁤denial, which is‍ a crime in the country.

⁣What is the purpose of introducing a small monthly fee for users of platform X⁢ according to Mr. Musk?

September 18, 2023. (JALAA MAREY/AFP via Getty Images)

Mr. Musk’s proposal to charge users⁣ of social ⁤media ⁢platform​ X comes at a time when the ‌use ⁤of large bot networks has become a growing concern. Speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Musk ‍expressed his intention to‌ implement a small monthly fee for the use of⁣ the ⁤platform as a means to⁢ combat these networks.

According to Mr. ⁤Musk, a small fee could‍ significantly raise the‍ cost of operating bot networks. “Because ‌a bot costs a fraction of a penny,‌ call it a ​tenth of a penny. But if ⁤somebody even ‌has to pay a few ‍dollars or something, some minor amount, ​the effective cost of⁣ bots is very high.” By introducing a fee,⁤ the aim ‍is to make such operations more ⁢difficult ​as a new payment ‌method would have to be used for each new bot created.

The issue of bots ‍on⁤ social media platforms, ‍particularly‍ in relation‍ to‌ spreading anti-Semitism, was⁢ a key topic of discussion between Mr. Musk and Prime Minister Netanyahu. ⁣The proposed ⁣fee⁢ would serve as​ a defense against the use of vast armies of bots, especially as artificial intelligence continues⁣ to improve and becomes better at passing⁢ CAPTCHA tests.

It ⁤remains unclear whether the small fee would ​be applicable to all users of platform X or if it would be introduced as a lower tier in the platform’s​ X Premium program, keeping the‍ network ⁣free for those who⁢ choose not ‌to subscribe. Currently, ​the X Premium program costs $11⁤ per month for ​iOS and ⁣Android users in the ⁣United States and⁣ $8⁣ for web‍ users. Subscribers to ⁣this program enjoy benefits such ‌as the ability to edit posts within a one-hour window, reduced exposure‍ to ads, prioritized rankings in search results and conversations, longer ⁢post ⁤lengths, and the ability to upload longer videos.

In an effort to boost revenue, X⁢ has already placed its API access ​program behind a paywall. ​Only certain government organizations and publicly owned services are ⁤granted exceptions‍ and‌ allowed free⁤ access. Prior to February, X provided free access to its API to developers. However, with ⁤the introduction of⁢ API access tiers, the ​company now charges higher tiers at ‍$100 ⁤per month and above.

During the ​discussion, Prime ⁢Minister Netanyahu expressed doubts about the technical feasibility of preventing the use of bot networks to replicate and amplify instances of anti-Semitism. Nonetheless, he emphasized the importance of limiting the impact by allowing individual voices⁣ to be heard‍ rather than ‍enabling the spread of fake voices ‍through armies of bots.

Mr. Musk’s proposal ​to introduce a small ⁢fee for users of platform X reflects ⁤a proactive approach to addressing the growing issue⁢ of bot networks. By‍ implementing this measure, the platform aims to reduce the impact ​of bots⁤ on its⁣ users while simultaneously generating additional⁣ revenue to further enhance ⁤its services and combat the spread of malicious content.

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