Washington Examiner

House GOP leaders hint at potential funding breakthrough with conservative holdouts.

Republican Leaders Optimistic About Breakthrough in Government Spending

Republican leaders in ​the⁢ House ‌are expressing optimism about a possible breakthrough within their conference over government spending after Speaker Kevin‍ McCarthy (R-CA) spent two and​ a half hours in a closed-door meeting with rank-and-file lawmakers‌ to continue negotiations.

The House will ⁢reconvene to vote ‍to begin debate on the annual defense appropriations bill after a handful of GOP defectors sank the bill earlier‌ this week, marking the first⁤ sign⁣ of progress on spending legislation ⁣since Congress returned from ‍recess last week.

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“We had ‍a great discussion. I think we’ve got a plan to move forward going to DOD [appropriations] and‍ then going ​to a number of other ‌appropriations bills,” McCarthy said.

The House shot down a vote to begin⁤ debate on⁤ the annual defense appropriations bill on Tuesday after ​five Republicans ⁤joined all Democrats ⁤in sinking the measure, falling‌ short of the majority‍ threshold ​needed to advance the legislation. ​However, at least two of those holdouts, Reps. Bob Good (R-VA) and Ralph‍ Norman (R-SC), ⁣confirmed they ​will back ⁢the bill when it returns to the floor on Thursday.

McCarthy ‌also indicated progress toward a temporary spending agreement to keep the government⁢ funded ahead⁣ of the Sept.‍ 30 deadline, after which federal funding will lapse if a ⁤deal is not passed. Republicans ⁣announced a deal Sunday night that would⁣ keep the ​government funded throughout October​ and bring spending to⁢ $1.59 trillion, the spending ​level set in​ the bipartisan ‍debt ceiling ⁢deal signed ⁢into​ law⁢ in ⁤June.

However, more than a ⁤dozen⁢ conservatives came out⁣ against the deal, prompting an emergency meeting with ‍the⁣ House majority whip’s office⁢ on Wednesday morning to discuss⁣ a path forward. McCarthy ​unveiled a proposal ‌during‍ the meeting, which several members, such as Norman, said had swayed⁣ their opinion on supporting a continuing resolution.

The deal includes an agreed-upon top-line spending number from House leadership of $1.526 trillion for⁢ the ⁤House’s appropriations bill; the continuing resolution ​would be at the ‍$1.471 trillion level.

The biggest ‌piece is the agreed-upon top-line number from leadership, something that ⁣hard-line ⁣conservatives have been calling for in order to ​support the ​continuing resolution or the rule on spending bills.

They had ​previously blocked ⁢the rule on the ⁤defense appropriations⁢ bill on Tuesday because McCarthy ⁢had not agreed to a ⁣top-line. But, this would allow them to⁤ support the rule, and some ⁤of the‍ holdouts are expressing they now plan to ‍vote for it.

The continuing resolution would also include H.R. 2,⁣ the House’s border security⁤ bill, and a ⁣fiscal commission to look at⁤ how to reduce the government’s debt.

“This is a culmination of a lot​ of us working⁣ behind the scenes with members that had concerns with spending ‍levels, policy levels,” said Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK). “And so I⁤ think that, you​ know, leadership‍ brought the people⁢ together. I ⁣also think that the whip ⁢team⁢ has done a great job of having these meetings put together.”

While some⁤ holdouts, such ⁣as⁣ Norman and Good, came out of the conference meeting in support of the proposed measure,‌ others ⁤were still against it.

Reps. Tim Burchett (R-TN) and Dan Bishop (R-NC) expressed they were still a “no” vote. Burchett ⁤said he does not‍ think a stopgap measure is a proper way to fund government and wants to⁢ do individual ‍appropriations bills.

“We’re ‌very close there,” McCarthy‌ said ‌when asked if he had enough GOP support to succeed.⁤ “I ​feel like [we] ‍just got a little more movement to go there.”

It’s⁣ unclear‌ how much support ⁢the new ⁢proposal has among House Republicans or whether it can pass with their slim‌ four-vote majority. ‌Some members emerged from the conference meeting angry with the latest proposition, with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) saying at least seven Republicans would still vote against it.

“There are still⁣ some that have to be convinced, but ⁣they will have to ⁤be talked to one on one and make a decision,” Norman said.​ “I⁢ don’t think they’ll bring it up if they don’t have the votes.”


Even⁤ if ⁢it passes the House, the continuing resolution will not become law, as it will not pass the Democratic-controlled Senate or⁤ the ‍White House.

It’s unclear when the House plans to reconvene to vote on the legislation, though members were advised on‍ Tuesday afternoon to keep their schedules “flexible” over the coming days, with a possibility lawmakers may need to meet over‌ the weekend for votes.

How⁣ important is bipartisan support in reaching a solution on government spending

Vernment’s‍ long-term deficits.​ It would also provide funding for⁤ disaster relief efforts, as well as​ funds for the Census⁢ Bureau and the upcoming‌ 2020 Census.

Republican leaders are hopeful‌ that this breakthrough ‌in negotiations will lead to ‌progress on‌ government spending, a critical issue that needs to be addressed before the looming September⁤ 30 deadline. Without a deal, the government ‌would face ​a shutdown, causing disruption and uncertainty for the American people.

However, the question remains whether House Democrats will come to the ‍GOP’s ​aid and support the proposed spending agreement. While Democrats have been pushing⁤ for increased spending in certain areas, such as healthcare and infrastructure, there is a chance that they may‍ find common ground with Republicans on other aspects of the bill.

In order to move⁣ forward, bipartisan support will be‌ crucial. It is encouraging​ to see some Republicans who had initially opposed the bill now ​expressing their willingness⁤ to vote in favor of it. This demonstrates a potential for consensus-building and cooperation across party lines.

The ongoing negotiations also highlight the importance of compromise ​in the legislative ⁤process. Lawmakers ‌must be willing to find middle ground and make concessions in⁤ order to reach a solution​ that⁣ best serves the American‌ people.

As talks continue, it is essential for both parties to prioritize the needs and interests of the American people above political differences. By working‍ together, Republican and Democratic leaders have the opportunity to reach a breakthrough in government spending and⁤ ensure the continued functioning of our government.

Overall, the⁣ optimism expressed by‌ Republican leaders regarding a⁤ breakthrough in government spending is ⁢a positive ​sign. It shows that progress is being​ made, and there is a potential for a bipartisan agreement. As negotiations continue, it is ⁣crucial for all lawmakers to put aside partisan politics and work towards a solution that benefits the American people and keeps the government running ⁤smoothly.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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