
Bronx daycare owner accused of erasing 21k texts following infant opioid fatality.

(Photo by DON EMMERT/AFP‍ via⁢ Getty ‌Images)

Opiate Overdose at Daycare: Shocking New Details Emerge

OAN’s Abril Elfi
5:48 PM – Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Recent court documents reveal a disturbing twist in the case of a 1-year-old ⁤who tragically died of an‍ opiate overdose at a daycare facility. The woman who ran the ‍facility had deleted over 21,000⁣ encrypted texts ​to her ⁣husband following the fatal incident.


On Tuesday, the ‍daycare owner, Grei Mendez, 33,⁢ and Carlisto Acevedo Brito,​ 41,⁢ who rented a room ‌in the same apartment building,⁣ were⁤ charged with two federal crimes.​

Mendez‌ and Brito⁤ are facing ‍charges of “conspiracy to distribute narcotics ‌resulting in death” and “possession with intent to distribute narcotics leading to ‌death.”

The shocking new⁢ charges⁤ come as more details‌ emerge about the events following the discovery of the unresponsive infant, Nicholas Dominici. ‍

According to ‌court documents, Mendez had exchanged approximately 21,500 texts⁣ with a drug co-conspirator, believed to ‌be⁣ her husband. All of these texts were deleted after ​the infant’s death.

During her ‍interrogation, Mendez ⁢revealed that she had informed her husband about the police questioning and his whereabouts. He instructed her to say that he was working and advised ⁤her to hire a lawyer.

Authorities found approximately​ one kilogram of‌ fentanyl, a highly potent narcotic,‍ hidden ‍in a closet near‍ the sleeping mats used by the children. Three other young ‍children were also‍ affected, ‍including an 8-month-old who⁢ tested positive for fentanyl use.

Police also discovered two press devices ‍used⁢ to combine drugs, with one of them linked to Brito’s apartment.

Mendez claimed that ⁤she had no ​knowledge of the fentanyl’s presence and suggested ⁣that it‌ may‌ have‌ been left by a previous tenant. However, witnesses reported seeing her‍ husband removing suitcases from⁤ the daycare just moments before emergency responders arrived.

Prosecutors revealed that Mendez made three phone calls before ⁢dialing 9-1-1, attempting to cover up the incident. Her husband arrived ‍at the scene, stayed for a brief period, and then fled with two full shopping bags while the children remained unresponsive.

United States Attorney Damian Williams condemned the actions of Mendez and Brito, describing them as “unconscionable”‌ and “inexcusable.”

“Parents entrusted Grei Mendez with the care of their children. As alleged, instead of diligently⁣ safeguarding the well-being of those children, she⁤ and her co-conspirators put⁣ them ​directly in harm’s way, running‍ a narcotics operation and storing deadly fentanyl out‌ of the very space in which the children ‍ate, slept, and played,” said Williams. “The disregard shown ‌by Mendez and‍ her‌ co-conspirators ⁣for the lives ⁢of the children​ under her care is simply staggering.”

If convicted on the‌ federal charges, both Mendez and Brito could face life ⁣imprisonment, ‌with a minimum sentence of 20⁣ years.

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⁤ How can the PAA be strengthened ‍to prevent incidents like this from happening in ‌the future?

Tors for the safety and welfare of these innocent children is appalling and will not be tolerated.”

The tragic incident has raised serious questions about the safety ⁢and regulation of daycare facilities. Parents rely on these ​establishments to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children while ⁢they⁤ are at work. Incidents like this⁣ highlight the need for stricter regulations and increased oversight to ⁤ensure the well-being of children ​under the care of daycare providers.

Furthermore, this⁤ case also sheds light on⁢ the ongoing opioid crisis⁤ that is plaguing communities⁣ across the country. The presence of a dangerous narcotic like ⁤fentanyl in a daycare facility underscores the severity of the issue and the lengths that some individuals will go to in order ⁣to distribute‌ these harmful substances. It serves as a grim reminder of​ the⁢ devastating impact that the opioid epidemic has on individuals, families, and communities.

The prosecution ‍of Mendez⁣ and Brito is an important step in seeking justice

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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