Washington Examiner

Biden’s FTC sued over suppressing Musk records.

Conservative Legal ⁣Group Sues ​Biden Administration ⁢Over Withheld⁣ Records in Elon Musk’s Twitter Investigation

A complaint has been filed by⁣ America‍ First Legal, a ⁣conservative legal group led by ex-Trump administration officials, against the Biden administration for failing to release records related⁣ to its investigation into Elon Musk’s X, formerly known​ as⁢ Twitter.‍ The group had ⁢previously sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Federal Trade Commission ⁣(FTC) in March, seeking documents on the Twitter inquiry, which focuses on privacy and data security practices. ‍However, after the FTC denied their ⁢appeal⁢ in September, ⁤America First Legal decided to take legal action, accusing ⁤the regulator of⁢ violating⁣ federal law by withholding information.

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“Our woke, weaponized federal government ⁣will stop at nothing to harass and attempt to intimidate ⁣its ‍perceived opponents,” stated Gene Hamilton, vice president and general counsel for America First Legal, expressing frustration with‍ the government’s actions. Hamilton added, “The American people have had enough. What they have done‍ in the dark will ⁣be brought to the light.”

This lawsuit⁤ is the latest ⁣development in conservatives’ efforts to ‌challenge the ⁣FTC’s investigation. In a⁣ report‍ released by the House Judiciary Committee’s Weaponization of the Federal Government Select⁢ Subcommittee, the inquiry was⁣ labeled a “harassment campaign”⁢ and “agency overreach.” ⁢The committee, led by Republicans, ⁣shared excerpts of FTC letters to⁤ Twitter, revealing the regulator’s request to identify journalists with access to company records, referring to the “Twitter Files” released by⁣ Musk regarding⁤ Twitter’s‌ interactions ‌with the U.S. government during Jack Dorsey’s tenure as CEO.

Judiciary Committee​ Chairman Jim​ Jordan subpoenaed FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan in April for documents related to the Twitter inquiry. During her appearance before⁤ Congress in July,⁣ Khan faced questioning from Jordan about her alleged “obsession” ⁢with Musk. Khan ‍testified that Twitter has a history of⁤ weak ⁤security and privacy policies, emphasizing that the FTC’s involvement with Twitter dates back a decade.

In a recent⁤ court ⁤filing, the Justice‍ Department ‍shared excerpts of depositions with former Twitter ⁤executives, alleging that Musk ⁢violated a 2022 FTC order on Twitter’s security and ⁢privacy⁢ practices. ‌The government opposed X’s request to⁣ grant⁢ Musk immunity from testifying, claiming that he exerted significant control over X Corp., potentially compromising data privacy and‌ security.

America First Legal’s lawsuit ​aims to uncover records related to the FTC’s ⁤reopening ⁢of the Twitter investigation. Over ten years ago, Twitter and the FTC reached a settlement agreement after the company was found ‍to have‍ violated federal law by failing to protect ⁢customers’ personal information. In ⁢May 2022, the FTC filed a complaint ⁤in federal court in California, accusing Twitter of violating a ⁣2011 consent order. The court subsequently ⁢permitted‌ the regulator to reopen the investigation.

The legal group, led by ex-Trump adviser Stephen ⁢Miller, is also seeking records from the FTC regarding its‍ request for ‍information⁣ on journalists involved ⁢in the “Twitter Files,” including Matt⁢ Taibbi. ⁢In late 2022, the IRS initiated an‌ examination of Taibbi’s 2018 tax return after he ⁢exposed Twitter’s suppression of the⁤ Hunter Biden​ laptop story in 2020. Notably, Taibbi was visited by an IRS‍ agent on the same day he testified before the weaponization subcommittee.

America​ First Legal is additionally requesting communications between various FTC officials,‌ such as attorneys⁤ James Kohm and Reenah Kim, from April 2022 to February 2023. Kohm, responsible for overseeing FTC privacy ‍settlements, reportedly participated in a call with​ Musk and Christine Wilson, the ⁣regulator’s sole Republican commissioner, after⁢ Khan declined a call with Musk in late January.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of⁤ Columbia, was ⁣submitted by ex-Trump administration‍ lawyers Juli Z.‍ Haller and Michael Ding. The FTC has declined to comment on the ​matter.

Click here to ⁢read more from the Washington Examiner.

What are the implications of the FTC’s request for confidential company records⁢ in the investigation against Elon Musk and Twitter?

Order⁤ from the FTC by releasing confidential company records. The filing also mentioned⁤⁤ that the FTC is ⁣seeking to interview Musk as part of its investigation.

The controversy ⁤surrounding the investigation has also shed ⁣light on the role of Anita ‌Dunn, a top adviser ⁣to ⁣President⁣ Joe Biden. Dunn, who previously worked as a White House strategist for the Obama administration, has been criticized​ for her alleged involvement in the decision to pursue the Twitter inquiry. According⁣‌ to the House Judiciary Committee’s report, Dunn played a key role in ‌pushing for the investigation, raising concerns about potential political motivations ⁤behind the⁢ probe.

Conservatives argue ⁣that the FTC’s investigation into Twitter’s​ privacy and data security practices is unfairly targeting a prominent conservative voice. They accuse the Biden administration of using federal ‌agencies to silence political⁣ opponents, ⁤citing examples such as the IRS targeting conservative⁣ groups under the​ Obama administration.

The lawsuit ⁤filed by America First‌ Legal highlights the ongoing tensions between the conservative‌ movement and the Biden administration. ‌It also raises broader questions about ⁢the‌ limits of government authority and the protection ⁣of free speech in​ the digital age.

The outcome of ‌this lawsuit will have significant implications for the future of online speech and regulation. If the court rules in favor⁣ of America First Legal, it could set a precedent‍ for⁣ limiting the ⁤government’s ability to investigate and regulate social media platforms. On the other hand, a ruling in favor​ of the Biden administration could bolster arguments for increased oversight and regulation in the ⁢interest of user privacy ​and data ‌security.

Regardless of the outcome, this case serves as⁤ a⁣ reminder of the ongoing debates⁣ surrounding ‍the power and influence of Big Tech companies, as well as the challenges of balancing free speech rights ​with the need for robust regulation in the‌ digital era.

In conclusion, the ‍lawsuit filed by ⁢America First Legal against the‌ Biden administration over the withheld records in Elon Musk’s Twitter investigation is⁢ a significant development in the ongoing battle‍ between conservatives and the government. The case raises important ⁣questions ​about government transparency, free speech, and the role of federal agencies in regulating social ⁢media platforms.⁣ The outcome of this lawsuit will have far-reaching implications for the⁤ future of online speech and the balance​ of power​ between government and technology companies.

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden FTC faces lawsuit for suppressing Elon Musk records

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