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Biden grants protected status to 472K undocumented immigrants.

Band-Aids for Major Hemorrhages: Biden Administration Grants Protected Status to 472,000 Illegal Immigrants

Doctors​ only resort‍ to using Band-Aids to treat major hemorrhages when they have no⁢ intention of stopping the bleeding. Similarly, when it comes to illegal immigration, the federal‍ government seems to have an endless supply of Band-Aids.

On Wednesday, Secretary ⁢of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas made an⁢ announcement that shook the‌ nation. An⁢ estimated 472,000 Venezuelan nationals who are already in the‌ United States illegally would ​now⁤ become eligible ​for temporary protected ⁤status (TPS) and ​work authorization.

This decision, as⁤ stated in a DHS news release, is an ​”extension​ and redesignation” under an existing ‌policy. It means that the number of Venezuelan ​TPS beneficiaries could potentially‍ exceed 700,000, with 242,700 illegal⁤ immigrants from Venezuela already benefiting from TPS.

In simple terms, TPS grants⁢ nearly‌ three-quarters of ​a million illegal immigrants protection from ⁤deportation and the ​right to ‌work legally in the U.S.

The‌ DHS news ⁣release justifies this extension by citing​ “enduring humanitarian, ⁢security, political, and ⁤environmental conditions” ‍in Venezuela that make ⁢it ⁤unsafe for ⁣illegal immigrants to return. However, it is‍ worth noting ⁢that the‌ extension only applies to Venezuelan nationals who⁢ arrived before July 31.

Secretary Mayorkas himself ​emphasized this point, stating that those ​who‍ arrived after July 31, 2023, are not eligible ​for protection and will be removed if they have no legal basis to stay.

It is hard to believe that such a preposterous situation could ‌originate anywhere other than within the government itself.

First, we are​ told⁤ that approximately 472,000 illegal immigrants cannot safely return to Venezuela and must⁤ remain in the U.S. Then, we ⁣discover that ⁢these safety concerns only‍ apply to those who arrived ‌before July 31. Apparently, for those who ⁤arrived on or after August 1, Venezuela magically becomes a perfectly safe destination.

Meanwhile, the ‌DHS labels Venezuela’s dire conditions as “temporary,” as if government officials possess ‍the power ⁣of oracles.

According to Reuters, Democratic leaders have been pushing for illegal immigrants ⁢to receive work authorization. ‍New York Mayor Eric Adams, for instance, has witnessed ‌public resources‌ being depleted as illegal immigrants overrun his ⁤”sanctuary city.” Adams has even made apocalyptic predictions about‌ the future of his city.

While many Americans‍ welcome immigrants ⁣in genuine need of asylum, it is crucial not to confuse federal immigration​ policy with compassion for asylum-seekers.

If the federal government truly wished ⁢to protect the interests of American ​citizens and legal immigrants, ⁤securing the ⁢border would ⁣be the ⁤immediate priority. However, if the ‍goal were to flood​ the labor market​ and ⁢depress wages, opening the border and granting work authorizations to ‍illegal immigrants under the guise of “extraordinary and temporary” ‌conditions elsewhere⁤ would be the strategy of choice.

And if federal officials wanted ​to add a ⁢touch of‍ cheekiness, they would set an arbitrary date⁣ and‌ declare that those who arrived before that date faced great peril, ‍while those who arrived later did not. After all, there are still⁣ people who believe they need cloth masks when entering a restaurant but‍ not when seated at a table. Such ​logic would⁢ surely resonate‌ with them.

In short, if‌ extreme contempt for ordinary Americans were⁣ the driving force, the⁤ Biden administration’s actions would be exactly what we see today.

Meanwhile, as long as federal⁣ officials must pretend to ‍care about ordinary Americans’ opinions, they hope that their Band-Aid distractions ​will keep the public from realizing that⁢ the ⁤hemorrhaging continues.

The post ‌ Biden Administration Gives ​Protected Status to 472,000 Illegal ​Immigrants appeared first on The Western Journal.

What arguments do Tic lawmakers and immigrant rights advocates put forth in support of granting protected status to Venezuelan ⁢nationals?

Tic lawmakers and immigrant rights advocates have been pushing for the Biden administration to grant protected status to Venezuelan nationals for months. ‍They argue that the‌ political and economic ⁢crisis in Venezuela has created‍ an unsafe environment for ⁣its ​citizens, warranting the need for temporary protection in the U.S.

While it is important to ⁣acknowledge the dire situation in Venezuela and the hardships its people endure,⁢ the question remains: Is granting temporary protected ⁢status to nearly ⁣half a million illegal immigrants the best solution?

The Band-Aid approach adopted⁢ by the federal government when ⁢it comes to illegal immigration is concerning. Rather than ​implementing ⁤long-term solutions to⁣ address the root causes of illegal immigration, such as reforming immigration policies‌ or addressing⁣ the political and economic issues in countries like Venezuela, the government resorts to short-term fixes that only perpetuate the problem.

Granting protected status to illegal immigrants does little to discourage future illegal immigration. Instead, it sends a message that those who enter the country illegally‌ may be rewarded with protection and work authorization.⁤ This not only undermines the rule of law but also creates an incentive for more individuals to enter ‍the U.S. illegally.

Furthermore, the⁤ impact of granting protected status to such a large number of illegal immigrants on the American economy and job market cannot be ignored. With millions of ‌Americans still in search of employment due to the ongoing pandemic, providing work authorization to illegal immigrants may further exacerbate the job crisis.

Rather than continually applying ⁣Band-Aids to major hemorrhages, it⁣ is crucial for the federal government to address⁢ illegal immigration comprehensively.⁤ This includes implementing effective immigration policies, securing the border, and working with international⁤ partners to find solutions to the political and economic issues in countries that drive illegal immigration.

While it is important⁢ to show ⁢compassion and provide support to those in need,​ it is equally important to prioritize the interests and well-being ⁤of American citizens. The government must strike a balance between addressing humanitarian concerns and protecting the country’s ​sovereignty and the integrity of its immigration system.

The Band-Aid approach may offer temporary relief, but⁤ it fails to address the underlying issues. It is time⁢ for the federal government to take a more proactive and comprehensive approach to illegal immigration, one that ‍focuses on long-term solutions rather than short-term fixes.

Continuing⁣ to apply⁤ Band-Aids to major hemorrhages will only lead to ⁣more bleeding in the long run.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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