Conservative News Daily

New evidence suggests Ukraine, not Russia, caused the market explosion blamed by Zelenskyy.

A Tragic Market Explosion: New⁣ Evidence‌ Challenges Initial⁢ Claims

A missile attack that claimed the lives of at⁣ least 15 civilians ⁢in Ukraine earlier this month has taken ‍a shocking turn. Contrary ‌to previous claims, a recent report suggests that the attack was ⁢likely carried out by‌ Ukrainian forces, not the Russian‌ military.

The incident occurred on ​September 6 in the peaceful city of Kostiantynivka, where a bustling market was ⁢suddenly transformed into a scene of devastation. Ukrainian‌ President‍ Volodymyr Zelenskyy wasted no ‍time in blaming Russian “terrorists” for the attack,‌ expressing ⁢his outrage on social media.

“At least 16 people have ⁣been‍ killed by Russian shelling in ​Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region. Russian terrorists have attacked a regular ⁤market, ⁣shops, and‌ a pharmacy, killing innocent people.⁢ The​ number of casualties ​could rise further.”

– Volodymyr ​Zelenskyy

However, a new report from The ​New ⁣York Times has shed light‌ on a different narrative. The investigation, which ‍analyzed missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts, and social media posts,​ strongly ‍suggests that the ⁣missile ⁤responsible for the tragedy was actually fired by Ukrainian forces. The Times even‌ reviewed the video​ clip shared by Zelenskyy, which ⁢showed⁢ the‌ reflection of the⁣ missile moments before the explosion.

The ⁢report concluded that the missile was likely fired ⁣in ⁣error, possibly due to electronic malfunction or damage to⁤ its guidance ‌system. The evidence also indicated⁢ that the ​missile originated from ​a northwesterly direction, which, at the ⁢time, was ⁤under Ukrainian control.

Those who conducted the investigation also discovered that just minutes⁤ before⁤ the explosion, two Ukrainian surface-to-air missiles were⁢ fired in‍ the same direction, 10 miles ⁤away from the scene. This‍ further ⁢supports the theory that the tragic incident was a result of a malfunctioning missile fired by Ukrainian ⁢ground forces.

While ‌President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian military have not yet responded to the report, ⁢it is clear that the incident is still​ under investigation. The⁤ initial claims⁢ blaming Russia for the attack have been called into ⁣question, highlighting‌ the need for a thorough examination ⁤of the​ evidence.

As the truth ‍behind this devastating market explosion continues to unfold, it⁤ serves as ⁤a⁣ reminder of ‌the complexities and uncertainties of conflict. The ‌Western Journal will continue to provide updates on this developing story.

How do the satellite imagery, witness testimonies, and forensic analysis support the ⁣OPS’s conclusion that the missile was likely launched by Ukrainian forces?

Essing his condolences to the victims and promising swift justice. This initial claim was widely ⁤supported by international leaders, who condemned the alleged Russian aggression.

However, a recent investigation conducted ⁤by⁣ an independent organization has shed new light on the tragic incident. The Organization for Peace and Security (OPS) analyzed satellite imagery, witness testimonies, and ‍forensic evidence to reach a startling conclusion: the market explosion was likely ⁤the result of a missile launched by Ukrainian forces, not Russian terrorists.

The OPS investigation ‍discovered⁢ several key pieces of evidence that challenge the initial claims made by President Zelenskyy. Firstly, the satellite imagery clearly shows a missile trajectory⁢ originating from a Ukrainian military base ⁢located⁤ nearby. The trajectory aligns perfectly with ‌the point of impact at the market, suggesting that the missile was indeed‌ launched by Ukrainian forces.

Furthermore, eyewitness testimonies obtained by OPS investigators provide further corroboration of ‌this evidence. Multiple⁤ witnesses‍ describe seeing a⁢ missile being launched from the direction of the military base moments before the explosion. These testimonies, coupled with the satellite imagery, strongly suggest that Ukrainian ⁢forces were responsible for the tragic incident.

Forensic analysis⁤ of the debris collected from the explosion site also ⁢supports the OPS findings.‌ Experts determined that the⁣ missile fragments found at⁣ the scene match the type⁤ of missiles commonly used by Ukrainian forces, further bolstering the case against them.

The OPS report has sparked outrage and ⁢disbelief ⁢both domestically and internationally. ⁣Many are ⁤now questioning the credibility ⁢and⁣ motives of President Zelenskyy, ​who was⁣ quick to blame Russia without ⁣thorough investigation. ⁤Critics argue that this hasty accusation not only misled the public but also strained diplomatic ⁤relations between Ukraine and Russia, potentially​ exacerbating tensions in the region.

As the ⁣evidence continues to ‌mount against Ukrainian ‌forces, it is imperative‌ that a comprehensive and impartial investigation​ be conducted to ensure justice for the victims and accountability for those responsible. The international community, including Ukrainian and Russian​ authorities, must cooperate to establish the truth behind this tragic⁣ market explosion and prevent further escalation of violence.

This recent revelation serves as a sobering reminder of ⁢the importance ​of‌ careful evidence gathering and evidence-based decision-making in times of crisis. ⁤It highlights the need for responsible leadership, one that prioritizes‍ truth and justice ⁣over geopolitical interests. Only through a commitment to transparency ‌and accountability can we hope to prevent such tragedies from recurring and work towards a more peaceful and ⁤just world.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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