The federalist

Left’s disdain for female joy evident in mocking of Lauren Boebert

Media⁣ Bias:⁤ The Double Standard

When a Republican congresswoman‍ was caught ⁣groping her⁤ date in a⁤ Denver theater, the media made sure we ⁢knew about it. ⁢Within hours, corporate cable⁢ channels had wall-to-wall coverage​ of ⁢Lauren Boebert’s hanky-panky, ‍including grainy⁣ video footage that played on a loop.

What followed ⁣was a familiar story: when someone on​ the right falls short of the mark, ⁢the media pounces. When​ someone on the⁤ left does the same or worse, that same media remains silent, changes the subject, or — the first ⁣two tactics⁤ having failed — decries ‌the “politics⁣ of personal destruction.”

Writing in Salon this week, Amanda Marcotte (one of⁤ the​ founders of the ‍liberal feminist blogosphere) goes beyond mocking Boebert’s lack⁤ of​ propriety. Marcotte argues​ the congresswoman’s pro-life convictions and early marriage are directly responsible for her lapse in judgment during the production of “Beetlejuice: The Musical.”

Marcotte reminds us of what is widely known:​ Boebert ​got⁢ pregnant at 16​ and chose to keep her ‌baby and marry the ​father. The couple later divorced. Earlier ‌this year,⁣ the congresswoman became a grandmother at 36.

It’s ‍gross watching‍ a 36-year-old member of Congress act⁣ like a horny teenager, of‌ course. But also, it’s ⁣not ​the biggest surprise. That’s another downside the ‘just⁣ get married’ crowd doesn’t want to acknowledge: Robbing people of their ⁢youth tends to ​breed a desire to make up for lost time.⁤ There’s ⁢a sexist myth that only men⁣ want to sow wild oats, but of course, women also have sexual fantasies. One of the best‍ parts about putting‍ off marriage for a ⁣time is that you get to make‌ mistakes and have your⁤ adventures ⁣in your youth, when the stakes are low. Otherwise, as we see, there’s a risk that a ⁤36-year-old‌ grandmother publicly acts out that drunken prom date she didn’t‌ get ⁢in high school.

Youthful ‌Grandparents Are ‍a Historical Norm

A little history lesson, Amanda. First of all, 36-year-old grandmothers‍ are,‍ in ⁢fact, quite common throughout history.‌ I’m sure if⁢ Marcotte examines‌ her own family​ tree, ⁤she will find⁣ that ⁣plenty of her ⁣ancestors became grandparents while ⁤still in their 30s.

To Marcotte, an ordinary fact ⁤that has been consistent throughout human history ​is scandalous and⁤ bizarre. This ​is, by now, a rhetorical trick familiar⁢ to ⁤observers of the American left: take what ⁣is normal and ‌declare ​it perverse; take what is perverse and‍ declare it normal.

Marcotte complains that conservatives are “robbing people of their youth.” It’s ⁢a ⁢serious charge, but an ahistorical one. The average ‌age of first marriages (the Boeberts⁤ notwithstanding) has never been⁣ higher. Only within‌ the last​ few decades have⁤ we​ decided that emotional maturation is somehow a 20- (or 30-!) year project.

Until very ⁣recently, only the sons of the ⁤very⁤ wealthy could spend their 20s and 30s indulging themselves and dodging​ responsibility. “Getting to make⁣ mistakes” and⁤ “have your adventures” before finally‍ settling ⁣into marriage is ⁣an innovation, not a tradition.

(One⁣ wonderful part of youth⁣ is growing⁢ up with grandparents young enough to be emotionally⁢ and physically⁢ present. Encouraging people ‍to delay marriage and childbearing is, in a very real ‍sense, robbing⁢ the ‌next generation‌ of something immensely ⁢precious: a close ‌and lengthy relationship ⁢with still-healthy grandparents.)

‘Sowing Wild Oats’ Is a Terrible Goal

Marcotte calls for a culture that allows young men and women to ‌“sow wild oats.” She implies that‌ those who are allowed to do so when they are young will ⁤feel no compulsion to do so when they get ⁢older.⁤ Perhaps ⁤Amanda believes we are all ⁣given a finite supply of ‍oats, and if we⁣ can “sow” enough of them in ⁤our teens and 20s, we’ll be able to settle down, ​having purged ourselves ⁤of all of our ‌adventurous impulses.⁤ As any student of psychology can ‌tell you,​ that’s not⁢ how humans work.

We learn to ‍do things ⁢by practicing them. If we practice impulsivity‍ we become more impulsive, not less. If we practice dishonesty, it becomes easier to lie — not harder. If⁢ we ⁢get into the habit of living on junk food, we will want more junk food.

Ask an alcoholic: over time, we build up both greater tolerance and ​greater craving for the very thing ⁤that‍ is harming us. It is ​true that some people can pass through a brief period of recklessness in their youth​ and ⁤then settle down into ‌a life of responsibility and restraint. They are the exceptions, not the rule.

Women⁣ Are Happier When They’re Married

Marcotte, like many ⁢on the feminist left, worries about the renewed interest in encouraging marriage. She is ‍aghast ​that even⁤ many in ‍The ⁤New ‍York Times dare to suggest that two parents are better than ‌one, slamming venerable lefty Nicholas Kristof⁣ as an “alleged liberal” for arguing in favor of marriage as an ‍essential component of a healthy society.⁣ She laments that this push towards marriage is merely a device to compel women⁢ to “settle” for unsuitable ⁤and feckless men.

As a feminist, Marcotte should (presumably) be concerned with women’s happiness. The arguments ⁣in‌ favor of marriage — and yes, early marriage ‌— are⁢ not rooted in a desire to disempower women. Rather, ‌these ⁤arguments are based⁤ on ⁤the proven idea that marriage makes women happier.

That’s not just ⁤a talking point for ⁢religious conservatives. It’s ​science. As the ‌Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year (citing a massive Harvard University study),

Compared to those who didn’t marry, ⁣the married⁢ women also had lower risk of ⁢cardiovascular⁢ disease, less depression and loneliness, ​were happier and more optimistic, ​and had a greater sense of‍ purpose and hope.

Marcotte might​ argue that‍ marriage makes better ⁤sense for women​ who have “sowed their oats.” She argues that premarital sexual experience ⁢is a prerequisite for⁣ happiness, or at least, for greater self-control when on a⁣ date at the theater.

The problem is that once again, the evidence is‌ not on her side. Multiple studies show ​that ‍while sexual⁢ history does⁢ affect marital‍ happiness, it is‌ those with the⁢ highest number of premarital partners who are more likely to divorce.⁤ To mix metaphors, the‌ evidence is compelling that wild oats, once⁣ sown, come back to haunt the sower.

It is ⁤not “robbing people ‌of​ their youth” to try to prevent heartache. It is not robbing⁢ people of their youth ​to encourage them‍ to marry early⁢ and⁣ have​ children.

I don’t doubt that Marcotte wants young women to be happy. I ⁤do doubt that she is willing to admit that marriage has the‍ greatest likelihood of creating ‌that happiness. I do doubt that⁤ she is⁢ willing to concede⁤ that self-restraint rather than ⁢reckless indulgence is more likely to lead to fulfillment. I ​do doubt that she understands that the encouragement to “sow your wild oats” is setting​ young people up⁢ for disillusionment and dissatisfaction.

Politically ⁢Motivated Schadenfreude

At that Denver theater, Boebert had a foolish human moment. She has rightly apologized. That should ‍be the⁣ end of⁤ it. But because she is a conservative, and because ⁤her life and ‍her politics give witness to her pro-life convictions, her apology ⁣is​ insufficient.

Rather,​ she​ must‍ be shamed‍ over and over again. We must see that surveillance video of​ her⁢ fumblings a hundred times a day. And her ordinary human ‍frailties must somehow be connected to her deepest convictions so her embarrassment becomes an occasion to smear⁣ those who ‌share the congresswoman’s ⁣commitment to the unborn.

As ‌cruel and dishonest as the mockery of ‌Boebert is, ‍it is even ⁤worse that the⁣ left uses ‍this incident to peddle a basic ⁢lie about⁤ human ⁣happiness. Someone is indeed robbing people ⁤of their youth, but it isn’t conservatives doing the robbing. The thieves ‍are‍ those who⁤ preach the lie that self-indulgence and experimentation are pathways to ⁢fulfillment rather​ than despair.

How were early marriages historically perceived and what ​were the reasons behind them?

⁢Her than in recent years. ‍In fact, throughout history, ⁤early marriages were the norm. ⁤Young marriages⁤ were often arranged​ for the purpose of economic stability ‌or family alliances. It was not ⁣uncommon for people to start their families in their ‌late teens or early twenties.

Furthermore, the‌ idea that having children at⁤ a young ‌age automatically robs someone of their youth is a fallacy. People‍ can still pursue their dreams and have fulfilling lives while being parents. Being a grandparent at 36 does not mean that one has‌ missed ⁢out on anything. It simply means that they have had the opportunity to experience the joys of ⁢parenthood and grandparenthood at a relatively young‌ age.‌

It is interesting that Marcotte seems to focus solely on Boebert’s personal choices and attribute her lapse in judgment to her pro-life convictions and early marriage. This is a clear example of media bias and the double standard that exists. When someone ‌on the right ⁢makes a mistake, it is often ‌used to discredit their entire character and belief system. Yet, when someone on the left makes a similar mistake, it is either ignored or brushed aside.

This double standard in the media leads to a skewed perception of reality and a lack of fair and balanced reporting. It is crucial for the media​ to hold all individuals, ⁣regardless of political affiliation, accountable for their actions. The selective reporting and bias only serves to divide us further and perpetuate a cycle of ‍animosity​ and mistrust.

In conclusion, media bias and the double standard that exists ​when it comes to reporting on individuals⁤ from⁢ different political affiliations is detrimental to our society. It is important for the media to strive for fairness and accuracy in their reporting, rather than promoting their own agendas. Only then can we⁤ hope ‌for ‍a more informed and united society.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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