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Biden repeats story verbatim twice, minutes apart at campaign fundraiser: Report.

Computers vs Humans: The Changing Landscape

Once upon⁤ a time, people used to argue that the key difference between computers and humans was the ⁤ability to reason rather than just regurgitate data.

But here we are in 2023, witnessing a ⁤new era where computer programs are learning to reason. Meanwhile, the leader of the American people seems to be stuck⁣ in a loop, unknowingly​ repeating ‍the same story‍ just minutes apart.

It all unfolded at a‌ captivating gathering on Wednesday, where⁣ President Biden shared a ‍tale about how⁣ the Charlottesville ​protests reignited his political ⁤career after retiring as vice president. The New York Post reported this intriguing incident.

The event took ⁢place at a fundraiser hosted by the remarkable philanthropist couple, Amy ⁤Goldman Fowler and Cary Fowler. Cary Fowler, known for his involvement in establishing the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in the ⁤ Arctic,⁤ which safeguards valuable seeds for potential doomsday scenarios, as Bloomberg ‍reports.

This event was just one of the⁣ two fundraising occasions that President Biden attended in New York on that eventful ⁢Wednesday.

According to the White House transcript, Biden passionately recounted, “You remember those folks walking out of the fields literally carrying torches, with Nazi swastikas, holding them forward, ⁣singing the same ⁣vicious, anti-Semitic bile — the‍ same exact⁢ bile — bile that was sung in ⁢— in Germany in the early ’30s. And a young woman was killed. A young woman was killed.”

He continued, seemingly referring to former President Donald Trump, “And the former guy was asked, ‘What do you think would happen?’ He was the sitting president. And he said, ‌’I ⁣thought there were some very fine people on both ⁣sides.’ And I mean this sincerely, from ​the bottom of ‍my heart, that’s when I decided I — I was going to run again.”

It’s important to note that the claim that former President Trump made that comment in support of white supremacists has been debunked by ​ and others. Trump ‍has consistently denounced Nazism and white ​supremacy. However, Biden continues to perpetuate this falsehood.

Surprisingly, Biden went on for a ⁣couple of minutes, discussing how his family encouraged him to‌ run despite knowing that it would ⁢be an arduous journey.

Then, like a glitch ⁣in ⁢the system, Biden seemed to rewind the‌ story and start from the ‌beginning ⁣once again.

“You know, you may remember that, you know, those folks from Charlottesville, as they came out of the fields and carrying those swastikas, and remember the ones with the torches and⁤ the⁣ Ku — accompanied⁢ by the Ku Klux Klan. And in addition to that, they had — there were white‍ supremacists. Anyway, they were making the big case about how terrible this was. And a young woman was killed in ‍the process,” he repeated, seemingly unaware that he⁢ was retelling the exact same story.

He continued, still oblivious to the repetition, “And my predecessor, as I said, was asked what he thought. He said, ‘There are some very fine people on both sides.’ Well, that kept ringing in‍ my head.”

It’s astonishing⁢ to witness such a moment, where ⁤the President of the United States​ unknowingly repeats himself, almost word for word. A ⁣ tweet ⁣ by Hallock Inc. captures‌ this glaring evidence​ of Biden’s senility.

Jonathan Lemire, Politico White House Bureau Chief and host of MSNBC’s “Way Too‍ Early,” who was part ‍of the White House ‌travel pool, wrote in his report: “He [Biden] told the ⁤story about the events of Charlottesville in 2017 as the reason⁣ for his campaign. A few ​minutes⁤ later, he told the ⁣story again, nearly word for​ word.”

Even for an MSNBC ⁢host, reporting that Biden repeated the same story nearly word for word must have been a challenging task.

This ‌incident sheds light on the seriousness of ‍the situation with Biden. Even correspondents from⁤ a⁢ network that openly supports him⁢ cannot deny ​the abnormality of his‌ behavior.

Republican‍ National Committee Rapid Response Director Jake Schneider sarcastically tweeted​ Lemire’s ‌report, saying, “This is completely fine.”

Another social media user ⁣shared‌ a personal experience, saying, “My dad did⁢ the same thing. He had Alzheimer’s.”

Someone else commented, “And the story⁣ is a lie. Par for Biden. Lie and repeat.”

It makes one wonder how billionaires and millionaires ⁣can feel comfortable entrusting the fate of the nation to a man who can’t​ remember what he said just ⁢minutes ago.

The potential for manipulation and control over ⁤the highest office in the land is unimaginable, if it isn’t ​already happening.

Or perhaps, that is ‍exactly what some people ⁣want.

The post Biden Tells Same Story Twice, ‘Nearly Word for Word’ and Minutes Apart, at Campaign⁢ Fundraiser: Report appeared first on The Western Journal.

How can the‍ potential⁢ of AI to reason and make‍ complex decisions be harnessed while safeguarding ⁤the core values and attributes that make us human

‌Ps://” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>tweet, ⁤”As the pool reports‌ indicate, Biden gave essentially the same remarks as⁢ scripted twice. He didn’t deviate at all. It’s worth noting that part of the job of the ⁣pool is to record his remarks,⁤ which they did some ⁣two and a half hours later, verbatim. So this was not about a recollection problem, but rather the president getting ⁢stuck in a loop, repeating the same words. It was odd and unusual.”

This incident raises important questions about the capabilities of humans and computers. While computers are designed to process data and execute tasks⁤ with precision,⁣ humans have historically relied on ⁢their ability to reason, analyze, and make decisions based on their knowledge and⁣ experiences.

However, with the advancement of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, computers are becoming increasingly capable⁤ of reasoning and making complex decisions. AI algorithms‌ can‌ process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and draw conclusions that were once thought to‌ be exclusive to human intelligence.

The incident involving President Biden and his‌ repeated narrative⁢ at the fundraiser ​highlights the limitations⁤ of human cognition. It reminds us that even the most powerful individuals can be subject to‌ cognitive biases, memory lapses,⁤ and the occasional glitch in their thinking ‌process.

On the other hand, computers are not immune to errors‍ either. They can⁤ make mistakes if their algorithms are flawed, or if they are fed inaccurate or biased data. However, unlike humans, ⁤computers can be programmed to continuously learn from their⁤ mistakes, improve their performance,⁤ and even​ adapt to new situations.

While there are concerns ⁣about ⁢the ethical implications of AI and its potential to‌ replace human jobs, the incident with President Biden offers a different perspective. It ⁣highlights the potential of AI to complement human intelligence and ⁤serve as a tool for augmenting our cognitive abilities.

Imagine ⁣a future where intelligent computer systems can assist world leaders by providing real-time​ fact-checking, unbiased analysis of​ policy proposals, and recommendations for evidence-based decision-making. Such systems could help to reduce⁢ the influence of misinformation, cognitive biases, and⁢ political spin in public discourse.

However, it is important​ to approach⁤ the integration of AI with caution. Ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical use of AI technologies is crucial to avoid potential pitfalls and unintended consequences. We must also ⁣recognize the unique value that human intelligence brings, including empathy, ⁤creativity, and moral judgment.

The landscape is changing, and the boundaries between computers and humans are ⁤becoming increasingly‌ blurred. As we⁣ navigate this new era, it is crucial to embrace the potential of AI while also ⁢safeguarding the core values and attributes that make⁣ us human.

In conclusion, the incident involving President Biden’s repetition of a ​narrative raises important questions about the capabilities of computers and humans. While computers are increasingly learning to reason, humans are not immune to cognitive limitations. This incident underscores the potential of AI to augment human intelligence and‌ assist in decision-making, but it also emphasizes the

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