Washington Examiner

McCarthy to remove Ukraine aid from defense bill, call for separate vote.

House ‍Speaker⁣ McCarthy to Strip Funding for Ukrainian Soldiers‌ from ‌Defense Appropriations ⁤Bill

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has​ announced plans to remove the allocated funds for training Ukrainian soldiers from the ‌defense appropriations bill. This decision comes in response to opposition ⁤from hard-line ⁢conservative members within his ​conference. McCarthy intends to ​hold ‍a separate vote specifically‍ for the Ukraine ‍aid provision.

Provision for Ukrainian Soldiers ‍Training

The defense appropriations bill initially included a provision‍ of $300 million ⁣designated‍ for training Ukrainian soldiers. ⁢Some members who were blocking the bill’s progress cited this provision‌ as one of their reasons for doing⁢ so.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed her dissatisfaction with the inclusion of the Ukraine aid ⁢in a social media post, stating, “I just voted NO⁤ to the ‌rule for the Defense bill because they ⁤refused ‌to ⁢take ⁤the⁢ war‍ money for Ukraine out‍ and put‌ it⁣ in a separate bill.”

Separate Vote and McCarthy’s Strategy

Recognizing the concerns⁤ raised by his conference ‍members, ⁣McCarthy has decided to remove the provision from the bill ⁢and ⁣hold a separate vote​ on it. He⁣ explained, “This money is⁤ roughly 300 million for training,⁣ something we’ve always done; it was also⁤ in the NDAA. What you can do is you‌ can take it out, move ​the DoD approps and move that piece​ all by itself.”

Given the widespread support ​for the Ukraine aid provision ⁢in the House, the separate vote ⁤is expected to ‍pass. McCarthy’s decision is part⁤ of his efforts ​to appease the ⁢more⁤ conservative members of his⁤ conference, ensuring the passage of appropriations bills and avoiding ​a government shutdown.

House Rules Committee Meeting and⁢ Appropriations Bills

The House Rules Committee is scheduled to meet at 1 p.m. on ​Friday to discuss a rules package ‍that includes the defense appropriations bill, homeland appropriations bill, ‍state and foreign operations appropriations bill, and the agriculture appropriations bill.

This consolidated rules package ‍will allow the House to vote on all four bills together, initiating⁤ the amendment process and potentially passing ‍them to ​the Senate. McCarthy ‌aims to​ hold the vote on the rules package on Tuesday.

However, passing these bills⁣ will‍ not prevent a government shutdown on October 1. As the Senate is unlikely to accept the ⁤spending levels⁤ proposed by​ the House,‌ a continuing resolution will be ‍necessary to fund the government.

McCarthy’s Strategy to Avoid Shutdown

McCarthy believes ​that ⁢a government‍ shutdown weakens their position. Therefore, he plans to push for a Republican-only continuing⁣ resolution next week, which includes ​spending caps and border security provisions.

McCarthy and his ‌allies hope⁣ that by ⁣advancing appropriations bills ⁣that cut spending, such as the state and foreign operations and agriculture appropriations bills, they can gain support from holdouts and convince ‍them to vote for a Republican-led continuing resolution.⁤ McCarthy is ​determined to avoid a shutdown.

He stated, “I just believe if you’re not funding the troops, and you’re not funding the border,‌ it’s ‌pretty difficult to think⁤ that you’re going to win in a shutdown. I’ve been through⁤ those a couple of times, and​ if‍ members think⁢ by moving⁣ you ⁤into a shutdown‌ that that’s ‌a ‍positive‍ idea, ​I don’t ⁣think that’s where the ⁤majority of our ‍conference is.”

Continuing Resolution and Appropriations⁤ Bills

The proposed‌ continuing resolution will ⁤be set at the $1.471 trillion⁢ level, while the appropriations bills the House aims to pass will be marked up at‌ the $1.526 trillion level.

It is important to note that the final versions of both⁤ the continuing resolution⁣ and the appropriations‍ bills will differ. The‍ Democrat-controlled Senate ‌has already ⁣expressed⁤ their intention to not⁤ mark up the bills at the​ levels proposed by the House. They prefer a clean continuing resolution without policy riders or spending cuts attached.

⁤ What⁣ are the⁤ potential international implications of removing funding for ⁢Ukrainian soldiers from the⁢ defense appropriations ‍bill

Lls as⁤ one unit. ‍McCarthy’s decision to strip the funding for Ukrainian soldiers​ from the defense appropriations⁤ bill will likely be addressed during this meeting. The separate vote on the Ukraine aid provision⁣ will most likely⁢ be scheduled shortly after the committee meeting.

Implication for Ukrainian⁢ Soldiers

While McCarthy’s decision to hold a ⁣separate vote on ​the Ukraine aid ⁣provision may appease some members of his conference, it is important‍ to consider the implications for⁤ Ukrainian soldiers. ⁢The ‌provision for training Ukrainian soldiers is ⁣designed ​to support their efforts to defend their country against Russian aggression.‌ By ⁣removing⁢ the allocated funds from the defense appropriations ⁢bill, there‍ may be delays in the deployment of necessary resources to Ukraine, potentially impacting their ability to effectively combat Russian‌ forces.

Furthermore, the decision to hold a⁣ separate vote on the Ukraine aid provision raises questions about⁢ the commitment of‌ the United States​ to supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty⁢ and security. The provision was included in the defense ⁣appropriations bill, highlighting its importance as a national ⁤security issue.​ By treating it as a separate ⁣matter, there is a risk that‌ it may not receive ​the same level of⁢ attention and ⁣support from lawmakers.

International Implications

McCarthy’s decision to remove the⁣ funding for Ukrainian soldiers may ​also have‍ international implications. ⁤It sends a message ⁣to⁣ Russia that the United States⁢ may not prioritize its‍ support for ⁢Ukraine’s​ defense. This ​could embolden Russian ⁤aggression and‍ have broader consequences for regional stability. It is essential for ⁤the United⁣ States to​ demonstrate a strong commitment⁣ to ⁤its allies and stand​ against any threats to ⁣international ⁣security.


House Speaker McCarthy’s decision to strip the funding‌ for Ukrainian ‍soldiers from the defense ⁤appropriations bill⁤ and⁢ hold a separate vote on the Ukraine ⁢aid provision has sparked debate‌ and raised concerns. While it​ may appease some ‌members of⁣ his conference, it raises‌ questions about the commitment of the​ United States⁤ to supporting​ Ukraine’s defense and‌ may have ‌international implications. It is important for ⁣lawmakers to consider the implications ⁣for Ukrainian soldiers⁤ and the ​broader regional stability when making decisions on appropriations bills.

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