Washington Examiner

Cruz worried Dems may unexpectedly replace Biden.

Sen.​ Ted ⁤Cruz Predicts Democrats May Replace Biden with Michelle​ Obama in 2024

Speaking‍ on his podcast ⁤Verdict with Ted Cruz, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shared his theory that the Democratic Party may replace President Joe Biden with former first lady Michelle ⁤Obama as their nominee for the⁢ 2024 presidential election. Cruz believes this could happen around the time of the Democratic National ⁤Convention in 11 months.

“Here’s the ⁢scenario that I think is‍ perhaps most likely,⁤ and most⁢ dangerous: In August of 2024, the Democrat ​kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” Cruz said.

Cruz explained that he sees ​Michelle Obama as the ​ideal ⁣candidate for the Democratic Party due to her likability and diversity. ‍He expressed concern about the ⁢media’s current ‌criticism of Biden, suggesting that it increases⁢ the ​chances of Michelle Obama being chosen as the ⁢nominee in 2024.

“And so,⁢ when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, ​I⁣ think ‍the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in August of 2024 ​have risen dramatically,” Cruz said. “And that ought to scare ‍the hell out at anyone who is unhappy about the direction this country is going and doesn’t ‍want us to ‍go even crazier in an even worse direction.”

Cruz also​ presented ‍an alternative scenario in ​which Biden drops out and an open primary⁣ occurs within the Democratic Party. He mentioned potential candidates such as Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), predicting that Warren would be the nominee in that situation.

However, Cruz believes that an open primary without Biden is⁢ less likely due to upcoming filing deadlines for the early​ primaries in ​2024.

The Iowa Caucuses on ‌Jan. 15, 2024,⁢ will be the first deciding contest‍ for ⁤the​ Democratic primaries, while the Democratic National⁢ Convention is scheduled from Aug. ⁤19-22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

Despite speculation about Biden​ not seeking reelection, the president has made it ‌clear that he fully intends to run for another term and has already​ assembled an advisory board for his campaign.

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What challenges and considerations would Michelle Obama likely face if she were to pursue a political career and seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency in 2024?

F the Democratic National Convention in 2024, where party members will gather‌ to officially select their presidential​ nominee.

Senator Cruz’s⁤ prediction has sparked both curiosity and controversy among political pundits and observers.​ While it is natural for‌ politicians and commentators to make speculative predictions about future political ⁤events, the idea of Michelle Obama stepping into the political ​arena as a candidate‌ for the presidency is noteworthy.

Michelle Obama is widely⁢ regarded as a highly influential ​figure, ‌not only within the Democratic Party but‌ also among ​the American public at large.‍ During her tenure as First Lady from 2009 to 2017,⁢ she gained immense popularity for her advocacy work, ⁤particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, and women’s rights. Her initiatives, such as “Let’s Move!” and “Reach Higher,” ‍focused on improving the well-being of children and encouraging them to‌ pursue higher education.

Furthermore, Michelle Obama’s public persona and eloquence have resonated⁢ with many Americans, transcending political lines. Her ⁤book, “Becoming,” became an instant bestseller and gave readers‍ a glimpse into her personal life, inspiring millions with her story of resilience and determination. Her speeches have consistently captivated audiences with her ability⁢ to convey empathy, compassion, and a sense of ‌unity.

Given her immense popularity, it is not surprising ​that Senator Cruz would speculate about the Democratic Party’s potential eagerness‍ to rally⁢ behind Michelle Obama as their nominee. However, ​several factors should be considered ‍before jumping‌ to conclusions.

Firstly, Michelle Obama has ⁤not expressed any interest ⁢in ‌pursuing​ a political ​career beyond​ her role as First Lady.‍ While she has been an⁣ involved advocate for various causes, including voting rights and ‍education, she has always⁣ maintained that her primary focus is on ⁤supporting her family. Any decision to run ‌for president would require serious consideration⁢ and a‌ desire⁢ to take on the immense responsibilities that come with the position.

Secondly, the Democratic Party has ⁣a long history of nominating experienced politicians for the presidential ticket. While it is not unheard of for a first-time candidate to secure the party’s nomination, it is typically⁤ more ‌common to see ⁣individuals with extensive political backgrounds vying ‌for the presidency. This is not ⁣to say that Michelle Obama does not possess the necessary qualifications or skills, but it is a factor that ​should be taken into account when considering Senator Cruz’s prediction.

Lastly, predicting future political events is a highly speculative endeavor. The political landscape can change dramatically within a short period of time, and unforeseen circumstances can significantly alter the course of events. While it is interesting to speculate about potential scenarios, it is vital ‌to remember that predictions are simply educated guesses and should be taken ⁢with a grain of salt.

In conclusion, Sen. ‍Ted Cruz has ​shared his theory that the Democratic Party may replace President ​Biden with Michelle Obama‌ as their nominee for ​the⁢ 2024 presidential election. While this prediction has generated interest and discussion, several factors should be considered before accepting it as a ‌certainty. ‌Michelle⁣ Obama’s immense popularity and advocacy work make her a notable figure, but her lack of expressed interest in ‍pursuing a ⁣political career and the Democratic Party’s historical nomination patterns should be ⁢taken into account. As with any prediction, the future ⁣is uncertain and‍ subject to change.

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