Sowell’s warning about Obama’s actions leading to Ukraine invasion came true.

Few figures in‍ conservativism are ⁢more revered than​ Thomas Sowell

A free-market‌ economist, social theorist, and philosopher, Sowell’s work has spanned decades and influenced​ generations.

Sowell wrote a nationally syndicated column, authored dozens of books, and dazzled television audiences time and ​time again with his common sense, anti-intellectual approach to political and cultural issues.

The following story is part of ‌The Western Journal’s ⁤exclusive‌ series‍ “The Sowell Digest.” Each issue will break down and summarize one of Sowell’s many influential ‌works.

Thomas Sowell’s⁤ Criticism of Obama and the Ukraine Invasion

Thomas Sowell reserved some of his⁢ harshest criticism for⁤ former President Barack ⁤Obama.

In fact, ‌some⁣ of that criticism showed how Obama’s foolish ideas likely would produce the circumstances that⁢ eventually made possible the February‌ 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Sowell‌ made this connection in⁢ an April 2014 opinion​ piece ​entitled, “How foreign is our policy?”

By ⁤the 6th year⁤ of his presidency, Obama had built a strange record on ⁤foreign policy.

In ‌fact, Sowell noted that conservative commentators​ such as ​Rush Limbaugh and Dinesh D’Souza had openly wondered whether Obama’s otherwise inexplicable behavior in foreign affairs might not have reflected‌ the 44th president’s deep-rooted ⁣antipathy⁤ toward ⁢the‌ United States.

Sowell called this a “disturbing possibility” that fit with Obama’s‍ “citizen-of-the-world conception of himself.” Perhaps Obama‌ believed “that the⁣ United States‍ already has too much power and needs ⁢to be deflated.”

During the Cold‌ War, America’s domestic critics often took this view. Jeane Kirkpatrick’s legendary “Blame America First”⁤ speech at the 1984‍ Republican Convention encapsulated that view to thunderous ⁢applause.

Obama, according to Sowell, ⁢fell under the “Blame ​America First” spell.

In this context, Obama’s treatment of Ukraine might ⁣have had long-term ‍consequences.

The “Blame⁢ America First” ‌crowd always insisted ⁣that⁣ the world would‍ become more just⁣ if only the U.S. would disarm.

According to Sowell, Obama‍ universalized this disarmament principle.

“Ukraine’s recent appeal ‌to the ‍United States for military supplies, with which ‍to defend itself as more Russian troops mass on its borders, was denied by President Obama,” Sowell wrote.

“He is sending food supplies instead. He might as well send them white flags, to facilitate surrender.”

Here Sowell argued ‍not ⁣ for the unlimited ⁢supply of arms⁤ to Ukraine but against the ⁤same Obama disarmament principle that had⁣ left Ukraine vulnerable in the first place.

“Back in⁤ 2005, Sen. Barack Obama urged​ the ⁤Ukrainians to drastically reduce their conventional​ weapons, including ⁢anti-aircraft missiles and tons ‍of‍ ammunition,” Sowell noted. “Ukraine had ⁢already rid itself​ of nuclear missiles, left over ​from the days when it had been part of⁣ the‍ Soviet Union.”

Alas, nuclear disarmament made nations “more vulnerable ⁣to those who are‌ not peaceful.”

Modern ⁣readers, rightly angered by the U.S.​ government’s funding of​ the current Ukraine war, ‌might react with skepticism.

Sowell, however, did not urge the Pentagon to spend⁤ hundreds of billions of dollars in a money-laundering ⁢proxy war.

Instead, he⁢ simply⁢ argued that⁤ Ukrainians ‍had a ​right to defend⁣ themselves against aggression.

Furthermore, he ⁢argued that well-armed nations have a better ‍chance ⁢to deter hostile ‌neighbors⁣ than weak ⁣ones do.

Thus, ‍whatever one thinks of‍ the bad actors involved in the current Ukraine situation, ⁣Sowell ⁤got it right. Disarmament left Ukraine vulnerable.

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The post​ Obama Laid the ‍Groundwork for Ukraine Invasion – Sowell Warned Us This Would Happen appeared first on The Western‌ Journal.

How did the Russian invasion of ‌Ukraine in 2022 support Thomas Sowell’s‌ warning⁣ against disarmament principles?

Yed-attacks-afghanistan/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>U.S. government to⁢ fund the Ukraine war. Instead, he warned against ‍the disarmament principles that left Ukraine vulnerable to Russian⁤ aggression.

Sowell’s criticism of Obama’s foreign policy decisions and his warning about the consequences of disarmament were not unfounded. The Russian invasion ⁣of ‌Ukraine in 2022 proved to be a ⁤significant security threat to the region and a violation of Ukraine’s ⁣sovereignty.

While Sowell passed away in 2021, his ⁣legacy as a conservative thinker ⁤and critic of Obama’s⁤ policies endures. His writings continue to resonate with ‌conservatives and those who value individual freedom, limited government, and free markets.

Sowell’s work serves as a reminder of the importance of strong and principled leadership, especially in the realm of foreign policy. His insights provide ‌valuable lessons for‌ current and future political leaders as they​ navigate the complexities of international relations.

As the ​conservative movement looks ⁢to the future, it would do well to​ remember the contributions⁢ of Thomas Sowell. His ideas⁢ and​ analysis have shaped the‍ conservative movement ⁣and will continue to ⁣shape the ⁣discourse on economics, politics, and culture for ‍generations to come.

Thomas Sowell may⁢ no longer be with us, but his⁢ profound impact on conservativism and his dedication to intellectual rigor and common sense will never be⁢ forgotten. His legacy will live on, ​inspiring new generations of⁢ conservatives to ⁤challenge conventional wisdom and champion the principles that uphold individual liberty and prosperity.

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