Washington Examiner

Club for Growth Foundation seeks to cultivate future conservative leaders.

Exclusive: Club for Growth Foundation Trains Future Republican Leaders

The⁢ Club for Growth Foundation‍ is on a mission to empower individuals across the country to​ make a difference in local and state Republican politics. Through its fellowship program, ‌45 promising fellows gathered at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Washington, D.C., for an intensive day of training.

The Club for Growth Foundation, led by⁢ former Indiana GOP Rep. David McIntosh, is ​distinct from the well-known Club‍ for Growth, which supports ‍fiscally conservative candidates in Republican primaries. ⁤Both organizations share a common ⁤goal of promoting limited government and economic growth.

“We⁣ want ‌the private sector, ⁢the free⁣ market, ⁣to solve problems,” McIntosh explained. “So ‍why don’t I‍ start a movement with young⁤ leaders to show them how the free market works, how it ⁣solves problems?”

McIntosh drew inspiration from the ​success of the Federalist Society, which built a network of like-minded individuals in the legal‌ profession. He aimed to create a similar network to advance free market priorities, connecting leaders from various sectors such​ as business, nonprofit organizations, and local government.

The fellowship selection process involves‌ rigorous⁣ vetting, including ​interviews, personality‍ tests, and assessments of applicants’ community⁣ involvement and reading habits. Once accepted, fellows engage in monthly Zoom meetings and attend ‌in-person conferences twice ⁤a year, ​where they receive comprehensive training on topics⁢ ranging​ from media⁤ skills to ‌policy discussions.

During the recent⁤ training ‌session, fellows⁣ participated ⁣in challenging⁢ media exercises, including a “murder board” where they faced a ‌panel of questioners ⁤simulating a press conference. The goal was to push them out of their comfort zones and provide constructive feedback on their performance.

Another crucial ⁤aspect of the training was learning how to manage⁢ hostility from the media.‌ Fellows received ⁣guidance on how to respond effectively to tough questions⁢ when feeling flustered.

“The media training is outstanding,” praised fellow ‍Jake Bequette, a former New⁤ England Patriots player‍ and unsuccessful Senate candidate⁤ in Arkansas. “It⁣ doesn’t hurt to get extra reps in, ⁤you⁣ know. I’ve done it for a‍ long time with football and in the military and politics. But it’s always great to hone ⁢that skill, perfect your craft,⁣ and​ become a more effective ‍communicator.”

The impact of the Club for ‍Growth Foundation’s fellowship program‍ is evident in the success of its alumni. Notably,⁤ two⁢ members of the recent freshman class in the House, Reps. Josh Brecheen (R-OK) and Eric Burlison (R-MO), were former fellows who went on to be elected.

During a dinner at the conference, both Brecheen and Burlison shared how the fellowship⁣ had facilitated valuable connections and aided their work as members of Congress.

“Through the‌ information and training I received ‌as a Club⁤ for Growth Fellow, I was better equipped to​ build support for and advance pro-growth economic policy in the‌ Missouri Senate,” said Burlison. “The ⁤media training and other informational tools provided by the Fellowship allowed me to become⁣ a better spokesperson for freedom.”

In addition to its training ‍program, the Club ⁢for Growth Foundation releases a​ scorecard that evaluates members of Congress based on​ their votes on “pro-growth policies.” Members⁢ who score 90 or higher receive the prestigious Defender of ⁤Economic Freedom Award.

This year, 57 lawmakers, including Sen. Mike Braun​ (R-IN) and Reps. Lauren⁣ Boebert (R-CO), Bob Good (R-VA), and Chip Roy (R-TX), were honored with the award for their commitment⁤ to economic growth.

“We publish it ⁤so ⁢the constituents will know how their members are doing,” McIntosh emphasized. The scorecard serves as a report card, with a score ⁤of 90 and above considered ​an A.

To learn more about the‍ Club for⁢ Growth Foundation ​and ⁣its impactful work, click here to visit the Washington ‍Examiner.

How does the Club for Growth Foundation’s fellowship program ‌help candidates handle tough questions and stay composed under⁤ pressure?

Andidate. “Learning how to handle tough questions and stay composed under pressure is essential for any future leader.”

Fellows also had the opportunity to learn from experienced ⁣⁤policy‌ experts⁤ and‌ ⁢seasoned Republican ​politicians.⁤ Speakers included former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, and economist ⁢Stephen Moore. They shared their insights ​and discussed strategies to advance conservative values in government.

The Club for Growth Foundation fellowship⁤ program aims to⁤ cultivate a ‌new⁣ generation of ⁢Republican leaders who ​​understand ​the importance of ⁢free markets, limited government, and individual liberty.‍ By providing them ⁣with‍ the necessary ‌tools and networks, the foundation hopes to elevate their voices and ​spark meaningful change.

“We want to train the next ⁡generation of leaders who ‍will stand up for limited government and free market principles,” McIntosh emphasized. “Our fellows have the potential to become​ influential figures in⁤ ​their communities and beyond.”

Indeed, many ​fellowship alumni have gone on to make ‌a significant impact in Republican ⁢politics. Several have‌ successfully run for office, while others have established ​themselves as policy⁣ experts and conservative thought leaders.

As the Club for Growth Foundation⁣ continues to invest in ​these promising young individuals, it is clear that their​ voices will play ‌a crucial role in shaping the future of ‍Republican politics. With⁢ comprehensive training, networking opportunities, and support from experienced mentors, these fellows have the potential to become the party’s future leaders.

“I am grateful for the Club for Growth Foundation and the doors it has opened for me,” expressed fellowship alumna ⁢Katie Trost. “The training and connections I gained⁣ through the program have been invaluable in my⁣ journey to make a difference in Republican politics.”

The Club for ​Growth Foundation’s commitment ​to​ training ​future Republican leaders is a testament to its dedication to advancing conservative principles. ​By empowering individuals with ‌the knowledge and skills they need, the foundation is building a strong network of leaders who will‌ champion ⁣limited ⁢government, ⁣economic growth, and individual freedom.

With each new class of fellows, the Club for Growth Foundation is ensuring that the Republican party has⁤ a bright future ahead and remains committed to its core ⁤values. The impact of this fellowship program is bound to be felt for years to come as its alumni continue to​ make a⁣ difference in the world of politics and policy.

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