Washington Examiner

Conservative groups resort to legal action against DEI on campuses.

A Conservative Think Tank Threatens Legal Action‍ Against Arizona State University’s DEI Programs

A conservative think​ tank is taking aim at Arizona State University (ASU) over its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, sparking yet another instance of conservative‌ backlash⁤ against such programs. The Goldwater ‍Institute, in two strongly-worded ‌letters to ASU’s leadership, accuses the institution ⁢of unlawfully ⁤using public‌ funds for faculty ⁣trainings that involve any form of blame or judgment based on race, ethnicity, or sex, which is in violation of state⁢ law.

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The specific training in question is the “ASU Inclusive ‌Communities” program, which is mandatory for ​all faculty and staff. The Goldwater Institute, in ​a press release, claims that this training incorporates “some of ⁢the most extreme DEI concepts.”

The ‌institute highlights⁣ that the training delves into topics such as the normalization of white⁢ supremacy in society, ⁢as well as concepts like white fragility and white privilege. Furthermore, staff members who undergo the training must pass a test to demonstrate their understanding of the material ⁤presented.

John Riches, the Goldwater Institute’s vice president for litigation and general counsel, ‍expressed in an interview with the Washington Examiner that the‌ institute aims to‌ exert pressure on the university to comply with​ the law and ⁤eliminate the requirements associated ⁤with the training. He also suggests that the test with right and wrong answers on DEI principles could be seen as ‍a form of compelled speech.

ASU’s ‍spokesperson responded to the allegations, stating that the university believes​ it is adhering to state law.

“The board of regents, which oversees ASU and‌ the other two universities in Arizona, should also conduct an ​audit of faculty training to ensure compliance with the law,” Riches emphasized during the interview.

The Goldwater Institute’s efforts to halt staff‍ trainings are just one facet of a broader movement by conservative activist ‌groups seeking to curb DEI efforts in educational institutions. In a previous instance, pressure from the institute ‍led⁤ Arizona’s public universities, including ASU, ⁢to remove a diversity statement requirement for faculty job‌ applications. Another organization, Speech First, is currently pursuing a​ Supreme Court review in​ a ‌legal action against DEI on campuses.”>case challenging bias response programs ⁣and discriminatory harassment policies at Virginia Tech.

Riches, reflecting on the situation, questions why academic institutions are prioritizing “ideological issues” over academic excellence.

“Instead of equity, which is discriminatory, ⁤we should strive for equality,” he ‍asserted.

Click ⁣here​ to read more​ from the Washington Examiner.

What are ​the concerns raised⁤ by the Goldwater Institute regarding Arizona State University’s DEI programs‍ and their alleged violation of​ free speech and academic freedom?

‍‍and divisive ideas in current⁤ DEI rhetoric.” The think tank argues that the training ‌promotes a divisive and discriminatory environment that violates the principles of free speech and academic freedom.

Arizona State University, like many ‌other educational institutions, has​ recently been under scrutiny‍ for its DEI programs. While these initiatives ‍aim to create a⁤ more inclusive⁣ and diverse campus, they have faced significant ⁤resistance from conservative groups who ‌believe that such programs promote a culture of political correctness‌ and limit intellectual discourse.

One of⁤ the ‍main points of contention⁤ raised‍ by the Goldwater⁢ Institute is the ⁤allegation⁣ that ​ASU‍ is ​using public funds to support these ⁤faculty trainings. ⁤The think tank argues that it is unjustifiable for taxpayer money to be ‌used ‍to promote what it calls‌ a “biased and ideologically-driven agenda.”

‍The Goldwater Institute’s concern about public ⁢funds being used for faculty training is not without basis. It is crucial that any ​expenditure of⁢ taxpayer money by⁣ a ⁣public institution adheres to‍ legal and ethical​ guidelines. If the institute’s allegations are true, it raises a legitimate⁤ question about the‌ appropriate use of public resources.

However, it ⁢is also⁣ important to consider the broader context of DEI‍ programs. Diversity, equity, and‍ inclusion are not merely political ⁤buzzwords but crucial elements of ⁤higher education in an increasingly diverse ‍society. These programs aim to create an ⁣inclusive environment for students and faculty of all backgrounds,‌ providing ⁣them with equal​ opportunities ‌for success.

To achieve this goal, educational ‌institutions, ​including ASU, often⁢ implement mandatory faculty ‍training programs like the “ASU ‍Inclusive Communities” initiative.⁣ These programs ⁢are designed to raise awareness about unconscious biases, foster empathy, and promote⁤ a‌ more ‌inclusive campus climate.

While there may⁤ be differing opinions ‍on the effectiveness and approach of these DEI initiatives, ‍it is crucial to recognize that academic institutions have the right‍ to determine their own⁢ priorities and policies. ASU, like‍ any other university, ⁣has the responsibility to promote a safe and inclusive environment for its students‍ and faculty.

The issue of free‌ speech and academic freedom is a complex one. While faculty members certainly⁤ have the right ‍to express their opinions, there are limits ⁣to what they can say in the context of their official roles. It is essential ⁢to strike a balance between promoting robust intellectual⁤ discourse and preventing the dissemination of hateful ‌or discriminatory ideologies.

In this context, ​the‌ Goldwater ‌Institute’s concerns about the alleged violation of academic freedom⁤ and free speech should be taken seriously. The university should carefully review its ‌DEI programs ‌to ensure that they do ⁤not stifle dissenting opinions or create ​a⁣ hostile environment for those with differing views.

At the same time, it⁣ is crucial to recognize that DEI initiatives ⁢play a vital role in creating inclusive and equitable educational environments. It is‌ reasonable for educational institutions to implement such​ programs as long as they are⁤ designed with care, fairness, and‌ respect for academic freedom.

In conclusion, the conservative think tank’s threat of legal action against Arizona State‌ University’s DEI programs raises important questions about the appropriateness of public funds and the balance between free speech and inclusive​ policies.‍ It is crucial⁢ for universities to ‍navigate these​ challenges carefully, ⁣ensuring ⁤that they ⁢uphold their commitment⁤ to academic freedom while promoting diversity, equity, and ⁢inclusion.

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