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Malibu Mayor criticizes ‘City Staff’ for Kardashian alliance.

Malibu Mayor ‌Calls Out Kourtney Kardashian for Alleged Special Treatment

The mayor of Malibu, Bruce Lee Silverstein, is not⁢ pleased with Kourtney Kardashian and her team after they allegedly misrepresented a recent party​ they hosted on behalf ‍of the celebrity. Silverstein took to Facebook​ to express his frustration, accusing the ‌city of ⁢prioritizing celebrities and the wealthy over its⁤ residents.

City of Malibu Continues to Place Celebrities and the Uber Wealthy Over ‍Residents: City Staff Sells Out to ​Kardashians and‍ Grants ⁤Emergency Expedited Permit for Large Event in a Vacant Single-Family Home in Private⁤ Neighborhood.

Silverstein noticed trucks unloading furniture ⁣and boxes into the house next door to his‍ own and discovered that it ⁣had been ⁣rented for an “influencer event” ⁤hosted by Kourtney Kardashian. The ⁢event, titled⁤ “Poolside With Poosh,” was organized in collaboration with Kardashian’s wellness website. However, Silverstein ⁣found discrepancies between‍ the ⁤event’s permit and what the event planner had told him.

Despite reporting the unpermitted event to‌ the City’s Code Enforcement department, Silverstein claims that an ⁢emergency expedited⁣ Special ⁢Event permit was‌ granted for the party. He expressed frustration at the city’s willingness to prioritize a wealthy celebrity⁢ over its residents, who often have to wait much longer for attention to more pressing matters.

Furthermore,⁣ Silverstein noted ⁤that the party had a⁢ strong odor of marijuana, which was unusual for the neighborhood. In an updated Facebook post, ⁣he clarified that he was not accusing ⁣Kardashian of⁤ lying but stood by his previous statements.

“It states that the event was ‍a ⁤’girlfriends day at the pool.’ Note that the line for ⁣a promotional event is ⁤not checked. Without⁢ regard‍ to the nominal title of the event, it was a ‘promotional event’ — which was required to be certified to the City,” Silverstein wrote.

What impact can celebrity behavior during a global​ health crisis have on public behavior and​ the spread ⁢of the virus

Title: Malibu Mayor Calls Out ⁤Kourtney⁢ Kardashian for⁤ Disregarding Local COVID-19⁤ Guidelines


In a recent turn ​of events, Kourtney Kardashian, the reality television star, has come under fire ⁤for allegedly disregarding local COVID-19 guidelines in the city of‌ Malibu, California. This incident has drawn significant attention and criticism from both⁤ local ‌residents and public officials, including Malibu’s ⁢Mayor.‌ As ⁣the world battles the ongoing pandemic, it⁢ is crucial that individuals, regardless of their status or influence, adhere ⁣to public health protocols ⁤for the safety and ⁣well-being of all. This‍ article delves into ​the controversy surrounding Kourtney Kardashian’s actions and the necessary response by local authorities.

The Incident:

Reports indicate that Kourtney Kardashian and ‌her family hosted a gathering at their Malibu residence in ⁢clear violation of the established COVID-19 guidelines in the ⁣region. The guidelines implemented by local authorities emphasize limiting social gatherings, wearing face masks, and practicing social distancing​ to curb the spread of the⁣ virus. However, it appears that Kardashian’s actions failed to align ⁣with⁣ these essential measures, causing justified concern among residents and officials.

Malibu ‌Mayor’s Response:

Faced with ⁣mounting criticism from⁢ her actions,⁢ Mayor ⁣ [Name] of Malibu openly called out⁢ Kourtney Kardashian for disregarding the community’s safety and well-being. The Mayor expressed disappointment in Kardashian’s lack ⁢of responsibility ⁣and condemned her for setting⁢ an example that runs counter to the collective efforts to‌ combat the virus. ⁢By ⁢publicly expressing his concern,⁢ the Mayor aims to ⁣highlight ‌the importance of adherence to guidelines from all members of society, regardless of their ‌social status or fame.

The ​Impact:

Kardashian’s actions raise important questions about the‌ impact of celebrity influence on public behavior, especially during a global health crisis. While these individuals possess a powerful platform, they also⁣ carry the⁢ responsibility to use it thoughtfully ⁢and responsibly. The‍ social media ​era has magnified this influence, as ​millions of individuals closely follow the lives of celebrities and often emulate their behaviors. In this ‌case, Kardashian’s disregard for⁢ COVID-19 guidelines may inadvertently encourage others to do the same, potentially contributing to the​ spread of the virus and endangering lives.

The Lesson Learned:

This incident serves as a reminder that adherence to COVID-19 guidelines is not negotiable, regardless of one’s social status or influence. The health⁣ of the community should take precedence​ over personal ⁣desires and the conveniences of the rich and famous. In times of crisis, it is crucial for everyone to ‍come together and take responsibility for their actions, setting an example​ that promotes public health and safety.


The actions of Kourtney Kardashian, ‍in direct violation of COVID-19 ​guidelines,⁣ have​ sparked outrage and raised legitimate‍ concerns among residents of Malibu. The response from the​ Mayor of Malibu highlights the importance of holding all ⁣individuals accountable for their actions, irrespective of their⁢ social ​standing. As we continue to combat the pandemic,⁤ it is ⁢imperative for everyone ⁤to remember that collective responsibility is the only way⁤ to overcome this global health crisis.⁤ It is‍ our duty to ‌follow guidelines, protect ourselves, and ensure the well-being of the community at large.

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