Washington Examiner

Mike Lawler calls on New York Democrats to show courage and address the influx of immigrants.

Rep. Mike‌ Lawler Calls ⁤Out New York Democrats for Failing ⁢Immigration Policies

During a House​ Natural Resources Committee hearing, Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) passionately criticized the long-standing‌ sanctuary city status of New York, blaming it for the overwhelming⁤ demand for⁢ resources and shelter capacity caused by the influx of ⁤immigrants‍ from the southern border.

“Having sanctuary city​ policies has been‌ one‍ of‌ the dumbest things I’ve ever seen for years,”⁤ Lawler exclaimed.

“Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul don’t have ⁤the first clue ​how to handle this because to ⁢handle it​ would be to acknowledge that these policies ⁢have ⁢failed, would be to acknowledge that⁢ these policies don’t⁣ work.”

New York ⁣City Mayor ⁣Eric Adams and⁣ Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY)‍ have been facing ⁢internal disputes with federal authorities as they struggle to address the surge of immigrants by securing shelter spaces and work permits.

Lawler emphasized the importance of immigrants to the country, drawing‌ on his own family’s⁢ history of coming through Ellis Island. He acknowledged their contributions to the economy and ​communities, but stressed that the current⁣ system ‍is‍ unsustainable ‍and in need‌ of reform.

“We⁣ need immigrants in this country,” Lawler stated. “They contribute to our economy. ‍They contribute to our communities.​ They’re ​good people. There needs ‍to be a process.”

Lawler⁤ also criticized⁣ President Joe Biden for ‌his lack of action in ‌addressing‍ issues such as‌ human trafficking, ‍violence against women and children, and the alarming⁣ amount of ‍fentanyl being seized at the border.

The Republican congressman didn’t hold back in calling out senior Democratic leaders, including​ Senate ‍Majority Leader Chuck Schumer⁣ and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, for their silence on the ​matter.

“The time for action is now,” Lawler urged. “Hakeem Jeffries, the Democratic leader, ‍Chuck ​Schumer, the Senate⁣ majority leader, both from ‍New York, both from Brooklyn: silent. Pathetic. Grow a backbone. ⁢Show some leadership. Stand up ⁣and say,⁤ ‘We’re⁤ not going to have⁢ a​ system like this anymore.’”

Lawler concluded by⁢ advocating ​for border security and the addition of more personnel to expedite asylum cases.

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How has New York’s sanctuary ‌city status affected the state’s ability to provide resources and shelter capacity?

Hich they refuse to do. All they want to ​do is virtue signal and pander to their ⁤far-left base.”

Rep.‍ Lawler’s statement highlights a growing concern among many conservatives regarding the⁤ immigration policies implemented by New York Democrats. The sanctuary city status promoted‌ by these politicians has led ​to significant problems and strains on the ​state’s resources.

The term “sanctuary city” refers to jurisdictions where⁣ local authorities limit their cooperation with federal​ immigration enforcement⁢ efforts. These ‌cities often refuse ‌to detain or hand over undocumented immigrants to federal authorities, creating ⁤a safe haven for those who ‌have unlawfully entered the‌ country. While the intention behind‍ these policies may be to protect immigrants from deportation, they have proven to have unintended consequences.

One​ major issue ⁣caused ‌by ⁣New York’s sanctuary city ‍status⁤ is⁣ the overwhelming demand for resources and shelter capacity. The influx of immigrants ‍from the southern border has placed ​a significant burden on the state’s ‍ability ⁢to provide for‍ its citizens and legal residents. Limited resources such as​ housing, healthcare, and ​education are strained ‌as they are redirected to accommodate the⁣ needs of ​undocumented immigrants.

Rep. Lawler’s impassioned criticism of New ‍York⁣ Democrats’⁣ immigration ‍policies reflects the frustration felt by⁢ many who believe that a more balanced and pragmatic approach is needed. He argues that ‍the current approach of ignoring the negative ‍impact of sanctuary ​city ‍policies is a refusal to acknowledge their failures.

Lawler specifically ‍called out Eric Adams, the newly ​elected ​mayor of New ⁤York City,​ and⁤ Kathy ‌Hochul, the governor of New York, for their lack of understanding and​ inability to handle the immigration ‍challenges facing the state. He accuses them​ of prioritizing ⁢political posturing and virtue signaling over effective policy-making.

The issue at hand ⁣is not about rejecting immigrants or advocating⁢ for a closed border. It is about finding a⁢ sensible and sustainable solution that takes into account the well-being of both ⁣the citizens and legal residents of New York, as well as those who seek to enter the country. The current policies fail to strike this balance and, in ⁣turn, exacerbate the challenges faced by the state.

Rep. Mike Lawler’s remarks⁣ serve as a reminder that we must assess ⁢the consequences of our policies and be willing to adapt when they prove ineffective. ​It is essential to ​have an honest and open discussion about immigration policies to ensure the best outcomes for all involved. To⁣ continue ignoring the strain on resources ⁤and⁢ shelter capacity caused by sanctuary ​city status is⁢ a disservice to the residents of‌ New York and a failure to⁣ address ​the ⁢complex issue of⁣ immigration⁣ responsibly.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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