Washington Examiner

Republican debate derails as GOP targets Vivek Ramaswamy.

Republican Presidential Debate Turns Fiery as Candidates Target Outsider Vivek Ramaswamy

The‌ Republican presidential debate took an unexpected turn as the contenders launched a relentless attack ‌on outsider ⁤Vivek Ramaswamy, transforming the ​event‍ into a captivating⁤ two-hour battle.

“These are good people who are tainted ‍by a broken system,” Ramaswamy attempted​ to clarify in August, retracting⁣ his previous criticism of his ‍competitors as being “bought and ⁣paid⁢ for”​ by special interests.

However,‍ Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) accused Ramaswamy of being “just in business with the Chinese Communist Party,” pointing​ out ⁤his biopharmaceutical company’s involvement with a​ state-owned Chinese investment company’s private ​equity firm, as reported by ⁤the⁢ Washington Post.

“You know, I can’t imagine‌ how you could say that, ⁣knowing that you were just ​in business with the ‍Chinese Communist​ Party, and the​ same people that funded Hunter Biden millions of dollars was a partner of ​yours as ⁣well,” Scott responded to Ramaswamy’s attempt to clarify his previous‍ statement.

Not only did Ramaswamy face criticism from Scott, but Vice President Mike Pence also took ​a jab at him, sarcastically remarking, “I’m glad Vivek pulled out of his business deal in 2018 in China. That must‍ have been about⁣ the time ⁢he decided to start voting in ‍presidential elections.”

Governor Ron⁤ DeSantis (R-FL) intervened, urging the ‍candidates to refocus‌ on policy matters but not without poking⁢ Ramaswamy first. “Can ‍we please focus on ⁤the issues that matter? We know he did business in China! Everybody knows that,” DeSantis emphasized.

Former​ South Carolina Governor⁢ Nikki Haley joined⁤ in, accusing Ramaswamy ⁤of hypocrisy for opposing the Chinese-connected social media app ​TikTok​ while recently signing up for it herself. “This is infuriating because TikTok is one‌ of the most dangerous⁢ social media apps that we could have. And what do ​you got? Honestly, ⁣every time‌ I hear you I feel a little bit dumber for what you say,” ⁢Haley⁣ expressed her frustration.

Can the GOP Debaters Pressure Trump‌ to Show Up?

As the Republican debate heated up, the question remains: can the GOP debaters exert enough pressure to convince Trump to participate?

  • Will​ the​ candidates’ relentless attacks on ‌Ramaswamy sway public ‌opinion?
  • How will Ramaswamy defend himself against these accusations?
  • What⁣ impact will ⁤this fiery debate⁤ have on ‌the upcoming‌ presidential ⁢elections?

Stay tuned ‍for more⁤ updates on this intense political ​showdown.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

What accusation did Senator Warren make against ⁣Ramaswamy regarding the opioid crisis,⁢ and how did he respond to it


“It is concerning ⁢to see a candidate for the highest office in ‍the land having such close ​ties to a ​foreign government that does​ not align with American values⁤ and interests,” Senator ⁢Scott⁣ stated‍⁤ during⁤ the debate.

Ramaswamy defended ​himself, arguing that his business‌ dealings were purely economic ⁢and ​that he had no influence over ‍the Chinese government’s ‍policies. He emphasized the importance of global ‍trade‌ and⁣ cooperation in advancing the American economy and⁢ maintaining diplomatic relations.

However, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) raised concerns about Ramaswamy’s business practices, accusing him of profiting off the opioid crisis. She pointed‍⁡ out‍⁠‍ ⁤that his​ biopharmaceutical ‌company had significantly increased the prices of certain life-saving medications, including those used to treat addiction ‍to opioids ⁢and other substances.

“It is unacceptable ​for someone to prioritize profit over the‌ health and well-being of their fellow⁢ citizens,” Senator Warren asserted‍‍ during the debate.

Ramaswamy countered that his company had⁣ invested extensively in research and development⁤ to create innovative ⁣treatments, and the pricing reflected the value they provided to‍ patients. He also mentioned⁤ the negative impact of government regulations on the pharmaceutical industry, hindering innovation and competition.

The⁣ ​debate became increasingly heated​ as the candidates vied⁣ for the spotlight, each trying to ⁣dismantle Ramaswamy’s credibility. Former Vice President Mike Pence‍ accused him of misleading the American people by presenting himself as an outsider while having ties to influential political figures.

“We ‌need true outsiders who will⁤ challenge the status quo and put the interests of the American people‌ first, not those ‍who play both⁢ sides,” Pence asserted.

Ramaswamy defended himself, stating that his background in‌ politics had provided him with valuable insights into the flaws ​of the system and the need for change.‍ He highlighted his commitment to transparency and accountability as he embarked on his presidential campaign.

The fiery ⁣exchange between the⁤ candidates and‍ Ramaswamy⁣ demonstrated ‍the tense atmosphere of ⁤the debate, with each⁣ candidate‌ trying⁣ to portray themselves as the strongest contender and the only one capable of defeating the opposing party’s nominee in the general election.

As the debate came to a close, it became evident that Ramaswamy’s ⁢status as an outsider ‍had made⁣ him an easy target for his‌ competitors. Whether the attacks against him will sway ⁣voters remains uncertain, ​as ⁤the American‍ electorate continues to search ⁢for the candidate who⁢ best represents their values and aspirations.

In the coming months, voters will have the opportunity‌ to dig‌ deep into each ​candidate’s history, scrutinizing their​ positions on various issues, and determining ⁣who ⁢they⁢ believe has the vision ‍and competence to ⁤lead the ​country. ⁣The Republican Presidential Debate served as a⁤ platform for⁤ this crucial discourse, allowing voters to evaluate the contenders and⁤ make an informed decision.

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