Washington Examiner

White House readies for shutdown, won’t halt PR battle with GOP.

The White House Blames House Republicans for Impending Government Shutdown

The White House is not ‌holding back in its criticism ‍of House Republicans ​as the government shutdown looms. Office of Management ‌and Budget Director Shalanda‌ Young, joined by White House press ⁢secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, took the opportunity‌ to attack House Republicans during Friday’s ⁣briefing. They also ​outlined the preparations the Biden administration is⁤ making ahead of the impending deadline.

White House’s Ongoing Criticism of House Republicans

For weeks, the White House has been relentless in its ⁢criticism of⁤ House Speaker Kevin ‌McCarthy and⁢ the ⁣Republican caucus. They accuse them of trying to undermine the⁤ budget agreement brokered by McCarthy and President ‍Joe Biden earlier this year. The ​White House has been actively distributing ⁢memos ‌and press releases to highlight the negative⁢ economic impact a “Republican shutdown” would have on households.

During the briefing,‌ Young reiterated the administration’s concerns about the potential consequences of a shutdown. She emphasized ⁣the impact‍ on food assistance programs, natural disaster⁤ relief, and the​ migrant crisis at the southern‌ border. Young ‌also highlighted the financial strain a shutdown would place ​on low-wage⁣ federal workers who live paycheck to paycheck.

“The Real Consequences​ of a Shutdown”

Young pointed ‍out that while members of⁣ Congress would ⁢still receive‍ their pay during a shutdown, many federal employees, including‌ custodians, would not. She estimated that around 1.5 million “civilian” federal employees would go unpaid, with​ approximately 800,000 deemed essential and still required to work. Service members would also go without pay, although they would remain on active duty to protect national⁤ security operations.

Young, ⁤who previously worked⁢ as a top appropriations staffer ⁤on Capitol Hill, ‍specifically targeted House Republicans for their ⁤refusal to adhere ⁣to⁤ the debt ceiling budget⁤ deal. She expressed ‌concern that this behavior could undermine ​public trust in the federal government.

“The Urgency to Avoid a Shutdown”

Young pleaded with House Republicans to reconsider their stance, emphasizing⁤ the real-life consequences of a shutdown. She ⁣criticized their cavalier attitude towards⁣ the situation and⁤ the negative expectations ⁢it sets for how people perceive their⁣ government. Young stressed the importance of avoiding a shutdown and working towards ⁣a resolution.

White‍ House Staff Furloughed, Biden Not Planning to Travel

Following Young’s remarks, Jean-Pierre confirmed that a significant portion of the White House staff would be furloughed. However,‍ the press office​ would continue to hold briefings, likely with a⁢ focus on highlighting the role of‍ Republicans in the government shutdown.

Regarding negotiations, Jean-Pierre firmly stated that President Biden would not be personally involved. She⁤ emphasized that negotiations had already taken place, resulting ⁣in a bipartisan piece of​ legislation that became⁣ law. Jean-Pierre called on ​House‌ Republicans⁢ to ⁣take responsibility and‌ fix the ​situation on behalf⁤ of the American people.

“The Conversation Lies with ⁣House Republicans”

Jean-Pierre made it ⁣clear that the⁣ conversation should be with Speaker McCarthy and his caucus,⁢ not President Biden. She urged House ⁤Republicans to have the necessary conversation and resolve the issue, emphasizing the harm that millions of ​Americans would face‍ due to ‍their actions.

Watch the full briefing below:

How is⁣ the ⁢Biden⁢ administration preparing for a potential government shutdown and what⁣ steps are being taken ⁤to ⁤mitigate its impact

Imately 800,000 of them being forced to work without pay. ⁣Young‌ emphasized⁤ that ⁢these employees are essential ⁢to‍ the functioning ‌of⁣ the government and should ​not⁣ be treated as expendable casualties ⁢of political ‌gamesmanship.

Young also noted the‌ potential disruption to vital ‌government services and programs. She ‍highlighted the impact a shutdown would have on the processing⁢ of tax returns, access to ⁣national parks, and the distribution of Social Security and Medicare payments. She warned that⁣ this ⁢would not only inconvenience millions of Americans‍ but could also have long-term economic consequences.

Blaming House Republicans for the Impending ⁤Shutdown

The ‌White House ⁣expressed ‌its frustration with ​House⁢ Republicans, ‌accusing them of using the impending government‌ shutdown as a political ⁤tool. They argue ‌that‌ Republicans are prioritizing their own political agenda over the well-being of the American people. Both Young and Jean-Pierre criticized the Republicans for rejecting bipartisan deals and refusing‍ to compromise on funding for critical programs and initiatives.

The Biden ​Administration’s Preparations

Despite‌ their frustrations and concerns, Young reassured ⁣the public that the Biden administration is taking measures‍ to mitigate the potential impact of a shutdown.​ She emphasized that the administration is actively communicating with federal agencies and working to ensure that essential ⁤services can continue uninterrupted. Young also highlighted that discussions are ongoing with congressional leaders to find ‍a⁤ resolution and prevent‍ a ‌shutdown.


The ⁣White House’s criticism of House Republicans​ regarding the‍ impending government shutdown is increasing as the deadline approaches. They condemn ⁤the Republicans‌ for their‌ alleged disregard for the consequences‍ a ‌shutdown would have⁤ on federal ​employees and ⁢the‍ American‍ people.⁤ The Biden administration is actively preparing for a potential​ shutdown, while​ also urging congressional leaders‍ to prioritize the ​interests of the American people​ over political considerations. ⁢Only time will tell if a resolution can​ be reached‌ to avert ⁣a shutdown and prevent the negative impacts it would bring.

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