Washington Examiner

CBC urges Newsom to appoint Barbara Lee as Feinstein’s replacement.

The ‍Congressional Black Caucus Urges Gov. Newsom to Appoint Rep. Barbara ‌Lee ​to Senate Seat

The‍ Congressional Black Caucus is putting pressure on⁣ Gov. Gavin‍ Newsom (D-CA) to select Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) as the replacement for⁤ the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who passed away⁣ at ⁣the age ⁣of⁢ 90.

Chairman Steven Horsford of ⁣the Black Caucus sent a letter to Newsom, urging him to appoint Lee to⁣ the Senate. Newsom has been under scrutiny since news of⁣ Feinstein’s ​health issues and subsequent death, ⁢as he had previously promised to fill the seat with⁢ a black ⁤woman in 2021.

Horsford Commends Newsom’s Commitment to Representation

Horsford⁤ acknowledged the difficult position Newsom is in and commended ​his courageous commitment to⁢ appoint a ⁤black ⁤woman⁤ to the Senate seat, aiming to rectify the lack of representation in the Senate.

“Congresswoman​ Lee has always⁣ been guided ⁣by ⁣what’s right, even in times ⁤of⁢ crisis,” Horsford‍ wrote. “Her unwavering values make ⁣her a true progressive who has effectively championed‍ legislation benefiting working people.”

Horsford highlighted Lee’s contributions to advancing progressive policies within the House Democrats, making her the ideal choice for this appointment.

“She possesses the courage,⁣ vision, and ​track record necessary to combat poverty, challenge​ the fossil fuel industry, defend⁢ our democracy, and tirelessly promote the progressive agenda,” Horsford emphasized.

Newsom’s ​Stance on the 2024 Senate Race

Feinstein had previously announced that‍ she ​would not ‌seek reelection, leading Lee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) to enter the 2024⁢ Senate‌ race. ⁢Recent public polling⁣ shows Schiff and Porter tied, with Lee not far behind.

Newsom had initially expressed his intention to refrain from endorsing any candidate for the⁣ 2024 ‌Senate race and avoid interfering‌ with the upcoming primary.

“It would⁢ be unfair to the ​hardworking Democrats,” Newsom stated earlier this month. “The primary is just a few months away, and I don’t ‍want to disrupt‌ the balance.”

Other‍ potential replacements for⁤ Feinstein ⁤include Secretary ‌of State⁤ Shirley Weber,‌ San Francisco Mayor London ⁤Breed, civil rights activist Angela Glover Blackwell, Los Angeles ⁢County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, and Los Angeles Mayor⁢ Karen Bass.

The Washington Examiner has‍ reached out ‍to Newsom’s office ⁣and the Congressional Black Caucus for further comments.

How does the Black Caucus argue that Barbara Lee’s appointment aligns with Gov. Newsom’s⁣ commitment⁤ to diversity and⁣ inclusion, particularly in addressing systemic‍ injustice‌ and inequality

The seat with a woman of color. The Congressional Black⁤ Caucus​ is now ⁤holding him accountable⁤ to ‌fulfill that promise by ‍selecting Barbara Lee as the successor.

In the letter, Chairman Horsford‌ emphasized Lee’s lifelong dedication to public​ service and her ability to represent the interests of​ all Californians, especially‌ those from⁢ marginalized communities. Lee has been a staunch ‍advocate for racial and social justice, and her track record speaks for itself.

As the representative for California’s 13th congressional district, Lee has consistently fought ⁣for progressive policies and championed ⁣the voices‌ of underrepresented communities. Her experience and expertise make her an ideal candidate ⁢for the Senate seat, and the Black Caucus firmly believes ‌that she is the⁣ most qualified to fill the shoes of the late Senator Feinstein.

The Caucus also highlighted the historic‌ significance of⁤ appointing Barbara Lee as the first⁣ African ​American woman⁣ to ⁣represent California in the Senate. This ​appointment would not only be a milestone for representation but also a step towards a more inclusive and diverse Senate.

Furthermore, the ⁤Black Caucus argued that⁣ selecting Rep. Lee would align ⁤with Gov. Newsom’s commitment to diversity⁣ and inclusion. With the increasing ⁣importance of addressing systemic injustice ‍and inequality, it is crucial to have leaders who understand and advocate for ‍the needs of all Californians. Lee’s appointment ‍would be a strong signal of ⁢progress⁢ and unity in a ⁢time ⁣of great division.

The Congressional Black Caucus’s call for Gov. Newsom to appoint Rep.​ Barbara Lee to ‌the Senate seat comes⁢ at a critical juncture⁣ in American politics. As the‍ nation‍ grapples with issues ⁢of⁤ racial‌ injustice and inequality, it is imperative to have⁤ representatives‌ who not⁢ only understand⁢ these challenges but ‌actively strive to address them.

In conclusion, the Congressional Black Caucus is urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to ​honor his commitment to diversity and representation⁣ by appointing Rep. Barbara ⁢Lee to ⁣the Senate ‌seat left ‍vacant by the passing of Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Lee’s lifelong dedication​ to public service and her advocacy for ⁤marginalized communities​ make her the ​ideal ⁢candidate for this role.‌ By selecting Lee, Gov. Newsom would not ‌only fulfill his promise but​ also send‌ a powerful message of progress and inclusivity.

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