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AOC vows to vote out Speaker McCarthy.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Ready to Oust Speaker​ McCarthy

During an appearance ⁣on CNN’s “State ⁣of the Union,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) ‌expressed her willingness to cast a vote to remove Speaker Kevin‌ McCarthy (R-CA) from his⁤ position. ‍She criticized McCarthy for his weak leadership and his failure to prevent ⁢a government shutdown.

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments came shortly after Rep. ‍Matt Gaetz (R-FL) announced his intention to file‍ a⁤ motion⁢ to vacate against McCarthy.⁤ When asked if any Democrats would support⁢ McCarthy, ‍Ocasio-Cortez stated ​that she didn’t believe ⁣so unless there was a serious discussion between the Republican and ‍Democratic caucuses.

When pressed further about whether ‍she would vote to remove McCarthy, ⁣Ocasio-Cortez emphatically responded, “Absolutely. Absolutely. I think Kevin McCarthy⁢ is a ⁢very weak ‍speaker, he clearly has lost control ​of his​ caucus.”

Ocasio-Cortez also criticized‌ McCarthy for waiting until the ​last minute to ⁤pass a ⁤stop-gap spending measure, warning that the country would face the same​ situation in November when the measure’s extension expires.

“AOC⁢ on CNN says she’d ‘absolutely’ vote to⁤ oust McCarthy⁤ as speaker.”

– Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October⁢ 1, 2023

The⁤ spending ‍measure that was passed includes billion for U.S. disaster relief aid but no additional funding for ​Ukraine. ​However, there are reports suggesting that McCarthy may have made​ a side​ deal with Democratic ⁤House leadership to support Ukraine when the House returns.

Gaetz accused McCarthy⁤ of deceit and breaking promises, stating that he ⁣would file a motion ‍to vacate the chair to remove McCarthy from his position. ⁢Gaetz⁤ believes that⁢ new leadership is needed to restore trust.

McCarthy, however, brushed off⁢ Gaetz’s threat, stating⁤ that ⁤he is ⁣focused ⁣on governing and ⁤that ⁢he would “survive” the vote. McCarthy also ​accused Gaetz of‍ seeking media attention rather than addressing important issues.

Gaetz believes that the only way McCarthy can retain his position is⁣ if Democrats come to⁣ his rescue, which he believes is likely. ‌He emphasized that he would ⁣not make a ‌deal with Democrats to ‌remove McCarthy, ‍urging them to vote against McCarthy without any conditions.

How does ⁤Ocasio-Cortez’s ​vocal⁤ activism and​ progressive policies ‌contribute to her rising star status within the Democratic Party

⁣Cortez, ‌a rising star within the Democratic⁤ Party, has been a vocal critic of McCarthy and⁣ has consistently challenged the Republican Party’s ⁣policies and actions. Her latest⁢ statement ‍comes as a direct response to McCarthy’s mishandling of the⁣ recent government⁤ shutdown.

In⁤ her appearance on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the ​need for strong leadership and criticized McCarthy for⁤ not​ being able to⁣ prevent ​the government shutdown. ⁢She accused⁤ him ‍of neglecting his responsibilities and putting the American people at risk.

The government⁢ shutdown, ‍which lasted for several days, had severe consequences for the American public.⁢ Federal employees were left without pay, crucial government services were suspended, and the ⁢economy suffered. Ocasio-Cortez argued that McCarthy’s⁤ weak leadership contributed to this ‍situation and that⁢ it is time for a change.

As a member of ⁢the House of Representatives, Ocasio-Cortez believes it is her duty to hold leaders accountable and ensure that they ‌are working ‌in the best interest of the American people.‌ She stated, “I am ready to cast my vote​ to ‍remove Speaker McCarthy from‌ his position if necessary. We need strong leadership ⁢that will prioritize​ the needs of the ‌American people‍ and prevent situations like the recent government⁢ shutdown.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s statement has sparked‌ a debate within political circles, with ‍both supporters ⁣and critics weighing in⁢ on the issue. Supporters commend her for taking a stand and⁤ advocating for change within the leadership of the House of Representatives. They believe that McCarthy’s failure to prevent the government shutdown is ​indicative of his ineffective leadership ⁢and that ‍it is time for new⁤ leadership to step ⁤in.

Critics, on⁢ the other hand, argue that Ocasio-Cortez’s statement​ is merely a political stunt aimed at gaining‌ attention and furthering her own agenda. They​ argue ⁤that McCarthy cannot ​be solely blamed for the government shutdown and that​ the responsibility should ‍be ⁢shared among all members of Congress.

Regardless of the opinions surrounding Ocasio-Cortez’s statement, it is⁣ undeniable that she has become a prominent figure ⁤within the Democratic ‌Party. Her progressive policies and vocal activism have attracted ‍a significant following, with many considering​ her as a potential future leader within the party.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether Ocasio-Cortez’s comments will have any tangible⁤ impact. The⁢ Speaker of the House is ‌elected⁣ by the members of the House of Representatives, ‍and⁢ removing McCarthy from his position would require‌ a majority​ vote. Nevertheless, Ocasio-Cortez’s willingness to take a stand‌ and​ challenge the current⁣ leadership​ highlights the need for accountability and strong leadership within Congress.

In the ‍coming weeks, members of the House of Representatives will have⁤ the⁤ opportunity to voice ‌their ⁤opinions and vote for their preferred candidate ⁢for Speaker. It⁤ is a critical moment for the Democratic Party, as they‍ assess the best path forward⁣ and consider the potential impact of Ocasio-Cortez’s ⁤statement.

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