Conservative News Daily

Liberal privilege: Professor rewarded with job despite threatening man and harassing pro-life students.

American Colleges and Universities: Breeding Grounds for Radical Leftists

American ⁣colleges and universities ‍have long been known as the breeding ground for radical leftists. These once-respected institutions ⁤have transformed into Marxist⁣ indoctrination camps,⁢ producing freedom-sucking parasites⁢ that have infiltrated‍ society and are rotting America ​from the inside out.

The influence of these liberal strongholds is far-reaching. The so-called “schools of education” have become hotbeds of progressive ideology, where unsuspecting students are transformed into purveyors of hate​ and confusion.

But they are‌ not just getting ⁤away with it. Take the case of Professor Shellyne Rodriguez, who infamously held a ‍machete to the throat of a veteran New‌ York Post reporter. This⁤ incident, caught on camera, exposed⁣ the dangerous behavior⁣ of a radical leftist professor who could not escape‌ accountability.

Rodriguez, an adjunct art professor⁢ at Hunter College, was fired for her actions. However, it seems that the consequences were ​short-lived. She has now been offered a new teaching ⁣position at Cooper Union School of Art,⁣ a private college in New York City’s East Village.

In the video, Rodriguez can be seen threatening the reporter with the machete, a ⁣weapon that could have easily taken his life. It is unclear what led‍ Rodriguez to become a⁣ hate-filled college professor, but it is evident that she must have gone through graduate school to obtain the credentials for her job.

This incident is not ‍an isolated ​case. Conservatives who find themselves teaching ⁤at colleges and universities live in constant fear ⁢of professional assassination. David Richardson, a gay conservative and veteran educator, was placed on administrative ⁤leave for ‌handing out chocolate bars with gendered pronouns‍ on⁢ the wrappers.

The double standard in ⁤higher education is glaring. ⁢Radical leftists like Rodriguez are protected and even rewarded for their bad behavior, while conservatives ​face retaliation for expressing their ideas. Surveys have shown that the overwhelming majority of college professors identify as liberal, leaving conservatives hopelessly outnumbered.

If we ‍want⁣ to reclaim our country from radical ‌leftists, we must start ​with education. It is on the frontline of the battle for our values and principles.

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The post Liberal Privilege: Professor Lands ⁤Cushy Job After Holding Machete to Man’s Throat, ‍Bullying Pro-Life Students appeared first on The Western Journal.

What impact does⁤ the indoctrination of students with⁣ a far-left ideology have on the erosion of free speech and the rise of cancel culture?

Iberal or left-leaning, creating an ideological echo⁣ chamber where conservative voices are silenced and marginalized.

This​ indoctrination does not stop at the classroom.‌ University campuses across the country​ have become breeding grounds for radical leftists activism, with ​protests, riots, and ⁣the suppression of conservative speakers becoming commonplace. These so-called​ “woke” ‌students have been brainwashed ‌to believe that any ⁢viewpoint ⁤contrary to their own is not just wrong, but dangerous and⁢ deserving of censorship.

The effects of this radicalization‌ are evident in the‌ current⁤ state of American​ society. The rise of identity politics, cancel culture, and the erosion of free speech can all be traced back to the⁢ radicalization of young minds‌ in colleges and universities.⁢ Instead of fostering critical thinking and intellectual diversity, these ‍institutions have become echo chambers that promote a singular, far-left ideology.

It is ⁤not just the students and‍ professors who are to blame. University administrators and trustees ‍have turned a blind eye to the radicalization⁤ happening on their campuses, allowing‌ it to fester and spread. They prioritize political correctness and appeasing the demands of radical student groups over upholding the values of intellectual freedom and open debate.

The consequences of this radicalization are profound. Graduates indoctrinated by these institutions go on to hold influential positions in media, politics, and‌ other sectors of society. Their ideology shapes public policy, media narratives, and the cultural zeitgeist, pushing ‍the country further​ to the left and stifling ⁤conservative voices.

It is crucial that we recognize the dangers posed by these radical ⁣leftist ‌breeding grounds and take action to counter their influence. Conservative students and educators must be supported and protected, ensuring that their rights to free speech and‌ intellectual diversity are ​upheld. Parents and prospective students should be aware of the ideological biases present in universities before making choices about higher education.

Moreover, it is⁤ essential to encourage and support the establishment⁢ of alternative educational institutions that promote true intellectual ‍diversity and free thought. By‌ fostering an environment of open debate and critical thinking, we can‍ break free ‌from the shackles of radical leftist indoctrination and create a society that values diverse perspectives and the free exchange of ideas.

It is time to challenge the status quo and reclaim our colleges and universities from the grips of radical‍ leftists. Our future as a nation depends on it.

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