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Gavin Newsom reveals choice for Feinstein’s Senate seat.

Gavin Newsom Announces His Pick to Fill Dianne Feinstein’s Senate Seat

California Governor Gavin Newsom has made an exciting and historic selection ‍for ⁢the ‌vacant U.S. Senate seat left ​by the late Senator Dianne‍ Feinstein. Newsom has chosen Laphonza Butler, a Democratic strategist and ⁣adviser ‌to Kamala Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign.

In keeping with his promise, Newsom has appointed a black woman to the position. This decision comes after facing pressure from ⁣black politicians and advocacy groups who were ⁤pushing for​ Barbara ‌Lee, ⁢a prominent black congresswoman already running for the seat.

Butler, ⁤a lesbian, will become the only black woman serving in the U.S. Senate, bringing much-needed diversity to the chamber.

Newsom emphasized that Butler will continue Feinstein’s fight‌ for important issues such as abortion ​and gun⁣ control, which are currently under attack in the nation. ‌He believes that Butler will break glass ⁤ceilings and fight for all Californians in‌ Washington D.C.

Butler is currently the leader of ⁤Emily’s List, a political organization that supports Democratic women candidates who advocate for abortion rights. ​She​ also has a⁢ strong background as a former labor leader with the Service Employees International Union,⁣ a powerful force in California politics.

This appointment sets the‌ stage ​for an intriguing political landscape in the 2024‌ race to succeed Feinstein. Newsom’s decision ‍not to ask‌ Butler to commit‌ to staying out of the race could potentially create competition among black voters in California ⁣and impact Lee’s chances.

Butler’s affiliation with Emily’s List, known ⁢for its fundraising prowess, will be crucial in the campaign. Raising significant campaign‍ funds is essential in any statewide California race.

While Newsom’s decision may have political consequences, as he​ is seen as a​ potential future national candidate, he remains⁣ committed to his choice.‌ The Congressional Black Caucus and other black politicians had urged⁤ him to appoint Lee, but​ Newsom⁣ believes that Butler is the best-qualified candidate for the position.

Feinstein, the oldest member of Congress and the longest-serving woman in the‌ Senate, passed away at the age of 90. Butler, who ⁢currently resides in Maryland, is expected⁤ to register to vote in ⁣California before being sworn in.

This appointment by Newsom will give the Democratic caucus more flexibility in close votes, ⁢as they currently⁢ hold a slim majority in the Senate.

Butler’s lack‍ of‍ elected office experience is compensated‍ by her extensive ​track record in ‍California politics. She has previously⁣ served as a senior adviser to Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign and has worked with prominent⁢ state Democrats.

Equality California, ⁣the⁢ largest statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, expressed their support for Butler’s appointment, stating that it will provide the community with another voice in Congress during a time when their rights ‍are under attack.

This is ⁤not Newsom’s first time selecting a U.S. senator, as he previously chose ⁣Alex Padilla to replace Kamala Harris⁣ when she became vice⁣ president. Newsom’s power to make such appointments has solidified his status as a kingmaker among ambitious ​Democrats in‍ the state.

With Democrats holding a significant voter registration‌ advantage over Republicans in California,‌ it is ⁤expected that the seat will remain in Democratic hands in‌ the 2024 election.

The Western Journal​ has reviewed this ⁢Associated Press story and may have altered it prior to⁤ publication to⁢ ensure that it meets our editorial‌ standards.

The post Gavin Newsom Announces His Pick to Fill Dianne Feinstein’s Senate⁢ Seat appeared⁢ first on ‍ The Western Journal.

What leadership skills did Newsom praise ⁢Laphonza​ Butler for during her announcement?

Butler is the ⁢right person for the job. During his announcement, Newsom praised Butler’s leadership skills and her tireless dedication to advancing the rights and opportunities of women and marginalized communities.

Butler’s selection also marks a significant moment in California’s history. As the ⁤only black woman​ currently serving in the U.S. Senate, her ​appointment brings much-needed diversity to a chamber‍ that has long been dominated by white, male voices. Her unique ​perspective and lived experiences will undoubtedly‍ contribute to a more inclusive and representative government.

Additionally, Newsom’s decision to ⁣appoint Butler sets the​ stage for an intriguing political landscape​ in the ⁣upcoming 2024 ⁣race to succeed ⁣Feinstein. By not asking Butler to commit to staying out of the race, Newsom has opened the door for potential competition among black voters in California, which could ⁣have an impact on Lee’s chances.

Butler’s affiliation with Emily’s List, a renowned political organization known for its fundraising prowess, will be crucial in the campaign. Raising significant campaign funds is essential in any statewide⁣ California race, and Butler’s experience in this area will undoubtedly be an⁣ asset.

While ‍there may be political consequences to Newsom’s decision, as he is often seen ‍as a potential future national candidate, he remains steadfast in his commitment to his choice. Despite ⁣pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and other black politicians to appoint Lee, Newsom believes that​ Butler is the right⁣ person to‍ continue Feinstein’s fight for important issues such as abortion rights and gun control.

In conclusion, Governor Gavin Newsom’s selection⁣ of Laphonza Butler to fill Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat is a significant ⁤and historic‌ moment for California. Butler’s background⁢ as a Democratic‍ strategist, her proven‍ leadership skills, and her dedication to advancing the rights of women and marginalized communities make her a worthy candidate for this prestigious position. As the only black woman⁣ in ⁢the U.S. Senate, Butler’s appointment brings⁤ much-needed diversity to the chamber and sets the stage for an intriguing political landscape in the upcoming 2024 race. While there may be‍ political ⁢consequences to Newsom’s decision, he remains committed to his ​choice and believes that Butler will break glass ceilings and fight for all Californians in Washington⁤ D.C.

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