Washington Examiner

Garland asserts equal law rule for Republicans and Democrats.

Attorney General Merrick Garland: One ‍Rule for All

Attorney ‌General Merrick Garland made⁤ a powerful statement on‍ Sunday, asserting that in ‍the United States, there is ⁤”only one rule” of law. Despite critics‍ attempting to label him as the ‍head of a “Biden DOJ,” Garland⁣ emphasized that there is no distinction between Republicans and Democrats, friends and foes, ​or the powerful‌ and‌ the powerless. This ​commitment⁣ to ⁣equality is the ​foundation‌ of the Department of Justice.

Trust in the⁤ Norms

Garland highlighted the importance⁣ of trust in the Department of Justice’s⁤ investigations. Trust in the norms and principles ​that⁣ guide their work is crucial. The department ‍follows‌ the facts and ⁤the law, ‌ensuring⁢ that decisions align ​with the Constitution and ‌protect civil liberties.

Investigations Involving Trump ‌and Hunter Biden

Two significant figures currently under investigation by Garland’s Department ⁢of ⁢Justice are former ⁤President Donald Trump and ‍Hunter⁣ Biden, the son of President Joe ⁤Biden. Trump faces two federal‍ trials, one for ⁢withholding classified⁣ documents and another‍ for allegedly attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Addressing ⁤concerns about the timing of these cases, Garland explained that the Justice Department adheres to⁤ general practices of⁢ avoiding​ significant ​steps or charges close to an election. However, in these⁣ instances, ​the cases‍ are well outside⁣ that timeframe, allowing prosecutors to follow the facts ⁣and the law without any partisan considerations.

Nonpartisan Prosecutors

Garland emphasized ‍that Justice ‌Department⁤ prosecutors are nonpartisan and do not allow political⁤ biases to⁢ influence their decisions. This applies to both Trump’s case, led by a special counsel, and the investigation into Hunter Biden. Garland⁢ assured that the investigation ⁤into Hunter⁤ Biden began under a career prosecutor​ appointed by Trump, and he⁢ has no intention‍ of interfering with it.

Garland firmly denied⁣ allegations that the⁤ White House is influencing‌ the case against Hunter Biden. He stated that the responsibility lies with the appointed prosecutor, David Weiss, and the president has no influence over‌ the matter.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring ‍equal treatment for all is ​a testament⁣ to the integrity of ‍the Department of Justice.

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What steps does⁤ Garland propose to combat ‌political interference in the ​Department of⁣ Justice?

In the norms and institutions that uphold the rule of law in his statement. He pointed⁢ out ​that the Department of Justice‌ is not a political tool for either party but a symbol of ​fairness ​and impartiality. Garland acknowledged that rebuilding ‍trust in these institutions is crucial for the American people to have faith⁣ in ⁤the justice system. He emphasized the need for‌ all Americans⁤ to have confidence that their government will ⁤enforce the law ‍equally and fairly regardless of​ political affiliations.

Equal Justice Under ‍the Law

One of the key principles reiterated by Garland is the concept of ⁢equal justice​ under the law. ‌He emphasized​ that every individual in the United States,‌ regardless of their⁢ status or background, is‍ entitled to fair ⁤treatment ⁣in the eyes of the law. Garland reminded us that no one, regardless of ⁢their wealth, power, or influence, is ‍above the law.⁣ He⁣ reiterated ⁢that the Department of Justice will safeguard the ⁣rights of all Americans and hold ‍accountable those who violate the law.

Combatting Political Interference

Garland also addressed concerns regarding‌ political interference in the Department⁢ of Justice. He made it ⁢clear that decisions regarding criminal investigations and prosecutions should be based solely‍ on facts, evidence, and the ⁢law, void of any political influence or agenda. Garland vowed to protect the integrity and independence of the Department ‌of Justice, ensuring that it remains free from partisan bias.

Building Bridges and Restoring Faith

Throughout his⁣ statement, Garland emphasized ‍the need to bring people together and ⁤bridge the divides that exist​ in society. He acknowledged the⁣ trust deficit ⁢that currently exists and recognized the importance of rebuilding faith in the justice system. Garland’s inclusive approach aims to unite Americans under a shared commitment ⁣to the⁢ rule‍ of law, fostering⁤ a sense‌ of fairness and justice that transcends political ideologies.


Attorney General⁣ Merrick Garland’s⁢ statement serves as‍ a powerful ‍reminder of the values and principles that underpin the Department of Justice. His commitment to equality, impartiality, and the ‌rule of law is a reassuring message amid a politically polarized climate. As the head of the Department of‌ Justice, Garland’s leadership will play a ‌critical role in restoring faith in ⁤the justice system and ensuring that justice is served equally for all Americans.

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