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Red state enforces COVID vaccine mandates.

The Battle for Health Freedom ‍in⁤ Texas: Vaccine Mandates ​at Baylor College of Medicine Raise Concerns

The implementation of​ vaccine mandates at one of the⁢ largest institutions in the red state of Texas has raised concerns over the diminishing state of health freedom while a law that would provide Texans with vaccine choice remains ⁢stalled by lawmakers.

The Baylor ‌College of Medicine (BCM), a renowned medical​ school⁣ and research center in Houston, Texas, made headlines ⁣last⁤ week when ​it announced its decision to mandate the latest COVID booster shot⁢ for its students, faculty, ⁢and employees.

“An updated Covid vaccine has been approved by the ⁢FDA ⁣and is now available,” the Sept. 28 statement from the school​ reads.​ “A single dose is recommended for individuals ‍6 months and older. Because protection from prior vaccination fades​ over time and this updated vaccine better matches the currently circulating strains⁢ the updated dose is recommended. Baylor faculty, staff, and students must get the ‍COVID ⁢vaccine,‍ or request a ‍medical, religious, or personal exemption by Nov. 30.”

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While some entities‍ have⁢ reinstated mask mandates due​ to rising case​ numbers, BCM has⁤ not implemented a mask mandate. ⁢However, the⁤ school advises individuals at high risk to consider wearing⁤ masks in enclosed indoor areas.

In 2022, BCM had a⁣ total ⁣of 11,288 employees, making it ⁤one of the largest institutions within the Texas‍ Medical Center, the⁢ world’s⁤ largest medical center.

Despite Texas‌ Governor Greg Abbott’s public declaration that his state “should be leading the fight against‌ the COVID ⁢tyranny,” large publicly funded institutions like BCM are still ⁢allowed‌ to impose vaccine mandates.

In⁤ September, Governor Abbott signed⁢ into ‌law Senate‌ Bill 29, which ‍prohibits local governments from requiring COVID-related ‌masks, vaccines, or business⁣ shutdowns. However, a separate‌ bill known⁤ as “The Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom Act,” aimed at blocking any Texas entity from mandating‍ COVID vaccines⁣ for employees, remains stalled.

Texas State Rep. Brian Harrison, a‌ strong advocate‌ for a ‍statewide ban on vaccine mandates, is urging Governor Abbott to ⁣convene a special session of the legislature to protect⁣ patient rights.

“This is​ Texas. We should not ‍tolerate this here,” said⁢ Rep. Harrison. “The governor should demand we pass the Covid Vaccine Freedom Act in a special session. This makes no sense that people aren’t protected.⁤ The Senate has passed it, ⁢the governor has called for it, and members of⁢ the House overwhelmingly support it. Now we need to⁢ do‍ it.”

However, Rep. Dustin Burrows, a‌ Republican​ member of the Texas House of‍ Representatives who⁢ heads the Calendar Committee, has‌ blocked the bill⁤ from reaching the floor, frustrating supporters like Rep. Harrison.

“The chairman waited until the very⁣ last day when a ​bill could be⁤ heard⁣ then⁢ he⁤ put it on page nine or 10⁣ knowing that⁣ mathematically there would be no chance ⁣for the bill to be heard in time,” said Mr. ‌Harrison.

“If ‍not for his act, 30 million Texans would have freedom from COVID vaccine‍ mandates⁣ and because of his‍ actions Texans still⁣ have‌ to choose between their health‌ and their​ livelihood,” he added.

Dr. Mary Talley ‍Bowden, a practitioner in​ Texas ‌and⁢ founder of Coalition of Health Freedom, warns that the return of mandates, even in a red state like Texas, is surprising many‍ people.

“Too many people have ‌fallen into this mindset⁣ that ⁢COVID is behind‍ us and that we don’t have to worry⁤ about mandates anymore,” said Dr.​ Bowden.⁣ “Well, COVID mandates are alive and well in ‍Texas and⁤ this could just be the beginning.”

“Texas ​is not as red as many people would think,” she added.

Dr. Bowden highlights the presence​ of‌ Dr. Peter ⁤Jay Hotez, a controversial⁣ vaccine advocate, at BCM.‍ Dr. Hotez, the ⁤founding dean of‌ the National School of Tropical Medicine, has made inflammatory statements comparing vaccine skeptics to anti-intellectualism ‌during⁣ the Nazi and Stalin eras.

Lawmakers in Texas who seek⁢ to reform the current‍ system⁣ face ⁣significant opposition from ⁢the powerful and well-funded medical industry. However,​ Dr. Bowden emphasizes that the stakes⁢ are too high to back down.

“Unfortunately, a lot of Texan politicians who people believe ⁤are on their side have been captured by the ⁤medical establishment,” ‍said Dr. Bowden. “We need to‌ keep the⁢ pressure ​on because if they can mandate their shot at Baylor College⁤ of⁢ Medicine, and get away with it,‌ it will embolden ⁤others. The question Texans should be asking themselves now is, what are ​they going to⁢ mandate ⁤next?”

Rep. Harrison, representing Odessa, Texas, which became ‌the first Texas city to ban all COVID vaccine mandates, condemns the move⁣ to block patient protections as “disgusting.”

“Texas should be leading the⁢ fight​ against COVID tyranny. Instead,‌ what we are ‌experiencing​ is ⁢shameful and a disgrace.”

What are some ⁣arguments made by opponents of vaccine mandates regarding individual rights and medical freedom?


The battle for health freedom in Texas is not limited to vaccine mandates​ at BCM. Many Texans are ⁢concerned about the erosion of medical ‌privacy rights and personal autonomy in the face of increasing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports implemented ⁤by businesses‍ and government entities.

Opponents of vaccine mandates​ argue that ‌they infringe upon individual rights ⁤and medical freedom. They claim that⁣ individuals should have the right to make their ‌own medical decisions without coercion or forced vaccinations. They also question the necessity and efficacy of COVID booster shots and argue that individuals⁢ who‌ have natural immunity or⁤ have already‌ been fully vaccinated should not ​be subjected to additional vaccine⁣ mandates.

Proponents of vaccine mandates argue that they are necessary to protect ‌public health ⁣and prevent the spread of COVID-19. They assert that vaccines‍ have been rigorously tested and proven to be safe and effective. They also​ argue​ that vaccine mandates are ⁣justified to ensure the safety of vulnerable populations and to reach herd immunity.

As the battle‍ for health freedom continues in Texas, the implementation of vaccine mandates at BCM highlights the ongoing struggle⁣ between personal‌ choice and public‍ health. Texans ⁢are divided on the issue, with both sides ​passionately advocating for their beliefs.⁢ Whether the Texas COVID-19 Vaccine ​Freedom Act will⁣ gain traction and ultimately become law remains ⁤to be seen.

Read More From Original Article Here: COVID Vaccine Mandates Begin in Red State

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